And before перевод на испанский
51,176 параллельный перевод
And before you know it, make you share responsibility for all...
Y antes de que te des cuenta, te hará responsable de...
And before you ask, yes, it will hurt.
Y antes de que preguntes, sí, te dolerá.
Handed her off to Joseph, and before I had time to wash my hands, it was done.
Se lo entregué a Joseph y antes de que tuviera tiempo de lavarme las manos, estaba hecho.
And before he opened fire, he upgraded to a ski mask.
Y antes de que comenzara a disparar se colocó una máscara de esquí.
He took a hit on the shoulder, and he's got a bump on the head, but he's fine, and before you ask, he didn't see you turn all Bruce Lee back there.
Recibió un golpe en el hombro y tiene un chichón en la cabeza, pero está bien. Y antes de que preguntes, no te vio mientras te convertías en Bruce Lee.
And everything that happened before.
Y todo lo que pasó antes.
That was before your people shot me and killed my Commander.
Eso fue antes de que tu gente me disparara y matara a mi comandante.
And then, you turn the page, and there's some sad, fat "before" girl, and she's all, "I hate myself."
Luego pasas la página y hay un "antes" con una chica gorda y triste que dice : "Me odio".
And with how long it took before...
Y teniendo en cuenta lo que nos costó la otra vez...
They will sell them as slaves, and they'll be raped by their so-called husbands, forced into motherhood before they can even be children themselves.
Las venderá como esclavas y serán violadas por sus supuestos maridos, forzándolas a ser madres antes de que puedan incluso ser ellas mismas niñas.
You know, déjà vu, where everything you said and did... everything was like before?
Ya sabes, un déjà vu, ¿ donde todo lo que has dicho y hecho... fuera igual que antes?
I just... I really wish you'd told me about these plans of yours before you went out and did it.
Me hubiera gustado que me contaras estos planes antes de que fueras y lo hicieras.
You tell me, so I can help you, before he uses you to get that devil out and we are all left here to die.
Cuéntamelo para que pueda ayudarte, antes de que te use para liberar a ese demonio y el resto nos quedemos aquí para morir.
She is a brilliant, empowering force of legal nature, and you should think long and hard before you hang her out to dry.
Es una brillante y dotada fuerza de naturaleza legal y deberían pensar largo y tendido antes de ponerla en una situación complicada.
He said that you left his apartment hours before the fire, and that you used his cellphone to check your voicemail.
Dijo que te fuiste de su apartamento horas antes del incendio y que usaste su móvil para comprobar tu buzón de voz.
And she's hurt people before...
Y ha herido a gente antes...
Oh, honey, listen, I don't want to keep nagging you, but I really want to know that you booked the tickets and the flights before they get crazy.
Cielo, escucha. No quiero molestarte pero necesito saber que reservaste los hoteles y los vuelos, antes de que sea tarde.
You see, when you say you all sat round the table as a family and had breakfast, before waving Shannon off to school, telling her you loved her, it's not quite ringing true, Karen.
Cuando usted dice que todos se sentaron alrededor de la mesa... como una familia y desayunaron, antes de mandar a Shannon al colegio, diciéndole que la quería, no suena de verdad, Karen.
We'll have Shannon home back before you know it... And in t'meantime, we've got the, "Tree For Shannon"
Haremos que Shannon vuelva a casa antes de que lo sepa... y mientras tanto, tenemos el "Árbol para Shannon"
I've stood by her before... And I'm standing by her now.
He estado a su lado antes... y lo estaré ahora.
Before ogygia, it was my apartment, my head and my phone.
Antes de Ogygia, era mi departamento, mi cabeza y mi teléfono.
show us what the tattoos mean even before the computers will, and all the people he'll be enlisting for the fight.
nos dirá qué significan los tatuajes antes incluso de que lo haga el ordenador, y a toda la gente a la que ha captado para la lucha.
I've got to go and check on my car before I turn in, so...
Tengo que ir a comprobar mi coche antes de irme a la cama, así que...
I was miserable before I got on the donor list, but now, after this change... I don't know who I am anymore, and that's...
No era feliz antes de entrar en la lista de trasplante, pero ahora después de este cambio ya no sé quién soy y eso es...
At least before when I looked in the mirror, I knew who I was, and now... it sounds like bad lyrics, but there's a stranger looking back.
Al menos antes cuando me miraba al espejo, sabía quién era. Ahora suena como una pésima canción, pero hay un extraño mirándome.
He and Mom left when we were little, before I lost my sight, and I moved in with my dad.
Él y mi mamá se fueron antes de que yo perdiera la vista, y yo me mudé con mi papá.
And I wish we had known about that thing inside it before it ripped it out of its chest!
¡ Y ojalá hubiéramos sabido de esa cosa dentro suyo antes que se la arrancara del pecho!
