And look перевод на испанский
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And look at that.
Y mira eso.
Come here and look me in the eyes.
Ven aquí y mírame a los ojos.
I can stay home and look after Maria.
Yo puedo quedarme en casa y cuidar de María.
And look at you people now.
Y ahora mírense.
And look, when a woman makes a complaint of sexual harassment, 99 % of the time, it's based on reality.
Y mira, cuando una mujer hace una queja de acoso sexual... el 99 % de las veces, es real.
I think we need to take a step back and look at our national security priorities.
Tomemos distancia y examinemos las prioridades de seguridad nacional.
Why don't you two stay here and look for the gun,
Quédense aquí y busquen el arma,
I was there and I... I watched you solar flare, and it didn't look like they were trying to, you know, capture your heat-vision.
Yo estaba allí y... te vi cuando hiciste la llamarada solar y no parecía que estuvieran tratando de, ya sabes, guardar tu visión calorífica.
You just have to look inside of yourself and see the strength and the courage that I see in you.
Solo tienes que mirar dentro de ti y ver la fuerza y el coraje que yo veo en ti.
And I'm so glad that when things look their worst, we both thought to run straight to a bar.
Y yo me alegro mucho de que cuando las cosas se ponen en lo peor, ambas pensamos en ir directamente a un bar.
I just came out to look at the stars and to contemplate, but there isn't much to look at tonight.
He salido para mirar las estrellas y reflexionar, pero no hay mucho a lo que mirar esta noche.
When I was a child, I could look up into the skies and see Daxam and the stars.
Cuando era niña, podía mirar hacia el cielo y ver Daxam y las estrellas.
They look for food, they fight, and they eat.
Buscan comida, pelean, y comen.
I did a forensic look, and I cannot find the source.
Investigué a fondo y no pude descubrirlo.
value / skew tendencies, that is, do you look for low-risk, large-skew opportunities, and bias. Do you get anchored to old names that aren't working?
si buscas oportunidades de bajo riesgo y parcialidad, si te aferras a ideas que ya no funcionan.
But when I look at the efficiency of the research department, I see some bagginess, so I'm sitting with everyone and drilling down.
La pereza afecta la eficiencia del área de investigación. Hablé con todos e indagué sobre ellos.
Look, you promised me, and you owe me.
Lo prometiste, y me debes dinero.
Sometimes I look at my surroundings and wonder why I stay... doing what I do.
A veces, miro alrededor y me pregunto por qué sigo ahí, teniendo este empleo.
Look, it's just drop-offs and pick-ups, do your interviews in between, and then, when you get a job, we'll make a better plan.
Mira, es solo seleccionar y escoger... haz tus entrevistas en el medio, y luego cuando consigas un trabajo... haremos un mejor plan.
And now look at you.
Y mírate ahora.
Look, in terms of my firm and... and trying to get the president's ear...
En cuanto a lo de mi empresa y tratar de hablar con el presidente...
But if I'm in and out in 20 minutes, I think the damage will look mischief-level.
Pero, si entro y salgo en 20 minutos, solo parecerá una travesura.
Now, look, there's a limited amount of champagne today, so please make sure that it goes to the parents and not the masters.
Bueno, mire, hay una cantidad limitada de champán hoy, así que por favor asegúrese de que va a los padres y no a los maestros.
We are the silver band, The Lord Bless And Keep You, the band that no-one could beat whatever but two indeed in the Eisteddfod that for the whole of North Wales was, look you.
Somos la Silver band, El Señor te bendiga y te cuide, La banda que nadie podría vencer, quedó la segunda en realidad en... el Eisteddfod para todo el Norte de Gales.
So I look at it and I think of him.
Lo miro y me acuerdo de él.
- Look, maybe you and yours do it differently, but... where I'm from, you make a deal, you keep it.
- Mira, quizá los tuyos y tú lo hagan diferente, pero... de donde soy yo, cuando haces un trato, lo mantienes.
Ten minutes, one minute, whatever I could steal, to go up to the roof, look up at the sky, and just breathe.
Diez minutos, un minuto, lo que pudiera sacar, subir al techo, mirar hacia arriba al cielo y solo respirar.
And I know the way you look at her from across a crowded room.
Y sé el modo en que la miras en una habitación llena de gente.
Look at you and those lips.
Mírate con esos labios.
It was this or mascara, and I don't like shit around my eyes'cause I got allergies and I rub and then I look like one of them girls who cry.
Era esto o rímel, y no me gusta ponerme nada en los ojos. Me da alergia, me los froto y parezco una chica que llora.
Look, we need to borrow D-list Martha Stewart for a while. We need to show the media that she ain't locked up in a closet with a bag over her head and jumper cables on her nips.
