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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ E ] / Even if i was

Even if i was tradutor Português

952 parallel translation
Even if I was dreaming now I would wish never to awake.
Se esse momento foi um sonho desejaria não acordar.
So I told her that even if I was able to find a wayout... how was I going to support her?
Portanto disse-lhe que mesmo que conseguisse encontrar uma solução... como ia eu sustentá-la?
Even if I was willing to pay $ 5,000, it's too large an amount to carry around with me.
Embora queria pagar esse preço isso é muito dinheiro para se trazer por aí.
Even if I was lucky, I'd have to start all over again.
Mesmo que tivesse sorte, teria de começar de novo.
Even if I was, nobody could spot it. You know that.
Mesmo que fosse verdade, sabes que ninguém nota.
And even if I was Ziegfeld isn't just anyone.
E mesmo que fosse o Ziegfeld não é um qualquer. ... o Ziegfeld não é um qualquer.
Even if I was hungry, I don't need him to buy my dinner.
Mesmo que tivesse fome, não preciso que me pague o jantar.
The trouble is, even if I was right...
O problema é que, mesmo que eu tivesse razão...
Even if she was, I couldn't ask her to marry me.
Mesmo que fosse, não a podia pedir em casamento.
Even if I told you what was the matter with you, you wouldn't admit it.
Mesmo que eu dissesse o que se passa consigo, não iria admiti-lo.
Me? Not even if it was for free. If they don't send that old fool away, I know what will happen...
Eu, havia de ser um carro de graça, se não mandam esse velho maluco de pernas ao ar, eu sei o que...
If it had been any other sort of crime, if a man had stolen because he was starving, even if a man committed murder to defend himself, maybe I wouldn't tell the police.
Se fosse outro tipo de crime, se roubasse para comer, se matasse para se defender, talvez eu não contasse à polícia.
I once knew a woman who was an even more difficult case than Tess. If such a thing is possible.
Certa vez, conheci uma mulher que era um caso... ainda mais difícil que a Tess, se é que isso é possível!
Notice I didn't even have to ask if it was real.
Reparou que nem sequer tive de perguntar se era verdadeiro?
Even if you did tell the cops, I was in on it with you what could they do to me?
Mesmo que digas aos tiras que eu planejei o golpe contigo... O que é que eles me podem fazer?
They was so pretty, if I snare me one for a pet, even Ma would love it.
Eles eram tão bonitos, se trouxesse para brincar, até a mamã ia gostar.
I was afraid and no good, but I never stopped... even if you hated me.
Nunca prestei, mas sempre te amei. - Mesmo se me odiasses.
It's the truth... even if I did teach you everything you know about a gun... ever since you was big enough to pull a trigger.
Devia. É a verdade... mesmo que o tenha ensinado tudo que sabe sobre uma arma. desde que era grande o suficiente para puxar um gatilho.
I wonder if he was even there.
Gostaria de saber se houve.
And if I do say so myself, when he was laid out, his own wife didn't even know him.
E eu disse para mim mesmo, quando terminei o trabalho nem sua própria esposa o conheceu.
Even if it was my own brother, I'd kill him.
Matá-lo-ia mesmo que fosse o meu irmão.
I wouldn't leave a kid to die. Or a woman, even if she was a tramp.
Eu não entregaria um miúdo à morte... nem uma mulher, mesmo que ela fosse uma rameira.
And even if he was, I'm in love with him.
E embora tenha feito isso, estou apaixonada por ele.
But even if you was right about Texas, I give my word to Zack, and to Susie here.
Ainda que tenhas razão sobre o Texas, dei minha palavra ao Zack e à Susie.
If he was selling guns to the Apaches, I don't even have that.
Se ele vendia armas aos Apaches, nem sequer isso eu tenho.
Even if his family was stinking rich, I'd never...
Mesmo se a família dele fosse, podre de rica, eu nunca...
But even as I touched the dry, flaking crumbs of nourishment... it was as if my body had ceased to exist.
Mas inclusive ao tocar as secas migalhas de comida, foi como se meu corpo tivesse deixado de existir.
I couldn't take the chance of going out again, even if there was.
Não me posso arriscar a sair.