So before you get in that car and drive back to Modesto, just think about them, okay?
Así que, antes de que te montes en ese coche y conduzcas de vuelta a Modesto, piensa en ellos, ¿ vale?
Whoever this speedster is, it's someone you and your friends haven't encountered before.
Quien sea este velocista, es uno a quien tú y tus amigos no se han enfrentado.
I used to drink... before I would audition and, um...
Antes bebía antes de las pruebas y...
Oh, nothing. Before I go, I just wanted to let you know I was actually able to rejigger some of my schedule, and I think I'll be able to go to New York now.
Antes de irme, quería decirles que pude reorganizar mi agenda y creo que podré ir a Nueva York.
I should go home and change my clothes before I go to work.
Debo ir a casa y cambiarme antes de ir a trabajar.
We're gonna go into the office and talk for a bit before you see the doctor.
Vamos a entrar a la oficina para hablar un poco antes de que veas al doctor.
And, uh, he wanted to do it before, but he didn't think you liked him.
Y quería hacerlo antes, pero no lo hizo porque cree que no le agradas.
And this morning, he got up and left before I woke up.
Y esta mañana, se levantó y se fue antes de que me despertara.
And Stef, I know I should've asked for your blessing before I popped the question, but I am... asking for it now.
Y Stef, sé que debí haberte pedido la bendición antes de soltar la propuesta, pero yo... la pido ahora.
She was married before, and now she's not anymore.
Ella estaba casada y ahora ya no.
- And I have to wonder about the timing because... nothing like this has ever happened to me before I asked whether you were the Green Arrow.
- Y me pregunto sobre el momento porque... nada como esto me ha pasado nunca antes de que te preguntara si eras Green Arrow.
We got 5 minutes for search and rescue before this whole place comes down.
Tenemos cinco minutos para búsqueda y rescate antes de que todo el lugar se venga abajo.
We need to get into that casino, and we need to stop the attack before it happens.
Tenemos que entrar en el casino, y necesitamos detener el ataque antes de que suceda.
You and I need to talk some sense into Oliver before he does something that he's gonna regret.
Tú y yo necesitamos hablar sobre hacer entrar en razón a Oliver antes de que haga algo de lo que se vaya a arrepentir.
I'd never knocked anyone out with an elevator before, and apparently, there's a learning curve.
Nunca antes había atacado a nadie con un ascensor, y por lo visto, hay un proceso de aprendizaje.
But it used to be William, right, before you and your mom left Central City?
Pero te llamabas William antes de que tu madre y tú dejarais Central City, ¿ verdad?
We have to find out where Chase is storing this thing and stop him before he releases it.
Tenemos que averiguar dónde está guardando esta cosa Chase y detenerlo antes de que la libere.
And this is way before I put on that hockey mask and started throwing down with human scum.
Y esto mucho antes de que me pusiera esa máscara de hockey y empezara a luchar contra la escoria humana.
He made it before he died, and I should have given this to you sooner...
Lo hizo antes de morir, y debería habértelo dado antes
Ok, Chase has worked with evil Laurel before, but she's currently locked up at Argus, and there is no way that Evelyn is doing this all by herself.
Vale, Chase ya ha trabajado antes con la Laurel malvada, pero actualmente está encerrada en ARGUS, y no hay manera de que Evelyn esté haciendo todo esto por sí sola.
Even after she got sick you couldn't be bothered to call and try to be her uncle, get to know her before she...
Incluso, después que enfermó no podías haberte molestado en llamar... y tratar de ser su tío, conocerla más antes de que ella...
Seven North Precinct cops were sent to transport Burkhardt to the North Precinct, and somehow, between the time he was taken out of his cell to before he got out of the building, these two got into it with somebody... or something.
Siete policías de la Seccional Norte fueron enviados para trasladar a Burkhardt a la Seccional Norte, y de alguna forma, entre el momento en que fue sacado de su celda y el momento en que salió del edificio, estos dos se toparon con alguien... o algo.
This one's a Hundjaeger, and the other one was actually something I've never seen before.
Ese es un Hundjaeger, y a decir verdad, aquel otro era algo que nunca había visto.
Leukotriene B4 is present and what that means is that there's inflammation and, those injuries came before she died.
Leucotrieno B4 presente... y lo que eso significa es que hubo inflamación... y, esas heridas fueron antes de morir.
and before you know it 100
and before you ask 32
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and before you say anything 16
and before that 137
and before long 18
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
and before you ask 32
and before i forget 16
and before i knew it 33
and before you say anything 16
and before that 137
and before long 18
before 1084
before i die 32
before i forget 163
before i knew it 62
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before you start 24
before your time 20
before i go 103
before you go 323
before you leave 71
before you die 34
before you know it 193
before i met you 48
before i leave 41
before you start 24
before your time 20
before i go 103