Tomaremos prestada un rato a la Martha Stewart del subdesarrollo para mostrarles a los medios que no está encerrada en un clóset con una bolsa en la cabeza ni cables en los pezones.
Look, I got to spread my cheeks and she gotta get up in there.
Debo abrirme las nalgas para que ella se meta ahí.
I look for people that are passionate about what they do, and for some reason, they haven't found success.
En personas que se apasionan por lo que hacen y que, por alguna razón, no tuvieron éxito.
Look, I hope you can prove that Egan killed Lobos, and if St. Patrick is involved, even better.
Mira, espero que puedas probar que Egan mató a Lobos, y si St. Patrick está involucrado, incluso mejor.
And I tried to have him look at other suspects, Valdes...
E intenté que viese a otros sospechosos, Valdes.
Look, Proctor, I need you to have Tommy, and only Tommy, take $ 20,000 cash to the address underneath my right sleeve.
Mira, Proctor, necesito que Tommy, y solo Tommy, lleve 20 mil dólares en efectivo a la dirección que está debajo de mi manga derecha.
And you getting into fights, I mean, it doesn't look too great.
Y te metes en peleas, y eso no está bien.
So either you didn't look, as you say, or you knew it was there and didn't hand it over.
Por lo que no buscaron, como dicen, o supieron que estaba allí y no lo investigaron.
You are brilliant, the agency loves you, you look beautiful, and there's a strong possibility of shrimp.
Eres brillante, la agencia te adora, estás preciosa y hay muchas posibilidades de que haya gambas.
Look, maybe I'm going nowhere with this and maybe he just couldn't bear to see her all burned up like that, but maybe... maybe it was something different.
Mira, tal vez no vaya a ninguna parte con esto... y tal vez no pueda soportar verla quemada así, pero tal vez... tal vez sea algo diferente.
Maybe I want to wear something that won't make them look at us and wonder,
Quizás busque algo que evite que ellos nos miren y se pregunten :
Three... when the guys look in here and see you training for the Tour de France in your underwear in Wendy Rhoades'office, they're not inspired.
Tercero, cuando los chicos llegan y te ven entrenando para el Tour de Francia en ropa interior en la oficina de Wendy Rhoades no se sienten inspirados.
And, look, I know that a lot of people say that theater is a dead art form performed by the rich for the even richer, and...
Sà © que mucha gente opina que el teatro es un arte obsoleto que realizan los ricos para los aún mà ¡ s ricos,
Look, man, I... I don't want to make this weird or anything, but, um... Mandy sent me down here to see if you want to, like, come upstairs and talk or something.
Oye, amigo, no quiero que esto te resulte raro, pero Mandy me envià ³ aquà abajo para saber si quieres subir a conversar con ella.
You're driving the car and you look in the rear-view mirror, and you see your kid with this big dopey smile on her face.
Van conduciendo el auto, miran por el espejo retrovisor y ven a su hijo o hija con esa boba sonrisota en su rostro.
You're in the passenger seat... and you see a look of anguish go across your husband's face as you pass the pet store.
Van en el asiento del pasajero y ven la mirada de angustia en el rostro de su esposo al pasar frente a la tienda de mascotas.
If I recommend someone and they fail to live up to my endorsement, how do I look?
Si recomiendo a alguien y falla en cumplir mi aprobación, ¿ cómo quedo yo?
Look, I'm here now, and that's what's important, my love.
Ven. Mira, ya estoy aquí y eso es lo importante, mi amor.
Einstein... look in here and tell me Serbia is more important than what you see.
Einstein, mira esto y dime si Serbia es más importante que lo que ves.
Our last guy, Hector, took one look, and he quit.
Mazel tov. Gracias por invitarme.
Going round and round, the world must look very... very different.
Dando vueltas y vueltas, el mundo debe parecer muy muy diferente.
and look at this 104
and look at you 67
and look what happened 61
and look at me now 26
and look at you now 29
and look here 23
and look at that 31
and look at me 53
and look what i found 16
and look at him 21
and look at you 67
and look what happened 61
and look at me now 26
and look at you now 29
and look here 23
and look at that 31
and look at me 53
and look what i found 16
and look at him 21
and look what happened to him 16
look 107427
look at me 7366
looking 1024
looks 103
look at this 4731
lookin 41
lookie 51
looky 64
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look 107427
look at me 7366
looking 1024
looks 103
look at this 4731
lookin 41
lookie 51
looky 64
look at him 1555
look at her 948
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look on the bright side 174
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
look at me now 78
look at you 3730
look at that 4253
look on the bright side 174
look at yourself 268
look at your face 75
looking for a job 23
looking good 543
looking for someone 66
looks like 280
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at them 596
looks delicious 39
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22
look at us 558
look at it 733
look at them 596
looks delicious 39
look at my face 104
look at this guy 173
look at this picture 28
look at you go 18
look at this view 22