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Who was he tradutor Português

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Who was he?
Quem era ele?
- Who was he? A peasant boy.
- Era um camponês.
Who was he?
Quem era?
Who was he?
- Quem era ele?
Plus, by the time I realized he was the one who shot the congressman, you guys had already caught him.
Além disso, quando percebi que foi ele que baleou o congressista, vocês já o tinham prendido.
We talked to several of your workers who saw you with Henry at the factory the night he was murdered.
Falamos com vários funcionários seus que a viram com o Henry na fábrica na noite em que ele foi assassinado.
You know who he was arguing with?
Sabes com quem era?
Then why would he want to lie to his wife about where he was going and who he was going with?
Porquê o Warner mentir à mulher sobre para onde ia e com quem ia?
Now, I talked to my NSA guy, he says there are only six safecracking guys out there who'd even have the stones to try to break into this bad boy, and only one of them was in New York.
Falei com o meu homem na NSA. Ele diz que existem apenas seis tipos que arrombam cofres que teriam as pedras para tentar abrir esta caixa-forte e só um deles estava em Nova Iorque.
Your dish was just a live rabbit who thought he was taking a bath.
O seu prato era apenas um coelho vivo que pensava que estava a tomar banho.
He insisted to anyone who would listen that he was innocent.
Ele insistiu com todos que o quiseram ouvir que era inocente
He thought you were wearing them when you killed her, but the sizes are wrong, and the bloodstain pattern suggests it was worn by someone who committed a stabbing murder.
Ele achou que estavas a usa-las quando a mataste, mas os tamanhos são diferentes, e a mancha de sangue sugere que foi vestido por alguém que matou com uma faca.
I thought you didn't know who he was.
Pensei que não sabias quem ele era.
I think the reason no one can find Kamal is because he was attacked this morning by the same men who took one of his friends and killed the other.
Acho que a razão de não o encontrar-mos é porque foi atacado pelo mesmo homem que levou o amigo e matou o outro.
Him. She knew who he was.
Ela sabia quem ele era.
So, yeah, at the rally, the was this kid I know from the youth center who was arrested last week because he "fit a description."
Na manifestação estava um miúdo que conheço do centro de jovens que foi preso a semana passada porque encaixava numa descrição.
He's Michael Ambruso, the spray-tanned former gigolo who we're told is the love of Cyrus Beene's life... just like we're told that this photo was taken at Mr. Ambruso's bachelor party, and that his behavior is as innocent as the behavior
Assim como nos disseram que esta fotografia é da despedida de solteiro de Ambruso.
He was murdered last night, and we have no idea who he really is.
Ele foi assassinado ontem à noite, e não fazemos ideia de quem é realmente.
He didn't care who was killed?
Não quis saber das pessoas?
I should have known that when we were planning a family that he was a traitor who had installed surveillance cameras in my bedroom.
Eu devia ter percebido que, ao planear uma família, ele era um traidor que tinha instalado câmaras de vigilância no nosso quarto.
He had been an informant for a colleague who was killed in the line of duty, Meera Malik.
Foi informador de um colega que foi morto em trabalho, Meera Malik.
And who's Mr. Sullivan? Jim Sullivan- - he was interred in tank six two months ago.
- Jim Sullivan, estava enterrado no tanque 6 há 2 meses.
In Ford's telling, he happened upon the murder as it was being completed, but was unable to catch up to the culprit who fled on foot. Oh.
No depoimento do Ford, ele surpreendeu o assassino depois de acabar o serviço, mas foi incapaz de capturar o culpado que fugiu a pé.
The only thing he hadn't planned was who he'd take.
A única coisa que não tinha planeado era quem é que ia levar.
He was a dentist who believed that not every tooth could be saved.
Era um dentista que acreditava que nem todos os dentes poderia ser recuperados.
He just wanted someone affiliated with the police to think that he didn't know who Species was.
Apenas queria que alguém relacionado com a polícia pensasse que ele não conhecia o Species.
I didn't even know who he was until you guys arrested me.
Eu nem sabia quem ele era até vocês me prenderem.
And then Apartment Number 2, he said, was rented by a little old lady named Dorothy Ciner, who was a mute female.
