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Who was there tradutor Português

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I have to believe that the investing public understands we're talking about a person who was there early on, but who had nothing to do with the creation of the company and still less to do with growing it.
Eu parto do princípio que os investidores sabem que estamos a falar de uma pessoa que esteve lá nos primeiros tempos mas que nada teve que ver com a criação da empresa, e ainda menos com o crescimento dela.
You remember that, too? And who was there for you?
Lembras-te disso também e de quem te ajudou?
Okay, fine, but, you know, when the "post" Scoops up this whole skunk ape story, just remember who was there at the beginning.
Tudo bem, mas quando o Post lançar em primeira mão a história do macaco-doninha, lembra-te de quem te falou dela.
The first person Abigail talks to about what happened can't be anyone who was there when it happened.
A primeira pessoa com quem a Abigail irá falar sobre o que se passou, não pode ser alguém que estivesse lá quando tudo aconteceu.
Now there was a time, if you ask anyone in our game, who the best damn wheelman around was, and I'm guaranteeing you, you're going to hear the name Crunch Calhoun.
Naqueles tempos, e se perguntar a alguém do meio, quem era o melhor condutor, garanto que iria ouvir o nome de Crunch Calhoun.
There have been two attempts on the life of a reporter who's investigating his activities, and an FBI agent was almost killed in an explosion.
Houve duas tentativas contra a vida de uma repórter... que estava investigando suas actividades... e um agente do FBI quase morreu numa explosão...
♪ there was a girl who blended in ♪
♪ there was a girl who blended in ♪
There is a vague description by a woman who was very much in shock.
Há uma vaga imagem descrita por uma mulher em estado de choque.
There was a David at school who, if you paid him 50 cents, was prepared to lick anything.
Existia um David na escola que, se lhe pagasses 50 cêntimos, lambia qualquer coisa.
I found a guy who was on the college editorial staff when Kern was there.
Encontrei um tipo da equipa editorial na época do Kern.
I've got a guy named Roy Kapeniak, who was on the editorial staff when Kern was there.
- Há um tipo chamado Roy Kapeniak que fazia parte da equipa editorial na época do Kern.
There was this flu, and if you drink the blood of someone who had it, it wipes out vampires.
Houve esta gripe e se beberes o sangue de quem a tinha, ela mata os vampiros.
Hey, are you gonna tell me who that was back there?
Vais dizer-me quem era aquele ali atrás?
Was there a guy, like a few years ago, is this true or is this myth, about the guy who was like your partner or something when you started the company, but he got out early and then...
E havia lá um gajo, tipo há alguns anos atrás, é mito ou verdade, sobre o gajo que era tipo teu sócio ou algo do género quando começaste a empresa, mas ela saiu cedo e então...
Once there was a great, handsome prince who fought gallantly for Transylvania.
Que uma vez, um belo e grandioso princípe que lutou corajosamente pela Trânsilvania.
And during the war, there was this major general who fought for the North.
E durante a guerra havia um major general que lutava pelo Norte.
If only there was someone out there who loved you.
Se ao menos alguém te amasse.
I was 18, so I just made a little book and charged them, and after that, there were just so many different people who came out of the woodwork.
Tinha 18 anos, então fiz uma agenda e carreguei os contactos, e depois disso, havia simplesmente tantas pessoas de diferentes tipos que perderam a vergonha.
Ethan Kandel, the boy who died in Westport... the M.E. up there indicated strychnine was the cause of death, but generally, when there's a kidnapping of minors, you find tranquilizers.
Ethan Kandel, o rapaz que morreu em Westport... O relatório médico indicou que a estricnina foi a causa de morte, mas geralmente, quando se trata de rapto de menores, encontramos tranquilizantes.
You know, he was the only man, and there were a lot of others who proposed.
Sabes, ele foi o único homem, e houve muitos que se propuseram.
Mom, there was a man who was dead, but then he tried to hurt me, Mom.
Mãe, havia um homem que estava morto, mas, depois, tentou fazer-me mal, mãe.
♪ There was a farmer ♪ ♪ who had a dog and Bingo was his name-o ♪
Havia um fazendeiro que tinha um cão chamado Bingo.
I had a friend who used to do that but there was something wrong with him.
Tinha um amigo que fazia muito isso, mas tinha um problema. Era epiléptico.
There was a discussion at the bundestag regarding North Korean diplomats who got caught smuggling cigarettes.
Houve uma discussão no Bundestag ( Parlamento ) sobre os diplomatas norte-coreanos apanhados a contrabandear cigarros.
- She was a mother who'd just lost her son - - Her 20-something-year-old son - - So there were no expectations other than grief.
Ela era uma mãe que acabou de perder o filho, o filho de 20 e poucos anos, então não existia outra expectativa senão o luto.
There was somebody else involved, somebody who was forcing him to operate on those victims.
Havia mais alguém envolvido, alguém que o forçava a operar as vítimas.
