And here they come tradutor Português
657 parallel translation
And here they come now!
E aí vêm eles.
And here they come running at me a whole year later.
Passado um ano, vêm apanhar-me.
Oh, and here they come now, led by someone we all know very well, Tim "Dr. Hook" McCracken!
E aí vêm eles agora, chefiado por alguém que todos conhecemos muito bem, o Tim "Dr. Gancho" McCracken.
And here they come, past the stands, they line up on starting grid.
Estão a concluir a volta de aquecimento. Aqui vêm eles.
And here they come, rounding the corner... for the completion of the first of this 200 lap event.
E aquí veêm dobrando a curva... para completar a primera volta das 200 de esta corrida.
And, then, whoops, here come the Coloreds and the Spics and... bam... now the Vietnamese or Cambodians, whatever the hell they are.
Depois, apareceram os pretos e os latinos. Depois, pumba, os vietnamitas ou cambojanos, ou lá que raio eles são.
If it's the same to you I'm going to sit right here and wait until they come.
Se não te importas, eu sento-me aqui à espera que os carros cheguem.
By some peculiar mental twist they convince themselves that they're guilty. And then they come here like you.
Por qualquer distorção mental peculiar, convencem-se de que são culpados e depois vêm, como você
Them Germans will be here pretty soon, and they'll come looking for you.
Em breve os alemães estarão aqui, e virão à sua procura.
Thank goodness they'll never come here. But a little more of your stupid behavior and even the respectability of my house won't shield you.
Graças a Deus nunca virão aqui, mas mais um pouco do seu comportamento estúpido e nem mesmo a respeitabilidade da minha casa o protegerá.
They all come here and eat the big dinner.
Vêm todos cá comer um belo jantar. - Isso mesmo.
You know, ifthe police come over here, they'll probably drag me over to the police station and there'll probably be a lot of newspapermen there, and they'll probably ask a lot of questions and who can tell what might slip out.
Sabe, se a polícia vier cá, provavelmente levam-me para a esquadra, onde estarão muitos jornalistas... e provavelmente fazem-me muitas perguntas e sabe-se lá o que pode sair acidentalmente.
Here they come and he rides before them.
Aqui vem eles e ele vem à frente deles.
They come here to take their third year and lap up some culture.
Veem para aqui fazer o terceiro ano e ganhar alguma cultura.
They'll come up here to check whether carney and the sheriff were here, and i want you to go out front.
Virão verificar se o Carney e o xerife estiveram aqui. Quero que saia você, não quero que entrem na casa.
They'll come up to check whether carney and the sheriff were here, certainly they were here. They came up to check the house. But at three o'clock, they left here.
Vão-lhe perguntar se o Carney e o xerife estiveram aqui mas foram-se embora às três.
We can wait right here and get them as they come in.
Podemos esperar aqui e lhes atacar à medida que cheguem.
They said I could come in here, and I could bring you out and -
Eles disseram que eu podia entrar e que te podia levar...
When they are annoying you in Vienna, with all that nonsense... you'll come here and we'll walk into the forest.
Quando a amolarem demais em Viena, com todas aquelas bobagens... você vem aqui e vamos passear no bosque. Não!
They come over here and before they can take a breath, they're telling us how to run the show.
Chegam aqui em busca de uma oportunidade e antes de terem tempo para respirar, estão a dar-nos lições sobre a matéria.
They come here from Alexandria Messina Carthage Cyprus Rome Corinth Athens Phrygia and Judea.
Eles vieram de Alexandria Messina Cartago Chipre Roma Corinto Atenas Frígia e Judeia!
You know, they come out here from New York, Chicago, St Louis,..... and find them a cowboy.
Sabes, vêm para cá de Nova Iorque, Chicago, Saint Louis e arranjam um cowboy.
And when they do, maybe their leader, Mr Washington himself, will come right here, and he'll have a new treaty.
E quando o fizerem, talvez o seu líder, o próprio sr. Washington, virá até cá e ele trará um novo tratado.
You wouldn't think they'd pay 65 cents to come here and do it. They can go up in the hayloft for nothing.
Pagam bilhete para virem para aqui namorar quando podem ir para o palheiro de borla.
- And if they come here, Sahib?
