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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ W ] / Who was with you

Who was with you tradutor Português

948 parallel translation
Who was with you last month in that mail-truck job?
Quem o ajudou no assalto em Rockdale?
And that old man who was with you isn't here?
E o velho que estava com você não está aqui?
That young man who was with you - where can I find him?
Aquele jovem que estava consigo, eu gostaria de falar com ele. - Onde o posso encontrar?
One who was with you when you found out about Louise?
Estava consigo quando viu a Louise?
It's that creature who was with you on television, Miss Ann Kay.
A criatura que estava consigo na televisão. Ann Kay.
Leonard, is this the girl who was with you in the travel bureau?
Leonard, esta é a rapariga que estava contigo na Agência de Viagens?
Who was with you?
Quem estava contigo?
I can take you now to talk with a man who was dead.
Posso levá-lo agora para falar com um homem que estava morto.
Who did you think I was living with?
Com quem pensava que vivia?
"Who was that lady I saw you with?"
"Quem era a dama que estava contigo?"
I think it was Voltaire who said, "I disagree with everything you say... and I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Penso que foi Voltaire que disse : "Discordo de tudo o que diz e defenderei até à morte o seu direito de o dizer."
There was someone sailing with her, and you have to find out who it was, that's it, isn't it, Maxim?
Havia mais alguém com ela, e tem que descobrir quem era. É isso, não é Maxim?
Who else was with you?
- Quem mais estava consigo?
Thanks. Who was the man you were dancing with?
Quem era o homem que estava a dançar consigo?
But I would like to hear who the young man was you were dancing with.
Mas eu ainda gostaria de saber quem é o galante com o qual você dançou.
I thought it was Cecily who always fought with you.
Julgava que com que lutavas sempre, era com Cecily.
Who was present when you found the tin with the Maltese cross?
Quem estava presente quando se viu a lata com a Cruz de Malta?
I was sitting on the river bank with you know who.
Estava eu à beira-rio com já sabem quem.
There was someone sailing with her, and you have to fiind out who it was.
Havia mais alguém com ela, e tem que descobrir quem era.
Finally, it was me a month ago when you were returning with the basket of eggs who jumped on you with a stick.
Finalmente, fui eu quem há um mês, numa noite em que trazias uma caixa de ovos, te ataquei e te dei umas pauladas.
Max, remember, it was I who urged my government to make this deal with you.
Max, lembra-te que fui eu que incitei o meu governo a fazer este negócio contigo.
- Who was that upstairs with you?
- Foste lá acima com quem?
Sire, if you'd had the chance I had, to talk with those who knew him, to learn what was in his heart...
Se tivésseis tido ocasião, como eu, de falar com quem o conheceu, de saber o que lhe ia no coração...
Who was present with you at that time?
Quem estava presente com você naquele tempo?
And I was avoiding the obvious comment that you said that with the ease of a man who's said it often to an assortment of women.
E eu estava a evitar o comentário óbvio, de que disseste isso... - Isso não é verdade..
Say, do you know the one about the girl tuba player who was stranded on an island with a one-legged jockey?
Sabem aquela da rapariga que tocava tuba e que ficou numa ilha deserta com um jockey perneta?
Who was the Englishman with you?
Quem era o inglês que estava consigo?
I can take you now to talk with a man who was dead.
Podemos ir falar com um homem que esteve morto.
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Quando estava na recepção, com o gerente, o Sr. George Swine... que, por acaso, é meu amigo... ele arranjou-lhe uma boa acomodação?
Do you care who he was with?
- Importas-te se ele estava com alguém?
That girl you were with, who was she?
Aquela rapariga com quem estavas, quem era?
Today, I asked you who was more important, a general or a corporal, and you answered, "general." Of course, I agreed with you.
Hoje, eu perguntei a você quem era mais importante, um general ou um cabo, E você respondeu "um general". Claro, eu concordei com você.
Little boy, you are a descendant of Eolo because you are a grandson of Atamanta, who was king of Olco, a city nearby. It was rich with sheep and grain, all the property of the king.
E você, filhote, é descendente de Éolo... porque é filho de um filho de Atamante... de que falei antes... e que era rei de lolco, uma cidade vizinha daqui... muito rica em ovelhas e trigo... e que é propriedade do rei.
Tonight I shall be carryin'on from where we got to last week... when I was showin'you how to defend yourselves against anyone... who attacks you armed with a piece of fresh fruit.
Esta noite vou continuar do ponto onde tínhamos ficado a semana passada... quando eu vos estava a mostrar como se defenderem contra alguém... que vos ataque armado com uma peça de fruta fresca
Now, tell me, who else was with Prashant other than you!
Então, ninguém é um ladrão! Porque, Prashant é o ladrão!
Well it was you, who first, brought this case to our attention. Isn't it right that you'd be with us at the climax?
E como foi você que nos indicou este caso, é justo que esteja presente aquando da resolução do mesmo?
You don't know what I did yesterday. You don't know who I was with or what I got up to.
Não sabe o que eu fiz ontem, não sabe com quem eu estive!
"Even after leaving me, it was only You who was always with me"
Mesmo depois de me deixares, eras só tu quem estava sempre comigo
All he had to do was get out of fucking Harlem and go somewhere... where somebody with some bread, who had an eye for talent, you know... wanted to see somebody sure enough do it, that had it.
Ele só precisava de sair do Harlem... e juntar-se a uma pessoa com massa e olho para o talento... com vontade de ver alguém cheio dele.
Was he having an affair with somebody you didn't know who might have been Sylvia Lennox?
Ele tinha um caso com alguém que você não conhece... que poderia ter sido Sylvia Lennox?
Uh, you know, it had to do with that man, the one who was trying to run from the gorillas.
Alguma coisa a ver com esse homem, que escapou dos gorilas.
You remember Willi Cicci, who was with old man Clemenza in Brooklyn?
Fredo, lembras-te do Willi Cicci? Ele estava com o velho Clemenza em Brooklyn.
Now you came here with one thought in mind, and that was attach yourself to me so the target would know who I am and what I am.
Vieste cá com um propósito. Colares-te a mim para que o alvo me identificasse.
You know, every man I ever knew who was good with a gun and lived always had an edge.
Sabes, todos os homens que conheci que sabiam manejar uma arma e sobreviveram sempre tiveram vantagem.
It was Sammy Damo who suggested your name to me... because he said you had a little experience working with Aborigines.
Sammy Danno foi que te propôs, porque... Diz que tem experiência com aborígenes.
You're the one who was showing off with the fancy flying up there, weren't you?
Era você que se estava a exibir com aquele tipo de vôo engraçado, lá em cima, não era?
Would you have slept with anyone who knew where he was?
Tiveste que dormir com mais alguma que soubesse onde ele estava?
But learn to your confusion that his son, seven years of age, was, with a servant saved from the wreck by a Spanish vessel and that this son is he who now speaks to you.
Sim, e sabei o senhor que o filho dele, com 7 anos, juntamente com um criado, foram salvos do naufrágio por um barco espanhol, e que esse filho é este que vos fala.
Horst Wessel was a pimp who supplied Hitler with baby faces like you.
Horst Wessel era um chulo... que fornecia ao Hitler meninos como tu.
Who was that teenie you were with at "Promenade"?
Quem é aquela jovem com que a Malvina te viu no "Promenade"?
Couldn't you say you spoke to someone who was with him the whole time?
Não pode dizer que esteve com alguém que esteve com ele o tempo todo?

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