And did he перевод на испанский
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And now he's back again, showing up like he did two years before.
Y ahora ha vuelto, apareciendo como hizo hace dos años.
And if I did, it wasn't with my boyfriend, because he was babysitting his brother on Thursday.
Y si lo hice, no fue con mi novio, porque estaba cuidando a su hermano el jueves.
It's weird, I've been thinking about him a lot lately, and then recently he sent me this book that he's written and it's violent and it's sad, and he titled it Nocturnal Animals and he dedicated it to me. Did you love him?
Es extraño, últimamente he pensado mucho en él y hace poco me envió un libro que escribió y es violento y triste y lo nombró Animales Nocturnos y me lo dedicó.
He left you ridiculed, And what did the King do?
Lo dejó en ridículo, ¿ y el rey qué hizo?
If she would have listened to me, no one would have died, and I wouldn't have done what I did.
Si me hubiera hecho caso, ni habría muerto nadie ni yo habría hecho lo que he hecho.
He and the girls need the space far more than I ever did.
Él y las niñas necesitan el espacio... mucho más que yo nunca lo necesité.
I was talking with professor Moore... and not only did he claim the legends were true, but... he also inferred that some of the natives on this island have seen the reverend's presence more than once over the past century.
Estuve hablando con el profesor Moore, y no solo reconoció que las leyendas eran ciertas, sino que argumentó que unos nativos de esta isla vieron la presencia del reverendo más de una vez en el siglo pasado.
And he did a scene, and he was terrific in the scene.
E hizo una escena, y él era fenomenal en la escena.
And he was grateful to be able to love the family the way that he did and provide for the family the way that he could.
Y estaba agradecido ser capaz de amar la familia de la manera que lo hizo Y mantener a la familia la forma en que podía hacerlo.
He did a lot of card and coin stuff, but there was this one thing he did that just stuck with me forever.
Hizo muchos trucos con cartas y monedas, pero hizo una cosa que se me quedó grabada para siempre.
And the time of death says that he did it right away.
Y el momento de la muerte dice que lo hizo de forma inmediata.
And he did it in your house, and I told you because I trusted you because you were grandmother.
Y lo hizo en tu casa, Y te lo dije porque confiaba en ti porque eras mi abuela.
And I spoke to him and he never did it again, right?
Yo hablé con él. Y nunca lo hizo de nuevo, ¿ verdad?
- I did not flirt with you, and I think it would be inappropriate for us to socialize.
- No he coqueteado con ella, Y creo que sería inapropiado... socializar.
And I hated you for what you did, but I'm over it.
Y lo he odiado por lo que me hizo..., Pero lo he superado.
All he did was play one beat over and over again.
Todo lo que hacía era el mismo golpe una y otra vez.
He never touched her, she acknowledged in an interview, and he never directly threatened her job, but she said she was 25, and she began to worry that she would soon suffer professionally if she did not submit.
Ella admite en la entrevista que nunca la tocó, y nunca la amenazó directamente. Pero dice que tenía 25 años y le preocupaba... el sufrir profesionalmente si ella no cedía.
And I hate that it was him of all people, but he did tell a truth.
Y odio que haya sido él de entre todos, pero sí dijo una verdad.
He was asked to come here and cool off a hot zone, and he did that.
Se le pidió que venir aquí y refrescarse una zona caliente, y él lo hizo.
Because I did some looking into this Asheton guy and... he's a serious dude.
Porque investigué al tal Asheton.
And Maurizio as a father... he went and fooled around though he was married with kids, and when this dummy got pregnant, what did he do?
Y Maurizio como padre primero andaba coqueteando aunque estuviese casado y con hijos y cuando esta estúpida quedó embarazada, ¿ qué hizo?
And he's entitled to break up with me over it, which he did.
Y él tiene derecho a romper conmigo sobre ello, lo que hizo.
- Well, he did. Listen, D'ream Out Loud may sound like bullshit, literally and figuratively, but we are gonna go after them like any other client.
D'ream Out Loud podrá sonar mal, literal y figurativamente pero iremos tras ellos.
Did I ever show you them pictures from me and your daddy's trip to New York City?
¿ Te he enseñado alguna vez las fotos del viaje a Nueva York que hicimos tu padre y yo?
Did he eat vomit and then vomit up the vomit?
Comió vómito y luego vomitar el vómito?
Why did he choose to publish it himself and even to write an introduction?
¿ Por qué eligió publicarlo él mismo? ¿ E incluso escribir una introducción?
He did not give much trouble, and if you said, "Don't do that," he'll try not to do it because he knows a spanking will be coming.
