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What about your boyfriend tradutor Francês

75 parallel translation
What about your boyfriend?
Et votre petit ami?
I said, "What about your boyfriend?"
"Et votre petit ami?"
- What about your boyfriend, Harold?
- Et ton amoureux, Harold?
What about your boyfriend?
Et ton copain?
- What about your boyfriend?
- Et ton petit ami?
What about your boyfriend?
Et ton petit ami?
- What about your boyfriend?
- Et ton copain?
What about your boyfriend, love?
- Et ton petit ami, amour?
- What about your boyfriend?
- Et votre petit ami?
What about your boyfriend? Your business partner.
Qu'en est-il de ton ami, ton partenaire?
Okay, what about your boyfriend, Doug?
Et votre petit ami, Doug?
What about your boyfriend?
Et ton petit-ami?
Ok... and what about your boyfriend?
Ok... Et ton petit ami?
What about your boyfriend?
Et ton petit copain?
Or what about your boyfriend Willis?
Ou à propos de votre petit copain Willis?
- What about your boyfriend?
- Oui, ton copain?
What's the matter, baby? You worried about your boyfriend, the piano player?
Tu as peur de ton petit ami, le pianiste?
Hi! What's this I hear about you and your boyfriend having fallen out?
Qu'est-ce que j'entends, ton copain t'as laissé tomber?
What about the guy that helped your boyfriend pull off the Whiting heist?
Et son complice dans le fric-frac Whiting?
I start talkin'about where you been and what you been doin', the police, they gonna come down on your boyfriend, and... he's gonna have to forget all about you.
Si je commence à parler de tes petites occupations, les flics vont tomber sur ton mec et il sera obligé de t'oublier pour toujours.
I don't know what you're talking about. Your boyfriend is going to wish he'd never laid eyes on you. And you're sure that Marie can't help?
Je ne vois pas de quoi tu parles... Ton petit ami va regretter d'avoir posé les yeux sur toi.
What did I tell you? You don't talk about your boyfriend with a lot of enthusiasm.
- Tu ne parles pas de ton copain avec enthousiasme.
What about your fabulous boyfriend? The fabulous, boring Roy. - Is he coming too?
Et ton fameux copain, le fameux Roy-La-Barbe, il vient?
What about Christopher as your boyfriend? Who told you that?
Prends Christopher comme petit ami.
I overheard what your mother said about your boyfriend.
J'ai entendu ce que ta mère a dit sur ce fiancé.
Hey, what are you complaining about, Lady Di? It frees you up to spend more time with your boyfriend.
Ne te plains pas, Lady Di, tu verras davantage ton copain.
And what is so awful about spending a week here and there with your boyfriend in Paris?
Il n'y a rien de terrible à passer une semaine à Paris avec son copain? Non, rien!
right, what about your ex-boyfriend?
Alors, tu peux me parler de ton ex?
And what's your boyfriend say about that?
Et qu'en dit-il, votre petit ami?
And what about your little boyfriend? Huh?
Et votre petit-ami, hein?
I'm doing an article for the "torch" about what happened to your boyfriend.
J'écris un article sur ce qui est arrivé à ton copain.
What about the statement you made to your boyfriend... about your husband having a heart attack?
Et la déclaration faite à votre petit ami... au sujet de votre mari ayant une crise cardiaque?
We're a non-profit cooperative that shares information and resources about environmental issues. So what were you and your boyfriend doing here today?
- Il est membre du collectif, nous sommes un groupe non lucratif pour la protection de l'environnement.
Hey, i'm so sorry about what happened to your boyfriend.
Hé, je suis désolé pour ce qui est arrivé à ton petit ami.
What do you think about your mom's boyfriend?
Que penses-tu du petit ami de ta mère?
Think about how that thing that used to be your boyfriend might have put itself back together and come up to the cabin, and then what?
Pense que cette chose qui était ton copain aurait pu se reconstituer, revenir au chalet, et il aurait fait quoi?
Why is it so important what I think about your boyfriend?
Quelle importance ce que je pense de ton petit ami?
What, talk to me or talk about your new real estate boyfriend?
Parler de ton nouveau boulot ou de ton nouveau copain?
It's all about what you're wearing and who's hooking up with who and showing off your boyfriend.
Tout ce qui compte c'est ce que tu portes et qui est avec qui et montrer ton petit ami.
What advice did you need about your retard boyfriend?
De quel avis avais-tu besoin à propos de ton petit-ami débile?
This is a DVD recording of everything you said in that hospital room : About the pot, about what you did in your parents'bedroom with your boyfriend.
Voici l'enregistrement de tout ce que tu as pu dire sur le cannabis et ce que tu as fait dans la chambre de tes parents.
If I thought you were up there just for your old boyfriend, I'd come up and do something stupid like punch him in the nose. But I don't know what to do, since it's about your mother and you and me and our family and life in general.
Si tu étais là-bas pour ton ex, je viendrais faire un truc stupide, comme le frapper, mais je ne sais pas quoi faire, comme ça concerne ta mère, toi et moi, notre famille et la vie en général.
Your dead wife's boyfriend, stealing evidence. What is it about you, John?
Le petit ami de ta femme morte vole des preuves.
I'm sorry about what happened to your boyfriend.
Navré pour ton petit-ami.
So, uh, what'd you want to talk to your boyfriend about?
Et que vouliez-vous dire à votre petit ami?
Your boyfriend is a dick. Yeah, um... What about you?
Ton copain est un enfoiré.
What would your boyfriend say about that?
Que dirait votre petit ami?
What does your boyfriend think about you working at the Landing Strip?
Qu'est-ce que ton copain pense du fait que tu travailles au Landing Strip?
- What about your... boyfriend?
Et ton petit copain?
Let's talk a little bit about, um, your boyfriend, what's his name again?
Comment s'appelle-t-il déjà?
- What does your boyfriend feel about this?
- Ton mec va en penser quoi?

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