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And he didn't tradutor Português

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I didn't care for the way that he handled it. So, lam going to have to err on the side of caution and say, "Pass-adena,"
Não gostei da atitude dele, terei de ser cauteloso e dizer : esqueçam-no.
He's probably pulling his hair out somewhere, wondering where he screwed up. But he didn't screw up, and he'll never know that for the rest of his life.
Deve estar a arrancar os cabelos, a pensar onde fez asneira, mas não fez, e nunca o saberá.
We went out to dinner one time and I guess he's just kind of bitter that it didn't work out.
Saímos para jantar, uma vez, e acho que ele está ressentido por não ter resultado.
Didn't take too long till he took a pistol, put it in his mouth, and joined them in the great beyond.
Não demorou muito a ele pegar na pistola, enfiá-la na boca e juntar-se a eles no Além.
And he didn't give me an explanation
E não me deu nenhumas explicações.
But he didn't say where. And I'm really worried about him.
Mas não disse onde e estou muito preocupada com ele.
I would like to know how he walked seven Miles in his shirtsleeves and didn't freeze to death.
Gostaria de saber como é que ele andou 11 km apenas em mangas de camisa e não morreu de frio.
He didn't run anywhere. And if they know where to find me, then they'll know where to find him, T.
Se conseguiram encontrar-me, conseguem encontrá-lo também.
He was on top of me. I pushed him off, I pushed him off,'cause I didn't want to and he...
Ele estava em cima de mim, empurrei-o, porque não queria e ele...
Threatened Gideon with hellfire and damnation if he didn't abandon it and move far away.
Ameaçava o Gideon com o fogo do inferno e maldição, se ele não a abandonasse e fosse para longe.
I asked him, and he didn't correct me.
Eu perguntei a ele, e ele nao me corrigir.
We don't have our parents, and our grandmother, she didn't want to worry me. She just thought he was just really swamped with school, and Rudy's always been very private.
Já não temos os nossos pais e a nossa avó não quis preocupar-me.
She tried to hide it by making it seem like he was missing and that he had killed that girl, but he didn't.
E tentou escondê-lo ao fazer parecer que ele estava foragido, que matou a miúda, mas ele não matou.
He was banging on the walls and screaming things that didn't make sense, so, yeah, I-I called the cops.
Batia nas paredes e gritava coisas sem sentido, então sim, chamei a polícia.
He said it had happened before, but he didn't want me to worry because he loved her and wanted to work it out.
Disse que já tinha acontecido antes, mas para não me preocupar, porque ele amava-a e queria resolver isso.
He said he didn't want to be buried in the ground, and he didn't want people fussing over him.
Disse que não queria ser enterrado no chão e que não queria ninguém preocupado com ele.
( impossible to hear what he is saying sorry ) they didn't remove the mask for one sec during the day so obviously it creates an atmosphere a bit surrealist and weird
Não tiraram os capacetes por um único segundo.
So after I killed Quentin, Jason, he didn't want to pay up and he threatened to expose me.
Depois de matar o Quentin, o Jason, ele não queria pagar e ameaçou expor-me.
I-I didn't know he was gonna point it at me, so... don't do drugs and stay in school.
Não sabia que ia parecer, não usem drogas e fiquem na escola.
And he didn't think that it was fair for people to pay for electricity so he was gonna power the entire town for free.
E ele achava injusto que as pessoas pagassem por electricidade, então ia dar energia grátis para a cidade toda.
He didn't love me, he didn't want me, he danced with me because he was kind and he didn't want to see me hurt.
Ele não me amava nem me desejava. Dançou por gentileza, para não ver-me triste.
Why didn't he just wake me up last night, stick a gun in my face, and make me open the safe?
Por que ele não me acordou na noite passada, me enfiou uma arma na cara, e me obrigou a abrir o cofre?
It was the only thing that came to my mind to do, but he didn't like it when I laughed, and I could see that, so I laughed some more.
Foi a única coisa que me veio à mente, mas ele não gostou quando me ri, e ai percebi, por isso ri-me mais.
Dougal said he let out a small sound and dropped like a rock and didn't get up again.
O Dougal disse que ele gemeu baixo e caiu como uma pedra... e já não se levantou.
He said that the DNA test didn't matter and that he was still Tom's father.
Disse que o teste de ADN não interessava e que ainda era o pai do Tom.
As you're all aware, they stood up to President Petrov, and forced him to listen to the truths that he didn't want to hear.
