Against who tradutor Português
2,261 parallel translation
For a long time, I didn't have any contact with the Texas Board of Medical Examiners, until around 1984, some of my patients told me that they were approached by the agents sent to them by the Texas Board of Medical Examiners who were trying to convince them to file complaints against me.
Durante muito tempo eu não tive qualquer contato com o Conselho de Examinadores Médicos do Texas, até que em 1984 alguns pacientes disseram-me que tinham sido abordados por agentes, enviados pelo Conselho de Examinadores Médicos do Texas, que estavam a tentar persuadi-los a apresentar queixa contra mim.
What is surprising is that they were using the state money, they were using taxpayers money to travel a long distance, like from Houston to California to convince our patients who were in California to file complaints against me.
O surpreendente era o facto de estarem a usar o dinheiro do Estado, dos contribuintes, para percorrer longas distâncias, como de Houston à Califórnia, para convencer os meus pacientes na Califórnia a apresentar queixa contra mim.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
O pão nosso de cada dia nos dai hoje Perdoai-nos as nossas ofensas E perdoai a quem nos tem ofendido
Do you know anybody who was angry with Noah or maybe held a grudge against him?
Sabe de alguém que estivesse zangado ou tivesse queixas do Noah?
You know, Doc... I'm against the death penalty except when it comes to people who kill children.
Sabes, Doc, sou contra a pena de morte, excepto no que toca a pessoas que matam crianças.
Did you leak identities of protected witnesses to people who had grudges against them?
Deixou passar identidade de testemunhas protegidas para pessoas que tinham rancor contra elas?
You know who we're up against?
Sabe quem estamos a enfrentar?
Geithner's chief of staff is Mark Paterson... a former lobbyist for Goldman... and one of the senior advisors is Lewis Sachs... who oversaw Tricadia... a company heavily involved in betting against... the mortgage securities it was selling.
O chefe de equipa de Geithner é Mark Paterson, um ex-lobista do Goldman, e um dos principais conselheiros é Lewis Sachs, que supervisionou a Tricadia, uma firma fortemente envolvida em apostar contra os títulos hipotecários que estava a vender.
Do I need to remind you many of you here and about rose up in an unnatural and unlawful rebellion against your King, who you, by the laws of God, are bound to obey.
Não preciso de vos recordar quantos de vós se ergueram numa rebelião ilegal e contranatura contra o vosso rei, a quem vós, pelas leis de Deus, estais obrigados a obedecer.
Who's gonna care about an old loan scandal of yours... when you're fighting against the system?
Quem se interessará num velho escândalo como o seu quando está a combater o sistema?
Against the corporate fat cats... who think overpaid athletes are important than our children.
Contra milionários, que pensam que alguns jogadores são mais importantes que as crianças da cidade?
Oh, I hope it's that guy who's running against Jennings.
Espero que seja o adversário do Jennings nas eleições.
I believe there must be a traitor who has been plotting against Your Highness.
Penso que haja um traidor que tem vindo a conspirar contra Vossa Majestade.
What, and cut a deal against the people who hired you?
Depois de fazer um acordo contra as pessoas que o contrataram?
- Ginn told Homeworld Command that he knows the details of the Alliance attack being planned against Earth. The location of the base, who's involved.
- A Ginn contou ao Comando Terrestre que ele conhece os detalhes do ataque que a Aliança planeia contra a Terra, a localização da base, quem está envolvido...
Clint's nameless character sides with humble tin pan miners defending their claim against industrial mining interests who have all the big guns on their side.
A personagem sem nome de Clint alia-se aos humildes mineiros para defender as suas reivindicações contra os interesses industriais que têm os trunfos todos do seu lado.
And we are gonna find out Who has been leaking this information... Against all enemies...
E iremos descobrir quem divulgou estas informações contra todos os inimigos e serão punidos...
Someone who was brought here against her will, on a boat with many other girls just like her?
Alguém que foi trazida para cá, contra a sua vontade, num barco, com muitas outras raparigas, tal como ela.
- I'm not the one who bet against the gut.
Não fui eu que apostei contra o instinto.
This very courtroom in fact, where I gave testimony against a former soldier who...
Neste mesmo tribunal, na verdade. Onde testemunhei contra um ex-soldado...
If we can get voice samples from each man who lives there, then Abby can match them against our mystery caller.
Se conseguirmos amostras da voz de cada homem que mora lá, Abby pode comparar com a da chamada.
They think anyone who's against them is a terrorist.
Eles pensam que quem é contra eles é terrorista.
Now can you think of anybody who may have had a personal grudge against your husband?
Consegue pensar em alguém que possa ter algum ressentimento contra o seu marido?
What, we don't know who we're up against.
O quê? Não sabemos o que vamos enfrentar.
He pits us against each other just to see who emerges alive.
Põe-nos um contra o outro para ver quem sai vivo.
Isolated from the rest of the Republic, the people of Pantora are beginning to rally against the Senate, who have seemed unsympathetic to their plight.
Isolado do resto da República, o povo de Pantora está a começar a juntar-se contra o Senado, que parecem não estar do lado do seu pedido.
Fear, in these times, it is the Greatest weapon wielded against those who would stand up for truth and justice.
Medo, nestas alturas, é a maior arma empunhada contra aqueles que iriam enfrentar a verdade e a justiça.
It's been his leverage against the people who put him in power.
Tem sido a vantagem dele contra quem o colocou no poder.