E então o Apartamento número 2, segundo ele, foi alugado por uma velhinha chamada Dorothy Ciner, que era uma senhora muda.
He thought the law was there to protect everyone and not just corporations who could afford it.
Ele achava que a lei existe para proteger a todos, e não apenas as empresas que podiam pagar.
Waitress knew exactly who he was.
A empregada de mesa sabia exactamente quem ele era.
What he stated was that he had heard that there was a young woman named Kathie Durst who was murdered by her husband at their cottage up in South Salem.
O que ele disse foi que tinha ouvido dizer que havia uma jovem mulher chamada Kathie Durst que tinha sido assassinada pelo marido na sua casa de campo, em South Salem.
He certainly was a person who had the most information about Kathleen Durst.
Certamente ele era a pessoa que tinha mais informações sobre Kathleen Durst.
I can see how a young person, who had just lost his mother figure and he was starting out in life, would like to believe in a multimillionaire who could be his good friend.
Eu consigo perceber que uma pessoa jovem, que tinha acabado de perder a sua figura maternal e que estava a começar a sua vida, gostaria de acreditar num multimilionário que poderia vir a ser um bom amigo.
I think he discovered who Durst was and his family's background and their money.
Eu acho que ele descobriu quem era Durst e quem era a sua família e do seu dinheiro.
But when I found out who he was working for, how could I say no?
Mas quando descobri para quem ele trabalhava, como poderia recusar?
Because he knew his father would not approve of him sleeping with a woman who was not Iranian.
Sabíamos que o pai não aprovaria que ele dormisse com uma estrangeira.
Agent Callen... he was a known felon who had a gun aimed at a federal agent's head.
Agente Callen... Era um criminoso que tinha uma arma apontada a cabeça de um agente federal.
If he didn't shoot a cop, he was an accessory to someone who did.
Se ele não atirou, ajudou alguém que atirava.
I was sent to a sanatorium to rot, left to die, abandoned by my own husband, who prayed the end would come quickly not so that I would be spared pain and misery but so that he would be unburdened by me,
Mandaram-me para o sanatório para apodrecer, para me deixar morrer, abandonada pelo meu próprio marido, que rezou para que o meu fim chegasse depressa, não para que me fosse poupada dor e sofrimento mas para que ele se visse livre de mim,
Jimmy, as he called himself, was reported missing by his mum, who I spoke to briefly on the phone last night.
Jimmy, como gostava de se chamar, foi declarado desaparecido por sua mãe, com a qual falei rapidamente ao telefone ontem a noite.
Try and get a sense of who Jimmy was, how he lived his life in the years before his death.
Tentemos entender quem era Jimmy, como ele viveu nos anos que precederam sua morte.
And the name Mr Slater in the diary probably refers to an Eric Slater, who was a bookkeeper for the hostel for most of its incarnation, - but he was certainly working there when Jimmy was a resident. - OK.
E o nome do Sr. Slater no diário provavelmente se refere a Eric Slater, que foi gerente de reservas do albergue durante quase toda sua existência, e certamente trabalhou lá quando Jimmy foi morador.
He was the first priest in Denmark who married same sex couples.
Porque ele foi o primeiro sacerdote que casou na Dinamarca casais do mesmo sexo.
Before Morten died, he said that it was his brother who had killed him.
Antes do Morten morrer, disse que tinha sido o irmão que o tinha assassinado.
It was he who drove the car the night of the 6th.
Era quem estava a conduzir o carro, na noite do dia 6.
Was it he who texted'd you this morning?
Foi ele que te enviou o SMS esta manhã?
- He was the officer who drove him back.
- Foi o polícia que o recambiou.
- She wanted to tell him who he really was.
- Queria dizer quem ele era na verdade.
And... and when we got back to school, senior year, guess who acted like he didn't know who I was.
- Eu... E quando voltamos para a escola, no último ano, adivinha quem agiu como nem sequer me conhecesse?
- You know who he was?
And he won't think to get you two a gift because I was always the one who took care of things like that, so...
Não se vai lembrar de vos dar um presente, eu tratava sempre dessas coisas.

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