And don't move перевод на испанский
1,422 параллельный перевод
You have to move. And I don't mean across the hall.
Tienes que mudarte y no digo cruzando el corredor ni a otro piso.
Just sit right here and don't move, OK?
Siéntate y no te muevas.
Hazel, I was thinking, it's been great and I hope you don't mind but I think I might move back home.
Hazel, estaba pensando, que estaría bien y espero que no te importe pero creo que debería volver a casa.
Stay under the bench and don't move.
Métete debajo del banco y no te muevas.
You don't move, and you remember... all these people in the stadium are here because of you.
No te mue v as, y re cuerda... toda esta gente en el estadio está aquí por ti.
- They had to rescue him- - - Put your hands over your heads and don't anybody make a move! Right now!
- Tenían que rescatarle... - ¡ Las manos sobre de la cabeza y que nadie se mueva!
You guys stay here and don't move a muscle until we're done.
- Ustedes se quedan aquí.
You don't move and you smile!
Antes se aburría cuando no me tenía.
And me, if I don't move like him, shall I get bruises too?
¿ Cómo es eso?
and don't move.
y no te muevas.
Stay here and don't move.
Quédate aquí y no te muevas.
Wait there and don't move.
Espera allí y no te muevas.
You know what happens when you sit and don't move?
¿ Y sabes qué te pasa sentada y sin moverte?
Don't talk and don't move.
Ud. no debe hablar nunca. Y sobre todo no se debe mover.
Stay here and don't move.
Espera aquí y no te muevas.
While we're at it, why don't we just move all that crap to the end of the driveway and sell it?
Mientras estamos en ello, ¿ por qué no movemos toda esa basura a la la entrada y la vendemos?
She should be here any minute, and if you sit down and don't move, you'll have a perfect view.
Llegará en cualquier momento, si te sientas y no te mueves tendrás una vista perfecta.
I just moved into the neighborhood... and I have these boxes in the middle of my living room... and I actually just need a minute of your time... to help me move them to the corner, so I don't trip over them.
Acabo de mudarme al barrio y tengo unas cajas en el medio de la sala y necesito sólo un minuto de su tiempo para que me ayuden a ponerlas en un rincón, para no tropezarme con ellas.
- Ow ow ow. - Don't try and move so much.
No trates de moverte tanto.
This is life, the one you get, so go and have a ball because the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,
Esta es la vida, la que te tocó, así que sal a divertirte porque el mundo no marcha al ritmo de un solo tambor.
And don't move another step!
Y no des otro paso
And I just don't want us to move too fast or put too much pressure on us.
Y no quiero que vayamos tan rápido, ni poner demasiada presión en esto.
[Knocking] And don't move a muscle.
Y no muevan un músculo.
Spread everything you've got, and don't move a muscle, fat boy.
Deja todo lo que tienes, y no muevas ni un músculo, gordito.
And don't your eyes move over the things you want?
¿ Y tus ojos no encuentran las cosas que tú quieres?
Take it out and fill the bag. Don't anyone dare move!
Saqúelo y llene el la bolsa. iNo haga a nadie se atreve el movimiento!
Last thing, it takes discipline... because this whole game is one big long shot... and if you don't have the discipline to stay away from the fliers... or from the gambles or whatever else you wanna call a stupid move... then, my friend, I'm afraid to say, one day you will go down.
Ultima cosa, portate bien... Porque este juego es un gran y largo tiro... y si no tenes disiplina para apartartarte de los volantes... o los jugadores o como quieras llamar a un movimiento estupido... entonces, pendejo, un día vas a caer.
You don't even know me and you're inviting me to move in?
Ni siquiera me conoces y me estás invitando a vivir con tigo?
- If I stay here and don't move...
- Me quedo aquí... sin moverme.
Move the onion, hide behind the branch, and don't move.
¡ Apúrate! Escóndete atrás de la rama y no te muevas.
Why don't you just go and beg some money off of my dad... so you can move into someplace decent... with a real kitchen and a real bathroom?
¿ Por qué no le pides dinero prestado a mi papá... así puedes mudarte a un lugar decente... con una cocina y un baño de verdad?
