Bring them here tradutor Português
480 parallel translation
Now, about the Faulkner sisters. That's funny, Mr Cedar going to Mandrake Falls to bring them here.
Quanto às irmãs Falkner, é estranho que o Sr. Cedar as tenha trazido de Mandrake Falls até aqui.
- Bring them here.
- Tragam-nos aqui.
Bring them here for a note to be attached.
E venha escrever uma mensagem.
- You didn't bring them here?
- Trouxeste-os para aqui?
After I have this cleaned off, I have to clear all those books off the dining room table, bring them here, put them back in the chest, which is where they were in the first place.
Tenho de tirar os livros da mesa da sala de jantar e voltar a pô-los na arca, onde estavam.
I gotta get Buckley's things and bring them here...
Não posso. Tenho de ir buscar as coisas do Buckley.
Go get the rest of the horses and bring them here.
Vai buscar o resto dos cavalos e trá-los para aqui.
Round up those children and bring them here to me.
Passem por cima deles se necessário. Apanhem as crianças e tragam-nas a mim.
She wants to bring them here herself, I suppose.
Acho que quis vir trazê-las pessoalmente.
Take those binoculars out of the case and bring them here, will you?
Traga-me os binóculos, está bem?
But why did you bring them here?
Mas porque é que os trouxeste para aqui?
Aeneas, bring them here.
Eneias, trá-los cá.
Found them on Rocky Flats and I thought I better bring them here.
Eu pensei que as podia trazer até aqui.
Then why can'tyou bring them here?
Por que não os tiras dali?
See, tomorrow, I'm gonna bring them here to this island... where I will give them a fighting chance at a new life.
Veja, amanhã vou trazê-los para aqui, para esta ilha onde lhes vou dar uma oportunidade de lutar por uma nova vida.
But before you bring them here, engage them in conversation- - question them discreetly.
Mas antes de os trazer para aqui,.. ... converse com eles questione-os discretamente.
I can keep them busy for a while, but it might be a good idea... to bring them here and give them a drink and sandwich to sweeten them up.
Mas acho boa ideia trazê-los até aqui e oferecer-lhes de beber e uma sanduíche, só para lhes fazer um agrado.
Bring them here.
Traga-os para aqui.
- You'll bring them here?
- Trá-las para aqui?
I'll bring them here.
Trago-as para aqui.
Bring them here!
Tragam-os aqui!
Get those chairs and bring them here.
Pegue naquelas cadeiras e traga-as aqui.
Bring them here.
Tragam-nos aqui.
- Tell them to bring them in here.
- Diga para a trazerem para aqui.
Bring them all here.
Trazê-los aqui.
Rasinoff, stay here. Shoot anyone that moves. The rest of you gather up the rifles and bring them out.
Rasinoff, fique aqui e atire em quem se mover, os demais... peguem armas e tragam para fora.
I'll have them bring my supper up here too.
Vou pedir que me tragam a ceia para aqui também.
Just tell them to bring their shares over here, and I will pay fifty cents on the dollar.
Apenas diga-Ihes que tragam as suas acções aqui, e eu pago cinquenta centavos a cada dólar.
Took a lot of coaxing'on my part, but I... finally got them to promise... to bring the big chief here to talk to me.
Tive que convencê-los, mas... consegui finalmente que me prometessem... que trariam o Grande Chefe para falar comigo.
David, fill them buckets up with this here and bring them outside, and hurry it along.
David, enche os baldes com isto e traz cá para fora. Depressa.
Tom, bring them down here!
Tom, trá-los todos para aqui.
Ruby, go get the children out of bed and bring them down here.
Ruby, vai buscar as crianças e trá-las para aqui.
I'd never bring them here.
Nunca os traria aqui.
You came here to bring the papers, and you brought them, thank you very much.
Veio aqui trazer os documentos, e trouxe. Muito obrigada.
You could bring them over here, show them how we grow the fruit, process it, let them get a firsthand taste of Hawaiian sunshine, and they'd go back to their territories and sell like they never sold before.
Eles viriam pra ver como isto funciona, tomariam sol havaiano e voltariam cheios de vontade de vender.
Posey will remain with orders to bring them back here if you don't return in three days. - Is that clear?
Posey ficará no comando com ordens para os trazer de volta se não regressar dentro de três dias.
Don't worry, I'll bring them back here.
O 86 e o 90! Trago-lhe isso em seguida!
Your time's up! I'll have them bring the prisoners here, so you can see what we do to them!
Vou mandar trazer os prisioneiros para verem o que lhe vai acontecer.
He ordered them to bring you here. He was like a man possessed.
Parecia que estava possuído.
Get that big box of chips and bring them in here.
Pegue aquela caixa grande de fichas, e traga-a aqui.
Bring them all here.
Trá-los todos.
It was Chico's idea to finish building the church, to bring all three villages here and make them into one.
Chico teve a ideia de acabar de construir a igreja, trazer as três aldeias para aqui e formar uma só.
The things made them bring their ship here.
As coisas fizeram-nos trazer a nave para cá.
- Bring them over here!
Tragam-nos para aqui!
Bring them over here.
Tragam-nos para aqui!
- Mary, bring them out here!
- Mary, trá-los cá para fora!
Or the food could be a lure set by the others to bring them in here.
Ou a comida podia ser um isco deixado pelos Outros para atraí-los aqui.
Well, go get the others and bring them up here.
Vai buscar os outros e trá-los cá para cima.
All these young fellows here, they've got to be fed, and they're gonna get hungry, and I hope that they can bring enough supplies in for them.
Eu sei que... estes jovens precisam de ser alimentados e terão fome. Espero que tragam provisões suficientes.
Get them out of here and don't bring them back.
Tira-os daqui e não voltes a trazê-los.
The entire population would've starved, Jim, if Winston here hadn't used his personal fortune to bring in enough food and goods to carry them through the crisis.
Toda a populaçao teria passado fome, Jim... se Winston nao tivesse usado sua fortuna pessoal... comprando comida e utensílios para suportar a crise.
bring them 33
bring them back 23
bring them to me 31
bring them in 88
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
bring them back 23
bring them to me 31
bring them in 88
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237