Él no causaba muchos problemas, y si le decías : "No hagas eso", él no lo hacía porque sabía que le iban a pegar.
and he did it on his own.
y lo hizo por su cuenta.
I cut his hair before he went out and, you know, we goofed off a lot about him having his fresh cut and, you know, he did a thing where he rubbed his head like this before the race.
Le corté el cabello antes de que saliera. Bromeamos mucho sobre su cabello recién cortado e hizo un gesto donde se frotaba la cabeza así antes de la carrera.
Another reason why I'm so proud of him, he did what I wanted to do, you know, he went on and he did better than, you know, I wanted to do and, you know, I'm really proud of that.
Otra razón por la estoy orgulloso de él es porque hizo lo que yo quería hacer, fue allá y lo hizo mejor de lo que yo quería hacerlo. Y estoy muy orgulloso de eso.
In a time when there was nobody bearing the banner of Jamaica and carrying Jamaica on them shoulder, and he did all up.
En una época en la que nadie llevaba la bandera de Jamaica o cargaba a Jamaica en su espalda, y él hizo todo eso.
And neither did he after I broke his nose.
Estaba ocupado rompiéndole la nariz.
Dad was awesome and he did risky stuff every day.
Papá era fabuloso y hacía cosas arriesgadas todos los días.
Oh, and I had so much extra time, I did indeed ask myself, "What would Kimmy do?"
Y me ha sobrado tanto tiempo, que me he preguntado :
You're going to walk down the aisle, just like Frodo did, when he delivered the golden rings to King Fernando and Uncle Jesse, the Elf.
Caminarás por el pasillo, como lo hizo Frodo cuando entregó los anillos de oro al Rey Fernando y al tío Jesse, el Elfo.
He said he'd make you better and he did.
Él dijo que te haría sentir mejor, y lo hizo.
He aspirated and that is why you did not find this...
Aspiró, y por eso no encontraste esto...
'Cause if they did, St. Valentine is still out there and he's killing again...
Porque si lo hicieron, San Valentín todavía está ahí afuera y está matando otra vez...
And so, Shannon, if you close a wound like I just did, you end up with a much smaller scar, if there even is a scar.
Además, Shannon, si cierras una herida como lo he hecho yo, terminas con una pequeña cicatriz, si es que queda alguna.
[Devon] He idolized our father, as did, you know, all of my brothers and sisters.
Nuestro padre era su ídolo. HERMANA MODELO - ACTRIZ
Ko was supposed to be in London tomorrow afternoon, so why did he leave the airport, and what the hell is he doing in this neighborhood?
Así que, ¿ por qué se ha marchado del aeropuerto y qué demonios hace en este barrio?
I did call Levi and he's busy.
Lo llamé y está ocupado.
And did you see that stupid, fucking gay beard he's trying to grow?
¿ Y viste la estúpida barba gay de mierda que se está dejando crecer?
Jackie landed the soundtrack, but he did the whole thing on a handshake, and a handshake's not a deal, turns out.
Jackie aterrizó la banda sonora, pero lo hizo todo el asunto en un apretón de manos, y un apretón de manos no es un trato, resulta.
And he's not the only one paying for what Elias did.
Y no es el único que está pagando por lo que Elias hizo.
He never told us about her, and he didn't help her, so I did.
Él nunca nos había hablado de ella, y nunca la ayudó, así que yo lo hice.
He did say "hidden door" and "secret area."
Dijo "puerta oculta" y "área secreta".
And the attacker... what did he look like?
El atacante, ¿ cómo se veía?
Yes he did and I'm going to tell you what he thought was the greatest.
Sí lo hizo y voy a decirle lo que él pensaba que era el más grande.
I think that he knows he did something wrong, and I'm kind of afraid to confront him because we're both kind of upset.
Creo que sabe que hizo algo mal, y temo confrontarme porque estamos los dos un poco molestos.
I did a dance in drama and... Everyone laughed.
He hecho un baile en teatro y... todo el mundo se ha reído.
and did 22
and did she 20
and did you 118
did he 1350
did he now 35
did he tell you 55
did he die 35
did he just say 44
did he tell you that 56
did he hit you 36
and did she 20
and did you 118
did he 1350
did he now 35
did he tell you 55
did he die 35
did he just say 44
did he tell you that 56
did he hit you 36
did he leave 22
did he do it 47
did he say 106
did he hurt you 98
did he touch you 28
did he really 22
did he do something 18
did he not 48
did he say anything 147
did he say that 53
did he do it 47
did he say 106
did he hurt you 98
did he touch you 28
did he really 22
did he do something 18
did he not 48
did he say anything 147
did he say that 53