Talk tradutor Português
179,236 parallel translation
When you talk to him, have him call me.
Quando falares com ele, pede-lhe para me ligar.
Well, let's, uh... let's talk to the floor hands first.
Vamos falar com o pessoal daqui debaixo primeiro.
Dead men do not talk.
- Os mortos não falam.
No time for small talk, but I think I got a way to stop the blowout on the rig.
Não há tempo para conversas, mas penso que sei como parar - a explosão na plataforma.
Better talk quick.
É melhor falares depressa.
Talk to me, Sebastian.
Fala comigo, Sebastian.
Literally makes me nauseous when you talk like that.
Literalmente, fico enjoada quando falas assim.
I tried to talk to him, but he-he was crying so hard.
Tentei falar com ele, mas ele chorava muito.
If you won't come inside, let's just sit down and we'll talk about this.
Se não quiseres entrar, vamos sentar-nos e conversar.
I need to talk to Gibbs.
Preciso de falar com o Gibbs.
You don't even have your sister to talk to, and now I come along.
Nem sequer tens a tua irmã para falar, e agora apareço eu.
Look, I will go in there, I will talk to him, and I will convince him to leave Rittenhouse and not become the monster he's supposed to become.
Vou ali, falo com ele e convenço-o a abandonar a Rittenhouse e a não se transformar num monstro, como é suposto.
She was really the only person I could talk to about this stuff.
Ela era a única pessoa com quem eu podia falar destas coisas.
We have a lot to talk about.
Temos tanto de que falar.
I know meeting your father has thrown you, and I get it that you don't want to talk to me about it, but what do we do in our family when we go through tough times?
Sei que conheceres o teu pai te perturbou. Compreendo que não queiras falar disso comigo, mas o que fazemos na família quando passamos por maus bocados?
No, I-I don't want to talk about that bitch.
- Não. Não quero falar dela.
You talk too much. What?
- Falas demais.
No, it's... We talk... we talked about this. There is no...
- Não, já conversamos sobre isso.
We need to talk.
Precisamos de conversar.
Okay, stop that! No more preschool talk.
Chega de conversa sobre infantários!
Who said you could talk to my Kimmy?
Quem te disse que podes falar com a Kimmy?
Uh-uh, girl. You don't talk to anyone from now on.
Miúda, tu não falas com mais ninguém.
We don't do anything crazy, we just eat and talk.
Não fazemos nada de maluco, só comemos e conversamos.
If I were black, I'd talk about it constantly.
Se eu fosse negro, estaria sempre a falar disso.
A lot of white people go, "Black people talk about slavery too much as it is."
E muitos brancos dizem : "Os negros já falam demasiado sobre escravatura."
I would talk about it constantly.
Eu falaria sobre isso constantemente.
You want to talk about professional safety. There's no position safer than being Dave Chappelle's comedy writing partner.
Se querem falar sobre segurança profissional, não há nada mais seguro do que escrever comédia com o Dave Chappelle.
If we talk, and you have an accent, when you walk away, I will do a very disrespectful impression of your accent.
Se conversarmos e vocês tiverem sotaque, quando virarem costas, vou fazer uma imitação muito desrespeitosa do vosso sotaque.
Let's talk about them.
Vamos falar delas.
Come talk to him about it. "
Vem cá falar com ele sobre isso. "
So, I go down there and I talk to him, and he goes,
Então, vou lá, falo com ele e ele diz :
Stop with that money talk. "
Para com essa conversa de dinheiro. "
And when the Feds got to him, you thought he would talk.
Quando o FBI o apanhou, pensaste que ia falar.
Hey. Did you talk to Richard Game?
Chegaste a falar com o Richard Game?
Before he confessed, did he talk to anyone?
Ele falou com alguém antes de confessar?
Reddington, talk to me.
Reddington, fala comigo.
Excuse me, agents, there's a woman out here I think you should talk to. Apparently she came in this morning,
Com licença, agentes, há uma mulher lá fora com quem deviam conversar.
So, listen, um, there are some other things We should talk about.
Ouve, precisamos de conversar sobre outra coisa.
He could never talk to girls.
Ele nunca conseguia falar com as raparigas.
Talk. Feel.
A falar, sentir.
I wanna talk to you after this.
- Quero falar contigo depois. - Claro, com certeza.
- Talk about forbidden love.
- Amores proibidos.
Picking up on what she said, I want to talk about what I had for lunch today.
Aproveitando o que ela disse, quero falar sobre o meu almoço de hoje.
I-I need to talk to you in person.
Precisamos de falar pessoalmente.
Honey, honey, we need to talk.
Querida. Querida, temos de conversar.
I'm not here to break up with you, but we do need to talk.
Não vim acabar contigo. Mas precisamos de conversar.
For what it's worth, my daughter didn't talk to me for a long time.
Se serve de consolo, a minha filha não falou comigo durante um bom tempo.
Yeah, we talk all the time.
Sim, falamos o tempo todo.
Everybody would be, " We all talk about stabbing old ladies ;
Todos diriam :
We should talk to them.
- Devíamos falar com eles.
And we should also talk to Miranda white again.
- E também com a Miranda White.
talkies 34
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you soon 72
talk to you later 250
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you soon 72
talk to you later 250