Como todos sabem, eles enfrentaram o Presidente Petrov, e obrigaram-no a ouvir as verdades que ele não queria ouvir.
If it's Sean and he survived and he's here, why didn't he come home?
Se for o Sean e... ele sobreviveu e está aqui... Porque é que ele não regressou a casa?
There is a bad guy out there who's found the weakness in your source code, and he's set up his own online shopping network for babies, and you didn't say anything!
Há um criminoso lá fora que encontrou o ponto fraco do vosso código base, e montou a sua própria rede de compra de bebés, e não disse nada!
And he didn't have to marry me.
E ele não tinha que casar comigo.
And I dare say this. If you don't know anything about the lineage of Boston comedy this place would not exist if this guy didn't start where he started way back in the 80s.
Se não conhece a linhagem da comédia de Boston, este sítio não existiria, se este tipo não tivesse começado aqui, nos anos 80.
And then he called me and it wasn't... he didn't even ask me, you know, if I was or wasn't gay.
Depois, ele ligou-me, e não foi... Nem sequer me perguntou se eu era ou não era homossexual.
It took me a long time to, you know, come to that, come to those terms and when I did, you know, I called Barry and it wasn't... he didn't say, "I knew it," or anything like that.
Demorei muito tempo a admitir. Quando o fiz, liguei ao Barry. Ele não disse que já sabia, nem nada do género.
He got divorced, spilled wine on the carpeting and didn't care enough to replace it.
Divorciou-se, entornou vinho na alcatifa e nem se preocupou em mudá-la.
And he didn't just lose his daughter, he lost his wife to the grief.
E ele não perdeu apenas a filha, a esposa ficou perdida pela dor.
We've had two days gone and I didn't realise going into Cheltenham how much he desperately wanted a winner.
Estivemos dois dias fora e eu não me apercebi, ao chegar a Cheltenham, o quanto ele queria ganhar.
He didn't disassociate, was unaware of what he said or did during his fits, but knew that he had them, and that it worsened.
Ele não disfarçou, não sabia o que disse ou fez durante as suas crises, mas sabia que as tinha tido, e que estavam a piorar.
Algie went on and on about how pretty you were, but he didn't do your silhouette justice.
O Algie sempre dizia e voltava a dizer o quanto você era bonita, mas ele nunca fez justiça à sua silhueta.
He didn't tell me his name, but he told me all about the new house and the remarkably modern vacuum system.
- Ele não me disse o nome. Mas contou-me tudo sobre a nova casa e o sistema de aspiração extraordinariamente moderno.
I-I didn't say gay was a problem, just that he is gay and he has problems.
Não disse que maricas era um problema, só que é maricas e tem problemas.
And, uh, he didn't have to be there.
E, ele não tinha de estar lá.
That's because he left the house and didn't tell anyone where he was going.
Isso é porque saiu e não disse a ninguém onde ia.
What he didn't tell you is he took this tiny regional company and turned it into a national competitor for PCs almost overnight.
Ele não disse que pegou numa pequena empresa regional e fez dela um concorrente nacional em PCs quase do dia para a noite.
On the first day of his trial, he showed up wearing glasses, and he didn't even know how to read.
No primeiro dia do julgamento, ele apareceu com óculos, e nem sequer sabia ler.
He ran saying he would fight and then he didn't fight.
- Disse que ia lutar, mas não lutou.
And Zaleski sought to beat Chema, didn't he?
E o Zaleski assegurou-se de fazer a folha ao Pete Chema, não foi?
I spent the night there, and he didn't say a word about that.
Eu passei lá a noite e ele não disse uma palavra sobre isso.
You know, and then I didn't tell him whatever it was that he wanted to hear, and he did it.
E depois eu não lhe disse o que quer que fosse que ele queria ouvir, e ele fê-lo.
I didn't even know that he was gay, until he woke me up and told me the next morning.
Eu nem sabia que ele era gay, até ele me acordar e me dizer, na manhã seguinte.
And he didn't know what was wrong. [Kyle Dunnigan] She just was so sick.
E ele não sabia o que se passava.
He said something didn't feel right... at work with the numbers... and I told him that whatever it was, he had a responsibility to do something about it.
Ele disse que algo não parecia certo... no trabalho com números... e eu disse-lhe que o que quer que isso fosse, que ele tinha a responsabilidade de fazer algo quanto a isso.
Or do we start slow and whisper in his ear that he's been living in a world of upirs and vargulfs the whole time and he didn't even know it.
Ou começamos devagar e sussurramos que ele vive num mundo de upirs e vargulfs e não sabia.

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