Legal proceedings are reserved for citizens of Praxis alone, not outlanders, and certainly not those who engage in treason against our people.
Os procedimentos legais são reservados aos cidadãos de Praxis, não a forasteiros. E certamente não aqueles que traem a nossa gente.
We the Puerto Ricans should rise up and defend ourselves against these dogs who will oppress us and liberate our country from capitalism and imperialism.
Nós, os porto-riquenhos, devemos levantar-nos e defender-nos contra aqueles cães que querem oprimir-nos e libertar o nosso país do capitalismo e imperialismo.
He's all alone out there against the people who stole his technology.
Ele está lá fora sozinho... contra as pessoas que lhe roubaram a tecnologia.
The odds were against me, and yet I was the lady who won.
As probabilidades estavam contra mim, e, mesmo assim, fui eu quem ganhou.
Those who stand against aggregor.
Aqueles que querem impedir o Aggregor.
Our reporter contacted Dr. Vasana Tienpradab, leader of the protest against the nuclear power plant, who was holding a press conference with the opposition leader when the bomb went off.
O nosso reporter contactou a Dra. Vasana Tienpradab, lider do protesto contra a central nuclear, que dava uma conferência com o lider da oposição quando a bomba explodiu.
And without the Avengers, who is left to stand against me?
E sem os Vingadores... quem sobrou para se opor a mim?
For centuries we have defended it against any who would exploit it.
Durante séculos temo-lo protegido... contra todos os que querem explorá-lo.
Who is this lady? And what does she have against God?
E o que tem contra Deus?
Obama, who I have defended since the very first day, The very first hour against my wife here who was all for...
O Obama, que eu defendi desde o primeiro dia, desde a primeira hora, contra a minha senhora, que era toda...
The Blue Army were the patriots who fought against Hitler and communism.
O Blue Army? Eram patriotas que lutaram contra o Hitler e o comunismo.
There is the God who forgives us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Há o Deus que perdoa as nossas ofensas tal como nós perdoamos as dos outros.
Someone who bore a grudge against one of these men.
Alguém que guardava rancor contra um desses homens.
What do you call a guy who grows up with a group of people, gets to know their secrets because they trust him, and then turns around and use those secrets against them, put those people in prison?
Como é que se chama a um tipo que cresce com um grupo de pessoas, deixa que se saibam os seus segredos porque confiam nele, e depois ele muda-se de lado e usa aqueles segredos contra eles, e mete essas pessoas na prisão?
He comes in here against a good boxer, a young man who can punch, and I would like to say at this time that physically they're just about equal.
Vem aqui contra um bom lutador, um jovem que sabe bater, e gostaria de dizer que, desta vez, fisicamente, são quase idênticos.
And he's beginning to open up, taking advantage of opportunities to get close to Ward and throw against a fighter who is not defending himself by punching.
Ele está a começar a abrir, tirando partido das oportunidades e chegar perto de Ward e bater contra um pugilista que nem sequer se defende.
And second, I have nothing against gay people per say. Just the angry one, who use their supposed spirituality as a club to beat it on people they deem their spiritual inferiors.
E segundo, eu não tenho nada contra pessoas gays, só raiva daqueles que usam a sua suposta espiritualidade... como um clube para malharem pessoas que consideram... espíritos inferiores.
Punitive measures will be taken against any individual, group or property owner who organizes a public gathering where minors engage in inappropriate activities.
Medidas punitivas serão tomadas contra qualquer pessoa que organizar eventos para menores com actividades impróprias.
In other news, prosecutors have dropped all charges against school teacher Will Gerard who was accused of murdering the New Orleans Post reporter Alan Marsh.
Em outras notícias, os promotores deixaram cair todas as acusações contra o professor Will Gerard que foi acusado de assassinado em New Orleans do repórter Mensagem Alan Marsh.
So, who are we up against?
Meu capitão, quem são eles?
If there is one human who could lead them against Hyperion... it would be Theseus.
Se existe um humano capaz de comandá-los contra Hipérion, esse humano é Teseu.
He was immediately lynched and hung beside others who had committed crimes against their white owners and slave traders.
Ele foi linchado de imediato e pendurado junto de outros que tinham cometido crimes contra os seus amos brancos e traficantes de escravos.
What's the matter, that in these several places of the city you cry against the noble senate, who, under the gods, keep you in awe, which else would feed on one another?
Qual é o problema para que, que em vários locais da cidade, clameis contra o nobre senado, que sob os deuses, vos mantém no temor? Caso contrário, alimentar-se-iam uns dos outros.
against whom 18
whoa 32294
whoo 4964
who are you 9775
whole 40
whore 456
whoops 624
whoop 249
whose 247
whom 139
whoa 32294
whoo 4964
who are you 9775
whole 40
whore 456
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whoop 249
whose 247
whom 139
whooo 36
whoopee 40
whoever 86
whooping 131
whores 88
whoah 32
whoosh 159
whoopsie 52
whooshing 62
who is john galt 19
whoopee 40
whoever 86
whooping 131
whores 88
whoah 32
whoosh 159
whoopsie 52
whooshing 62
who is john galt 19
wholesome 21
who are you waiting for 22
who is she 1115
who's that 2692
who is it 3556
who's your daddy 65
who's 564
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who are they 845
who's next 520
who are you waiting for 22
who is she 1115
who's that 2692
who is it 3556
who's your daddy 65
who's 564
wholesale 17
who are they 845
who's next 520