I told you... but even if he was Marlon Brando he wouldn't matter to me at all...
Mas me dá igual. Embora... embora fora Marlon Brando, daria-me igual!
You told Zacchi ours was a marriage of convenience but I wouldn't have married you if I hadn't liked you, not even if you'd been a Rockefeller
Há - dito ao Zacchi que nosso matrimônio era por interesse. Pois, enterrarei de uma vez por todas : Se não me tivesse gostado, não me tivesse casado contigo... embora tivesse sido a filha do Aga Khan!
After all, Father, suppose it was you cast away. Do you think I would give up if I had even the slightest clue?
Se fosse um náufrago, pai, acha que abandonaria por pequena que fosse a perspectiva?
If I was you, I'd go get him, Before we even bother to set a foot under that dinner table.
Se fosse a ti, eu ia buscá-los, antes de nos sentarmos à mesa para jantar.
In a way I'm glad it happened, even if it was his own fault.
Ainda bem que isto aconteceu, mesmo que ele seja o culpado.
I ask, even if Sapna was your own daughter,... would she have been worthy of being my daughter-in-law? !
Pergunto-lhe se Sapna fosse sua própria filha ela teria sido digna de ser minha nora?
I won't have a chance to do that if I spend my life playing the matrimony game, which was rigged before I was even born.
Não tive chance de fazer isto já que gastei meu tempo com problemas matrimoniais, que foi manipulado antes do meu nascimento.
Even if I told you that she just stopped me from walking into a great big cobra and that she knew what she was doing?
Mesmo se eu te dissesse que ela me impediu de ir na direção de uma uma enorme cobra... e que ela sabia o que estava a fazer?
I thank you because, even if it was just for a few moments you made me feel what it was like to have a man at my side who would protect me who would love me.
Eu agradeço-te porque, mesmo se foi apenas por alguns minutos fizeste-me sentir o que é estar com um homem do meu lado que me protegesse que me amasse.
But now I'd love him even if he was a yellow coward.
Já foi assim. Mas agora amá-lo-ia mesmo que ele fosse um cobarde.
I couldn't cash a check even if it was good.
- Não conseguiria, nem se fosse bom.
You see, Mr. Spock, I would insist upon a decent burial, even if your body was back there.
Insistiria num enterro decente, mesmo que fosse o seu corpo que ali estivesse.
But if it was a dollar a month, I couldn't even take it on.
E se fosse só um dólar por mês? Nem isso eu poderia pagar.
If it's of any good to you, I hate him too, For having understood what was so much my own, so private that I didn't even admit it to myself.
Se te pode servir de algum consolo, fica sabendo que o odeio, por ter dado conta do que era só comigo, tão íntimo que o esconderia à minha própria alma, se pudesse.
Of morning, the child was better e, when it went even so, he asked to me if I wanted that it continued to see the children.
De manhã, a criança estava melhor e, quando ele se ia embora, perguntou-me se eu queria que ele continuasse a ver as crianças.
I don't even know if there was one.
Aliás, nem sequer sei se alguma vez o demos.
If I was you, feller, I wouldn't even twitch.
Se fosse a ti, amigo, nem sequer me mexia.
Even if I knew the ending, that still doesn't mean that I was the one who murdered the man.
Mesmo que soubesse do final, não significa que o tenha matado.
Well, even if it was... I don't smoke.
Bem, mesmo se estivesse, Eu não fumo.
My dear parents... if I left without a word... it was to avoid another one of those discussions... which even the simplest things seem to provoke in our family.
Queridos pais, parti sem dizer nada para evitar uma daquelas discussões que até as coisas mais simples provocam na nossa família.
I didn't even know if he was going to be released.
Nem sabia se ele ia receber alta.
I have to start by saying that if there was any other way, if there was even a slight chance of another alternative, I would give anything not to be here with you now, anything.
Tenho que comecar por dizer que se houvesse outra maneira, uma hipótese remota, daria tudo para nâo estar aqui convosco, tudo.
Even if I thought there was a chance...
Mesmo que achasse que havia uma hipótese...

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