Who was it tradutor Português
11,032 parallel translation
Who was it, baby?
Quem era querido?
Who was it?
Quem foi?
Who was it, another Rover clan?
Quem fez isso, outro clã de vagabundos?
When the universities reopened after the cultural revolution who was it that told me studying could wait, stay home and raise the child?
Quando as universidades reabriram após a Revolução Cultural, quem disse que os estudos podiam esperar, para eu ficar em casa a criar a filha?
Who was it, another Rover clan?
Quem foi? Outro clã nómada?
Okay, well, if the person who murdered Charlotte was wearing the red jacket it'll have Charlotte's blood on it.
E se a pessoa que assassinou a Charlotte trazia o casaco vermelho haverá sangue da Charlotte nele.
In theory, yes, but we know who it was, I saw her. - Watson!
Em teoria, sim, mas sabemos quem foi, eu vi-a.
It was the only way I knew how to look for the people who did it.
Foi a única maneira que eu vi de caçar as pessoas que fizeram isso.
Apparently there was a murder and the woman who owned it ran some type of church out of it.
Aparentemente houve um crime, e a proprietária da casa... fez da casa um género de igreja.
I mean, if nothing else, I get to see who the hell it was put up this ad.
Na verdade intriguei-me sobre que diabos isto é?
I was the one who always knew when it was time to leave.
Eu é que sabia sempre quando estava na altura de partir.
- Argyris. - I said who it was.
Ele convidou-nos.
It was the Apostle Thomas who doubted the Lord who had risen from the dead...
Foi o Apóstolo Tomás que duvidou que o Senhor ressuscitara dos mortos...
This sport started with barroom brawlers, guys who were angry or just getting out of prison, and it was taboo.
Começou com arruaceiros. Tipos zangados, saídos da prisão.
( JP ) Indeed it was I who shifted my gaze.
Na verdade, fui eu que desviei o olhar.
he was going to make the world a good place on the island, he was going to keep you happy, he, he... This is the best man for the job. No matter what, if it was between me and your father, who would you take?
Ia fazer do mundo um lugar feliz, na ilha, ia manter-te feliz, tendo a certeza que era o melhor homem para a tarefa, entre mim e o teu pai, quem escolherias?
If it was Sikes who had come to help us catch Porter, this would have been over the first day.
Se tivesse sido o Sikes a vir ajudar-nos a apanhar o Porter, isto teria acabado no primeiro dia.
Mm. And was it last year...? Yes, we had a follower of Tibetan Buddhism who wanted a sky burial.
E no ano passado tivemos um seguidor do Budismo tibetano que queria ser enterrado no céu.
When Flint was ready to wage war against you over the gold, I was the one who said you would manage it as well as anyone could.
Quando o Flint estava preparado para entrar em guerra contra ti por causa do ouro, fui eu quem disse que tu saberias geri-lo tão bem como qualquer outra pessoa.
And it was an undercover cop who set him up, you know, with... set him up with an old friend, actually.
Foi um bófia à paisana que o entalou, sabe... Entalou-o com ajuda de um amigo dele.
Or maybe it was somebody who thought they were breaking into your house?
Ou talvez tenha sido alguém que julgava estar a assaltar a tua casa?
I'm not gonna say who it was.
Não vou dizer quem era.
It was Sister Hildegard who began our work here in Poplar.
Como foi no início, como é agora e como será.
This was a private family compound owned by a wealthy Libyan who got out of town after the revolution and leased it to the CIA.
Isto era a residência familiar de um líbio rico que partiu depois da revolução e a arrendou à CIA.
It was hard to believe that these were the same brave Highland warriors who had beaten the British army at Prestonpans and Falkirk, who had marched triumphantly into England.
Custava a crer que estes fossem os mesmos guerreiros corajosos das Terras Altas que tinham derrotado o exército britânico em Prestonpans e em Falkirk, que tinham marchado triunfantemente para Inglaterra.
Did you see who it was?
Viste quem foi?
Can you confirm that it was Luke Cage who killed your cousin?
Pode confirmar que o Luke Cage matou o seu primo?
It wouldn't take a man to kill him in that state, just somebody who was angry... and passionate about seeing him dead.
Naquele estado, não teria de ser um homem a matá-lo, apenas alguém furioso e empenhado em vê-lo morto.