Get back in that van and don't move from there.
Vuelve a. Ia. ca.mioneta. y no te mueva.s.
When we see a rival we make a judgement about their potential... lf they seem stronger, bigger or faster... we tend to move aside and don ´ t try to compete with them.
Cuando nos encontramos con un rival... nos hacemos una primera idea de su fuerza. Si nos parece más fuerte, más grande, o más rápido que nosotros... tendemos a apartarnos y no intentamos competir con él.
Unless I have a football and five guys chasing me, I don't... move so well.
Si no tengo una pelota de fútbol y 5 tipos persiguiéndome no me muevo tan bien.
Sit here and don't move.
Quédate aquí y no te muevas.
Stay here and don't make a move.
Quedaos aquí y no os mováis.
And no matter what, don't make the first move.
Y pase lo que pase, no hagáis el primer movimiento.
Then move away, Hedgehog without a face, and don`t spoil our fun.
Entonces apártate, Erizo sin cara,... y no estropees nuestra diversión.
Don't just cry, and move
No llores ahora, y muévete.
What I don't get is... you and Walt Braun didn't move in the same circles.
Hay algo que no entiendo. Walt Braun y usted no eran del mismo círculo social.
And don't move your head during sex to avoid those unsightly neck folds
Y en la cama, evita girar la cabeza, eso hace pliegues en el cuello.
How would you feel if, say I wanted to move your mom, okay and you said, "Don't," and I did it anyway and her head fell off?
¿ Cómo te sentirías si quisiera mover a tu mamá dijeras, "No", y la moviera y se le cayera la cabeza?
His counselor thought it was best to move him to foster care and I disagreed, but I don't have a Ph.D.
Su abogado decidió mandarlo al hogar de paso.
Maybe we learn something and move on, maybe we don't.
Quizá aprendemos algo y avanzamos. Quizá no.
- Maybe we don't so much die... as learn something and then move on.
Quizá no morimos... sino que aprendemos algo y seguimos adelante.
I don't know what I'll do, but it's got to be a career move and not just another arbitrary job.
Y no se qué haré, pero será importante para mi carrera, no otro trabajo arbitrario.
How come we don't sell one and move in together?
¿ Por qué no vendemos una y nos mudamos a vivir juntos?
I don't think what it would have been like to get married, move into a nice house in Highgate, have a couple of kids and a surround-sound TV.
No me pregunto que hubiese sucedido si nos hubieramos casado e ido a vivir a una bonita casa en Highgate, hubiesemos tenido un par de hijos y una TV con Dolby Surround.
Agent Smith, watch over these two and make sure they don't move.
¡ Agente Smith! Vigile a estos dos, asegúrese de que no se mueven.
I'm gonna move to Toronto and be a street person. I don't care.
A la mierda, me iré a Toronto y viviré en la calle.
- Ricky, stay here, sit down and don't move.
Ricky, quédate aquí. Siéntate y no te muevas.
and don't come back 66
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and don't you forget it 37
and don't 39
don't move 4514
and don't be late 24
and don't worry 302
and don't get me wrong 30
and don't say 42
and don't forget 164
and don't call me 18
and don't you forget it 37
and don't 39
don't move 4514
don't move a muscle 44
don't move her 17
move 8969
moves 40
moved 33
movement 69
move it or lose it 23
move it 2576
move your feet 54
move your ass 143
don't move her 17
move 8969
moves 40
moved 33
movement 69
move it or lose it 23
move it 2576
move your feet 54
move your ass 143
move your car 23
move out of my way 19
move your hand 39
move closer 21
move over 401
move out of the way 104
move out 424
move in with me 38
move in 316
move up 92
move out of my way 19
move your hand 39
move closer 21
move over 401
move out of the way 104
move out 424
move in with me 38
move in 316
move up 92
move on 540
move faster 33
move it along 71
move forward 97
move fast 40
move yourself 17
move your hands 21
move it up 29
move now 53
move down 21
move faster 33
move it along 71
move forward 97
move fast 40
move yourself 17
move your hands 21
move it up 29
move now 53
move down 21