Which i did tradutor Português
907 parallel translation
- Which I did.
- O que eu fiz.
That cannot be, since I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder - my crown, mine own ambition, and my Queen.
Impossível, porque ainda conservo os frutos do assassinato : a minha coroa, a minha ambição, e a minha rainha.
"But in the second experiment, a fly which I did not notice" "was in the disintegrator with me."
Mas à segunda, uma mosca em que não reparei estava comigo no desintegrador.
He asked me if I knew his father, which I did.
Perguntou-me se conhecia o pai dele, e conhecia.
I want to show my gratitude for the service, which I did.
Eu quero mostrar a minha gratidão pelo serviço, que eu fiz.
Ford was not back from lunch but she invited me to sit in front of her desk and talk to her for 45 minutes. which I did.
E Ford não havia voltado do almoço, mas ela me convidou para sentar e falar com ela por 45 minutos, o que eu fiz.
Perhaps you saw a world which I did not see and wished to enter.
Talvez tenha visto um mundo que eu não vi e desejou entrar nele.
I'll lay down on the railroad track for you. If I made a mistake, which I did, I'm sorry.
Desculpa, se cometi um erro.
- Which I did :
- E consegui.
also, he had romantic notions, which I did not.
Ele também tinha ideias românticas e eu não.
Because I got connections, they asked me to make the deal, which I did.
Como eu tinha contactos, pediram-me para fazer o acordo, e eu fi-lo.
But, the horse will never replace the bicycle... which is quite a horse on the bicycle if I ever saw one, and I never did.
Mas o cavalo nunca substituirá a bicicleta, o que é uma cavalada para a bicicleta, algo nunca visto, e eu nunca vi.
Which I might have had to do... but the police stepped in and did the job for us.
O que poderia ter de fazer, se a polícia não aparecesse e fizesse tudo.
All I did was get up and walk out, and kick over a few chairs which nobody was sitting in.
O que fiz foi levantar-me e sair, pontapeando algumas cadeiras em que ninguém estava sentado.
But if it turns out he did, which I am good and certain it will.
Mas se se vier a saber que matou, o que acho que vai acontecer?
My compliments on the completeness of this report. It speaks a knowledge of the savage Indian which I am sure you did not acquire at the military academy.
Ele demonstra o conhecimento dos selvagens Indianos... que, tenho a certeza, não a adquiriu na Academia Militar.
A very important "but", it so happens that I hold a card which you did not even know to be in the pack. Who's bluffing now?
- Quem está a fazer bluff, agora?
Maybe I did. - Which one?
E talvez o quisesse.
BB a sig I, I or years did not have, Something or which I wept,
Mas, tens algo, de que eu careci durante anos, algo por que eu me lamentava, razão porque a minha alma foi consumida e sofreu!
Your beauty, which did haunt me in my sleep... to undertake the death of all the world... so I might live one hour in your sweet bosom.
Sua beleza, que me incitou, em sonhos, a empreender a destruição do mundo a fim de ser capaz de viver uma hora em teu doce seio.
By God who raised me to this careful height... from that contented hap which I enjoyed... I never did incense his majesty against the duke of Clarence... but have been an earnest advocate to plead for him.
Por Deus, que me erigiu a esta grandeza desde o seio de uma existência satisfeita nunca incitei Sua Majestade contra o Duque de Clarence, mas tenho sido, sim, advogado em benefício dele.
You did not. I stated that I saw the body of a man which was subsequently identified as Edward Norton.
Afirmei que vi o corpo de um homem que foi posteriormente identificado como Edward Norton.
I did manage to take some pictures which I shall show you now.
Consegui tirar algumas fotografias que vou mostrar agora.
And then I did a stupid thing, which I regret.
E logo, fiz uma estupidez que lamento.
I was imprisoned in a world in which ljust did not belong.
Estava preso num mundo ao qual eu não pertencia.
I never heard tell it was against the law for any citizen... to do his utmost to prevent a crime from being committed... which is exactly what he did.
Nunca ouvi que fosse contra a lei um cidadão... fazer o máximo possível para impedir que um crime fosse cometido... que foi exactamente o que ele fez.
I got to the Albano Martins hall, which was a sports club, and he asked me to step inside. I did, of course.
Cheguei à sala do Albano Martins, que era o grupo desportivo, e ele pediu-me para entrar para dentro e eu entrei, claro.
When I examined the deceased, it was obvious the fatal blow was struck from an angle of 17 degrees from the right, which makes it almost certain the person who did it is right-handed.
É óbvio que o golpe fatal veio de um ângulo de dezassete graus da direita. Por isso é quase certo que foi uma pessoa dextra.
How did they know which train I was on? They didn't.
- Como souberam em que trem eu vinha?
In which case, who did I receive orders from?