There was a kid in Italy who was in one of these things.
Houve um miúdo em Itália que estava numa destas coisas.
I wanna know how long he was there, who he was there with. I wanna know the travel time to the nearest missing girl in the Minnesota Shrike case, you got it?
Quero saber por quanto tempo lá estava, com quem, e o tempo de viagem até à rapariga desaparecida mais próxima, no caso do Picanço do Minnesota.
There was a ninth victim who also fit Abigail Hobbs's profile, but Garrett Jacob Hobbs didn't murder her.
Houve ainda uma nona víctima que também encaixa no perfil de Abigail Hobbs, mas não foi Garrett Jacob Hobbs que a assassinou.
There was a man named Laurence Wells who was questioned twice in 1973.
Um homem, Lawrence Wells, foi interrogado duas vezes em 1973.
But... I mean, theoretically... there's no way to help him even if we knew who it was?
Mas então, em teoria, não há como ajudá-lo, mesmo se soubéssemos quem era.
Who was that guy with the shotgun, and why was the ranger there?
Quem era o tipo com a caçadeira, e porque estava ali o guarda florestal?
No, because only a guy who got a 1700 on his practicals and was told to wait under a sign is still gonna be waiting there two hours later.
Não, porque só um tipo que tirou 1700 nas práticas e foi mandado esperar ali debaixo de uma placa, ia continuar à espera durante duas horas.
The number of Chinese people who were down there tasting the wines was extraordinary.
O número de pessoas Chinesas que iam lá provar os vinhos era extraordinário.
- Now, there was a little girl, only three years old, who was sleeping under some skins here in the shelter.
- Havia uma rapariga, de apenas 3 anos de idade, que dormia sob um abrigo de peles.
I remember a dad who was always there when his kid got in a jam.
Lembro-me de um pai que estava sempre presente quando o seu filho estava em sarilhos.
Is there anyone else who was involved in the case?
Há alguém que tenha estado envolvido neste caso?
There was an advance guard, who was not present when the kidnapping took place.
Exista um guarda avançado, que não estava presente onde ocorreu o rapto.
Well, there's one thing I wanna make clear right off, and that is that my baby was a virgin the day she met Errol Flynn and nothing makes me sicker than those dried up old biddies who don't have any of the facts,
Há algo que quero que fique claro, a minha filha era virgem no dia em que conheceu o Errol Flynn e nada me deixa mais transtornada do que aquelas velhas amargas que não sabem nada, mas que fazem aqueles comentários cínicos
Some say there was word from the proofing bay it was the Peaky Blinders who took them.
Alguns dizem que era um carregamento especial e que foram os Peaky Blinders que o roubaram.
Except Brian Ellis wasn't the only one who was harvested there.
O Brian Ellis não foi o único a ser colhido nesse local.
There was this kid at school who used to terrify me.
Havia na escola um miúdo, que me aterrorizava.
'Molly's children went to live with their grandmother,'who bought an immaculate pram on hire purchase,'investing in the future, whilst turning back the clock. 'Her spotless house became a happy home again,'centred on a baby boy and a little girl. 'There was pain, but she could bear it.
Os filhos de Molly ficaram a viver com a avó, que comprou um imaculado carrinho de bebé, investindo no futuro, enquanto voltava atrás no tempo.
We're nearly there! 'Nora's life was saved by doctors who asked no questions. 'She never conceived again.
O horrendo aborto de Nora Harding causou-lhe septicémia e deixou-a em coma.
There were all these crazy rumors... he was a concentration camp guard who was hiding out in Georgia.
Historiadora de arte Era guardiã de um campo de concentração oculto na Georgia.
Who the fuck told you there was a chicken in my yard?
Mas quem é que lhes disse que havia uma galinha no meu pátio?
I was nine years old and I was hanging in the fences up here and having a blast and, you know, there must have been 100 people behind me who couldn't see the show.
Eu tinha nove anos e estava aqui, pendurado nas vedações e a divertir-me imenso.
Uma das pessoas aqui presentes deu-me coragem para falar quando fui violada.
Because there were things that could be done, maybe it was immoral, but on the other hand, I couldn't say, because there were people who wanted to do it.
Porque havia coisas que podiam ter sido feitas, talvez tenha sido imoral, mas por outro lado... Não conseguia dizê-lo, porque havia pessoas que queriam fazê-lo.
One of my deputies was there last night, and he saw a girl who fits Ellen May's description get waved over to an 18-wheeler.
Um dos meus delegados esteve lá a noite passada e viu uma rapariga que corresponde à descrição da Ellen May. Um camião fez-lhe sinal.
If that hexenbiest who came into the shop was Adalind's mother, and she told your mom there was a royal here in Portland, then he must have been the one she made the purification process for.
Se a Hexenbiest que veio à loja era a mãe da Adalind e contou à tua mãe que há um membro da realeza aqui, então deve ter sido para ele que ela fez a purificação.

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