You might as well tradutor Francês
2,991 parallel translation
I figured if you insist on writing checks, you might as well be safe about it.
Si vous continuez les chèques, ce serait mieux.
So you might as well try to save yourself.
Alors, pense à sauver ta peau.
You might as well buy a new one.
Mieux vaut en acheter une nouvelle.
For the sake of friendship, you might as well tell me to go die.
Par amitié, vous pourriez aussi bien me dire de mourir.
You might as well have pulled the trigger yourself.
C'est comme si tu l'avais tué.
You might as well have a bar code stamped on your forehead.
C'est comme si vous aviez un code-barre sur le front.
You might as well treat me like one, it's gonna be the same advice.
Considère-moi comme telle, car le conseil sera le même.
Now that you're here, you might as well stay.
Maintenant que tu es ici, autant que tu restes.
You might as well have posted about our fight on Friendster.
Tu n'avais qu'à le poster sur Friendster.
He is whatever * to be on the same team, so you might as well talk to me.
Il est banal. On est dans la même équipe, tu vas devoir me parler.
You might as well tell us.
Dis-nous la vérité.
- You might as well shut now. Then.
- Autant fermer maintenant.
But it's a false pride because the truth is after about 20 hours without sleep you might as well just come to work drunk, doctor or not.
Mais c'est une fausse fierté, car en vérité, après environ 20 heures sans sommeil, autant venir au travail saoul, médecin ou pas.
- You might as well say it.
- Tu peux aussi leurs dire la vérité.
When a chick says that, you might as well punch yourself in the balls.
Si une meuf te dit ça, prépare-toi à te latter les couilles tout seul.
You know what, you might as well not even go home.
Vous savez quoi? Vous ne devriez même pas rentrer chez vous.
You might as well be a barn door.
Tu pourrais aussi bien être une porte de grange...
You might as well be wearing a t-shirt that says "me and my family went to south America and all we got were these lousy superpowers."
Ton t-shirt dit "moi et ma famille sommes allés dans le sud de l'Amérique et nous avons rapporté ces super pouvoirs."
You might as well just yank a pigeon out of a car grill.
Autant prendre un pigeon.
- You might as well do nothing.
- Autant ne rien faire.
With that time you might as well sleep!
tu n'as qu'à dormir.
So you might as well know.
Autant que quelqu'un le sache.
If you want to manipulate him, you might as well give up now.
Si vous voulez le manipuler, abandonnez.
Wouldn't you - You might as well tear it up and scatter it to the four winds.
Autant la déchirer et la disperser aux quatre vents!
You know, I really don't know, but this is Howard's show, so you might as well just answer him.
Et bien, j'en sais rien du tout, mais c'est le show d'Howard, alors autant lui répondre.
You might as well grab the gun, put it to my head and pull the trigger.
Autant prendre un flingue, le mettre sur ma tempe et tirer.
You might as well drop a trail of bread crumbs leading law enforcement to our door!
Autant semer des cailloux jusqu'à notre porte!
You might as well use it.
Filius, optez pour ce nom.
A male secretary, huh? Shit, you might as well just have your balls cut off.
Au fait, ce "con" aime son café noir, sans sucre.
You might as well give the city to this mick prick.
Autant l'offrir à cet enfoiré d'Irlandais.
But you might as well drink surgical spirit or sniff glue.
Mais tu pourrais tout aussi bien boire de l'alcool à 90 ° ou sniffer de la colle.
But then you might as well be on Mars.
Autant vivre sur Mars.
Look, I know you miss your mother and everything, but if there's a hole, sweetheart, somebody is going to darn it, and it might as well be me.
Je sais que ta mère te manque, mais... s'il y a un trou, quelqu'un doit le repriser, et autant que ce soit moi.
So what you told me yesterday Might as well have been his official biography,'cause that's all I know.
Alors, ce que vous m'avez dit sur lui hier, faisait office de biographie officielle, car c'est tout ce que je savais de lui.
Well, you might not have ever been in love with them, all those other guys that you've dated, but... I can't imagine they weren't in love with you.
Tu n'as peut-être jamais été amoureuse d'eux, touc ces autres gars avec qui tu es sortie, mais je ne peux pas imaginer qu'ils ne t'aient pas aimée.
Somebody's got to keep an eye on you. Might as well be someone who loves you.
Autant que tu sois surveillée par un mec qui t'aime.
But since you're stuck with me, we might as well make the best of it.
Mais tu es coincé avec moi. Autant en profiter.
Might as well call it the All-You-Can-Smoke Festival.
- Autant dire le festival "Fumez tout"
You're gonna be with us for the week, might as well work on a first-name basis.
Vous passez la semaine ici, on peut s'appeler par nos prénoms.
Well, I might not be as fast as you are, but there are some things I'll still make time for.
Je suis peut-être pas aussi rapide que toi mais j'ai encore le temps pour certaines choses.
You might as well.
Since you insist on handling the press, we might as well talk one on one.
Eh bien, je pensais que puisque tu insistes tellement pour coordonner la communication autour de ça, on pourrait en parler directement. Ça pose un problème?
Anyway, I was thinking about What you Were saying and I agree. We might as Well meet, What the hell? Heh.
J'ai repensé à ce que vous proposiez et pourquoi pas, on pourrait se rencontrer.
Might as well tell you now.
Autant tout te dire.
You keep growing up, and if I'm not part of your life, if I'm just the guy who pays the bills, who jokes with you online, then I might as well just f-f-fade away.
Tu continue de grandir, et si je ne fais pas partie de ta vie, si je suis juste le gars qui paye les factures, qui plaisante avec toi en ligne, alors je pourrais tout aussi bien de d-d-disparaitre.
Might as well come all the way in. You done come this far.
Autant aller jusqu'au bout, puisque t'es là.
You're taller, so I might as well use you.
Vous êtes plus grand, donc autant en profiter.
You know, he might as well have talked to me in Arabic, you know what I mean?
Un jour, alors qu'il revenait d'lnde, il m'a dit : "J'ai une chanson à 7 mesures et demie."
I might as well tell you.
Autant te le dire.
I do this with you, I might as well burn my own house down.
Si je fais ça, autant brûler ma maison moi-même.
If they see you put the tasting spoon back in the pot, might as well throw it all out.
Si tu remets la cuiller dans la casserole, autant tout jeter.
you might as well know 16
you might like it 24
you might think 18
you might be right 102
you might be surprised 25
you might say 135
you might have 18
you might say that 33
you might want to 27
you might 132
you might like it 24
you might think 18
you might be right 102
you might be surprised 25
you might say 135
you might have 18
you might say that 33
you might want to 27
you might 132
you might learn something 35
you might ask 17
you might just make it 23
you might have to 16
you might not 20
you might need this 21
you might be 35
you might need it 24
you might want to see this 26
you might just make it after all 22
you might ask 17
you might just make it 23
you might have to 16
you might not 20
you might need this 21
you might be 35
you might need it 24
you might want to see this 26
you might just make it after all 22
might as well 85
might as well be 17
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
might as well be 17
as well 1566
as well as can be expected 32
as well as 27
as well you know 20
you mean 3569
you mean everything to me 17
you motherfucker 331
you make me happy 42
you mean it 157
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you made it 730
you must be tired 132
you meant it 23
you mean that 100
you mean like this 37
you meant 25
you mean right now 22
you mean me 104
you mean you don't know 16
you made it 730
you must be tired 132
you meant it 23
you mean that 100
you mean like this 37