I think I know exactly who it was.
Acho que sei exactamente quem é que era.
It was you who filled out that application... - and accepted it, right?
Tu é que preencheste e aprovaste a candidatura, certo?
I think it would be inappropriate to pass any comment at this stage, but I look forward to working with the authorities to find out who was responsible. And to getting back to Deep Dream, where we can continue our important work. Thank you.
Não seria adequado fazer comentários nesta fase, mas espero vir a colaborar com as autoridades para descobrir quem foi o responsável e para voltar à Deep Dream, onde poderemos continuar o nosso importante trabalho.
Yeah, okay, well, that threw me off because I thought I knew who the guy was, and it turned out to be another guy.
Pois, eu sei, nesse não correu bem porque eu pensava que sabia quem ele era, e acontece que era outra pessoa.
Who's idea was it anyway to cast Wanka as "Count Colloredo"?
Quem é que teve a ideia de escolher o Wanka para fazer de Conde Colloredo?
The man who taught me this was Scottish, if you believe it.
O homem que me ensinou isto era escocês, acredita se quiseres.
Was it a stranger.. who looked like a kin.
Foi um estranho que parecia um conhecido.
... that it would come to this, with this man who was so beloved in this country for so long. But now...
E aconteceria isto com um homem que foi tão amado neste país durante tanto tempo, mas agora...
- Okay. What-what you tell them is that I know that he is the source who leaked it to the New York Daily News that I was in over my head, that I was steamrolled.
Certo, diga-lhes que eu sei que foi ele quem divulgou ao New York Daily News que eu estava perdido e acabado.
It was Shapiro who planted the story.
Foi o Shapiro que plantou a história.
So, it was Bob Shapiro who made you live a double life while you were married with Barbara?
Foi o Bob Shapiro que te fez ter uma vida dupla enquanto eras casado com a Barbara?
And you'll remind him who it was that got married at the Red Wedding in the first place.
E ides lembrá-lo quem foi que se casou no Casamento Vermelho.
You'll remind him who it was that got married at the Red Wedding in the first place.
Primeiro vais lembrá-lo quem foi que se casou no Casamento Vermelho.
I finally make it to the elevator and I look past Norm, who was guarding the door, and across the way are Glen, Mike, and Neal in another elevator, two guards in front of them,
Finalmente cheguei ao elevador e passei pelo Norm, que estava de guarda à porta... Do outro lado estavam o Glen, o Mike e o Neal noutro elevador, com dois guardas à frente de braços cruzados.
It was a new, strange life for a woman who comes from the sun, But cozy.
Era uma vida nova, estranha para uma mulher vinda do sol, mas acolhedora.
That she was a new person, who had finally found her way And I was no longer part of it.
Que era uma nova pessoa, que tinha encontrado o seu caminho e que eu já não fazia parte dele.
The only question was who carried it.
A única questão era quem a vinha trazer.
It was you who showed me.
Fui eu quem viu primeiro.
Well, you know, if it was me who had all them jewels..... I think I'd just sit with them..... look at them..... touch'em.
Sabe, se fosse eu que tivesse todas aquelas joias, acho que simplesmente me sentaria com elas, a olhar para elas, a tocar-lhes.
It seems that Mr Shelby was given bad information by an informant who was also in contact with the underwriter who, as we know, is in the pocket of the Soviets.
Parece que o Sr. Shelby recebeu informações falsas de um informador que estava também em contacto com o mediador, o qual, como sabemos, está no bolso dos soviéticos.
- It was you who made a mistake, you understand that?
Foi você quem errou. - Entende isso?
It was you who told them about the tunnel.
Foste tu quem lhes falou do túnel.
Lizzie, I want it known, that money was for you because, some nights, it was you... .. who stopped my heart from breaking.
Lizzie, quero que saibas que esse dinheiro era para ti porque algumas noites foste tu que impediu o meu coração de se partir.
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who was that man 35
who was that guy 64
who was on the phone 34
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who was 108
who was there 49
who was with you 16
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who was that man 35
who was that guy 64
who was on the phone 34
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who was she 151
who was here 20
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
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was it good 112
was it you 219
who was here 20
was it 1813
was it worth it 132
was it something i said 48
was it me 31
was it fun 48
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was it good 112
was it you 219