Nesse caso, de quem recebi ordens?
and, upon my knees, I charm you, by my once-commended beauty, by all your vows of love and that great vow which did incorporate and make us one that you unfold to me, yourself, your half, why you are heavy, and what men to-night have had to resort to you.
De joelhos, vos imploro... em nome da beleza que já tive... e por vossos juramentos de amor... e por aquilo que nos uniu um ao outro... revelai a mim, que é vossa metade... aquilo que vos pesa... e o nome dos homens que aqui vieram nesta noite.
You all did see that on the Lupercal I thrice presented him a kingly crown, which he did thrice refuse.
Todos viram que 3 vezes lhe ofereci a coroa real... e 3 vezes ele a recusou.
I did send to you for gold to pay my legions, which you denied me.
Mandei buscar ouro convosco e vós me negastes...
I did it because I hate those who try to alter destiny, which is the unalterable will of God.
E odeio os que querem alterar o destino, vontade inalterável de Deus.
Well, Gerry and I did love the Yankees which was pretty much against our religion.
O Gerry e eu adorávamos os Yankees. O que é contra a nossa religião.
Well, I suppose he assumed we'd... well, we'd know it came from him, which we did.
Não o assinou. Presumo que tenha assumido que nós saberíamos que era dele, que foi o que aconteceu.
We're just asked to prove that he did it, which I think we have.
Estamos apenas a pedir que provem que ele fez isso.
Nobody got hurt but the guy that was supposed to get hurt... and nobody on anything I ever did ended up on death row... which is more than I can say for some I know.
Ninguém saiu ferido além do tipo que era para ser atingido... e ninguém ou nada que eu tenha feito terminou em pena de morte... o que é mais do que eu posso dizer de outros que conheço.
I saw him walk back into his compartment, number 15, which he did not leave.
Eu o vl entrar no camarote, número 15, e não saiu mais.
I truly believe you did look after little brown babies at your mission in Shimoga, which is in India, by the way, you know.
Acho que cuidou de bebês em sua missão em Shimoga. Que, a propósito, é na Índia, não na África.
( translator ) And when the conversation had ended, and I was convinced that she really did know these teeth well, I showed her the dentures which had been extracted from Hitler.
Quando a nossa conversa acabou, tendo eu ficado convencido de que ela conhecia bem os dentes, mostrei-lhe a dentadura que extraíramos a Hitler.
At first this had bothered me, but then I told myself that it was her impeccable manners... and the precise way in which she did everything that made it... impossible to think about her as a potential conquest.
De inicio isso incomodava-me, mas depois disse a mim mesmo que eram suas maneiras impecáveis e a forma tão precisa que usa em tudo o que faz que impossibilita pensar nela como uma possível conquista.
He told me once he was born a god, and such was the conviction with which he said it, I believed him, and I said I did.
Disse-me uma vez, que tinha nascido deus. E disse-o com tanta convicção que acreditei nele. E disse-lhe que acreditava.
Hardly me. Which is just about what I did do'cause Thibido's going to let Cobb out long enough to meet you.
Que foi quase exactamente o que eu fiz, porque o Thibido vai deixar o Cobb sair, para se encontrar consigo.
Meanwhile, I hardly know whether I did right to bury in my garden the ten thousand crowns which were paid to me yesterday.
Mas não sei se terei feito bem em ter enterrado no meu jardim as moedas de ouro que me entregaram ontem.
But I had to get into Elliott's office to find out which weirdo did, so I pressed you into service.
Não, mas eu tinha de entrar no consultório do Elliott... para descobrir quem era, então pu-la a trabalhar. Está a brincar?
When I did so I was first struck by his normality which, as I saw more of him
Quando aconteceu, o que primeiro me impressionou foi a sua normalidade, que, à medida que o fui conhecendo, percebi que era calculada.
Look, even if it did happen, which it didn't don't you think I might not have known about him?
Ouça, mesmo que tivesse acontecido, e não aconteceu, não acha que eu poderia não ter sabido?
I did not think to hide my identity for long... which even in the eyes of the English is no especial crime... compared with the identity you care to assume with such ease.
Mr Neville, não esperava esconder por muito tempo minha identidade, o que, mesmo para os ingleses, não é um crime comparado com a identidade que tu assumes com tanta bonomia.
Even if I thought such a terrible thing, which I never did do you realize I could be impeached?
Mesmo que pensasse num acto täo terrível, que näo pensei, já viu que posso ser destituído?
Stark'll kill you anyway once I send him these photographs of you and us sitting here nice and cosy... chatting about which guys you did or did not kill.
Também o mata quando eu mandar as fotos. Nós juntos, aqui sentadinhos, a falar das pessoas que você matou.
which i didn't 28
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which i don't 84
which is cool 36
which is awesome 34
which is ironic 37
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which i don't 84
which is cool 36
which is awesome 34