- E se vierem aqui, Sahib?
Well they didn't come out between here and the narrows, then they're not coming out or...
Se não apareceram entre esta zona e o estreito...
Now, you stay here and if somebody come by, they'll think it's me.
Fica aqui. Se alguém aparecer, vai pensar que sou eu.
Well, that eliminates one problem- - about who goes and who stays. Max, here they come now!
Levaram tempo mas fico contente por ver que chegaram a uma decisão acertada.
And unless you give them food, or the rifles to hunt their own... they're going to come in here and take it.
E estão inquietos. Se não der comida, eles virão pegá-la.
And secondly, most of the animals who come here as patients like it so much, they stay here permanently.
E depois, a maioria dos animais que vêm aqui como pacientes gostam tanto, que ficam cá permanentemente.
They might come here at any moment, and fix us fine.
Ele pode vir aqui a qualquer momento. E reclamar a sua parte.
And one day you would come here. These others, they were stored differently than you.
Estes outros... estão guardados de forma diferente da sua.
They grab their guns and come up here to get them back!
Sacam das armas e vêm cá buscá-las!
They don't know how to live, and they don't know what to do, and they think that if they can come here they can find out, you know, what it is, or how to maintain with it.
As pessoas não sabem como viver e o que fazer... e acham que... podem descobrir aqui... o que está a dar e como se manter a par.
Well, before it was backed up eight hours, and they've been working at it and there are still some cats that think they can come here for Sunday, you know, and they're stopping them in Monticello and all that, you know,
Estava com oito horas de atraso. Há quem pense que pode... vir só no domingo. Estão a ser parados em Monticello.
They come here to dig what's going on, and even if they don't get into the festival, it's just a groove being with all the people.
Vieram para entender o que se passa. Mesmo sem entrar no festival... é uma curtição estar aqui.
They come here sometimes the other factory workers and they tell us that we should burn things down.
Ás vezes, eles vêm aqui os operários de outras fábricas. Dizem que devemos incendiar tudo.
Your father and I used to come here. They had dances.
O teu pai e eu vínhamos aqui.
New York hippies come down here... and they think they can...
Hippies de Nove Iorque vêm para aqui... e eles pensam que conseguem...
Come down here and they blowed off my mother's arm.
Vieram aqui e arrancaram a tiro um braço à minha mãe.
He said nobody else would know where we'd put them, that we'd come back and they'd still be here, just the same, but we'd be different.
Disse que ninguém saberia onde estavam, que voltaríamos e as coisas estariam lá, na mesma, mas nós estaríamos diferentes.
They had come here asking for food, and my father gave it to them.
Vieram pedir comida e meu pai lhes deu.
They're going to come here and try to rescue Burke. and will fall right into our trap.
Provavelmente tentarão resgatar o Burke... e cairão em nossa armadilha.
- Well sir, they come here and they took everything I ever written.
Eles vieram aqui e levaram tudo o que eu havia escrito.
They bombed Pearl Harbor, and now they're going to come here.
Bombardearam Pearl Harbor e agora vêm para cá.
They... come and go through here.
Entram e saem por aqui.
They got indoor and outdoor pools on campus, and they got to come here.
Teêm piscinas cobertas e ao ar livre na universidade e veêm aquí.
Imagine what will happen when everyone believes in this Room and when they all come hurrying here.
Já pensaste no que acontecerá quando todos quiserem vir a esta sala? A maré humana que irá desaguar aqui?
There they go, and here I come.
Ali vão eles e aqui vou eu.
Anybody from anywhere can come up here and do what they want.
Qualquer pessoa pode vir fazer o que quiser.
Mike Logan and Joseph Costolani did come through here, and so did the others, but he doesn't know where they went.
Mike Logan e Joseph Costolani estiveram aqui, assim como os outros. Mas não sabe onde eles estão.
and here 683
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here you go 26
and here i was 16
and here you are 183
and here we go 118
and here it is 109
and here's the kicker 17
and here they are 24
and here it comes 20
and here's the thing 41
and here we are 249
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they come 557
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17
and here he comes 19
and here i am 205
and here she is 38
and here he is 45
and here's why 34
here they come 557
they come 53
they come in 23
they come here 17