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And lots of it перевод на испанский

696 параллельный перевод
Straight bourbon and lots of it. That's a fact.
¡ Tomar Bourbon en cantidades!
Good luck, Jo and lots of it.
Buena suerte, Jo. Mucha suerte.
This calls for action and lots of it.
- Si hace falta, sí. Tenemos que actuar y deprisa.
Baking soda, and lots of it.
- Mucha levadura.
Money is no object. Bring me the finest you have, and lots of it.
El dinero no es problema, tú simplemente tráeme lo que te pido.
Elbow room, and lots of it!
¡ El de la esquina y muchos de ellos!
But as long as I had it, the lab found burns from the squibs. And lots of soot, sir.
en el laboratorio encontraron quemaduras y en gran cantidad, señor.
Got lots of coffee on it, and then...
la sacaba empapada y entonces...
I can think of lots better ways of spending it than dancing and flirting till all hours of the night with a lot of good-for-nothing young puppies.
Puedes hacer algo mejor que pasar el día bailando y flirteando hasta altas horas de la noche con un montón de jóvenes inútiles.
Why, he wouldn't let her fire me lots of times, and he stood up for me when she beat me, and made her stop it, like he did tonight.
Muchas veces impidió que ella me echara, me defendía cuando ella me golpeaba, la obligaba a detenerse, como esta noche.
- And you need lots of it.
- Y necesitas mucha ayuda.
And Lots of people believe it.
Y muchos lo creen
Well, it's all so hazy, and you kept on insisting, and, oh, I had lots of champagne, I guess.
Bueno, es todo tan difuso, y siguió insistiendo, y, oh, tomé mucho champán, creo.
In any case, tonight you did everything possible to make me just like lots of other men, and it's too bad.
De todas formas, esta noche has hecho todo lo posible para hacerme parecer como tantos otros hombres, y es una lástima.
All right, now everybody stand back and give me room, lots of it.
- Háganse todos para atrás, denme espacio, mucho espacio.
I've been rude to lots of people and never regretted it.
¡ Pero no os desaniméis!
Either it's lots of reporters and lots of tickets or...
O hay un montón de reportajes y un montón de entradas o...
It must be lots of fun to be with a woman like that, so witty and...
Debe ser muy divertido estar con una mujer así, tan lista y...
Any time you got nothing to do and lots of time to do it, come up.
Siempre que no tengan nada que hacer y tengan tiempo de sobra, vengan a verme.
You take lots of girls and you make them sleep in a hog sty all night and then don't tell them where their breakfast was coming from - they wouldn't take it lying down.
Pocas chicas, si les hicieras dormir en un pocilga, y no les dieras de desayunar, se lo tomarían tan bien.
Well, don't tell Aunt Susie I told you, now, because it's a secret and she said that you and Clarence fixed it up with a man for her to get a new job and make lots of money.
No le digas a tía Susie que te lo he dicho, porque es un secreto... dijo que tú y Clarence hablasteis con un hombre... para conseguirle otro trabajo mejor.
It has lots of people in it, hundreds, and it's a great wheat country.
Hay muchísima gente allí. Y es un país rico y grande.
I know it's only eleven o'clock, but I want to get up early and make the rounds of the used car lots.
Ya sé que son sólo las once, pero quiero levantarme temprano para ver automóviles usados.
a good one... belongs all to me and worth lots of money. Only, I can't forget what it cost me.
Sólo que no puedo olvidar todo lo que me costó.
It'a a nice little place, with lots of hay and it smells so good.
Es muy bonito, con un montón de heno. ¡ Huele muy bien!
Maybe it was just a small picture, with lots of nature and things.
Quizás para un cuadro pequeño... con naturaleza y así...
Lots of tiles are broken, and it's dangerous.
Por allí, pero con cuidado, hay muchas tejas rotas.
Lots of guys get loaded there and then come over here to sweat it out.
Muchos se embriagan allá y luego vienen aquí a sudar el alcohol.
It's just that I've come to see that lots of nice people who aren't, people who despise it and detest it and deplore it and protest their own innocence, help it along and then wonder why it grows.
Conozco a muchos que no Io son. Los desprecian y condenan, pero... Ios toleran y se preguntan por qué persisten.
And bring a bottle of Port and lots of sugar, it makes a great refreshment.
Y traiga también una botella de vino de Oporto y mucho azúcar, porque hace un refresco magnífico.
It's happened to lots of people like you and me.
Le ha ocurrido a muchas personas como tú y como yo.
And it takes time, lots of time.
Se necesita tiempo, mucho tiempo.
All I'm saying is there are lots of things that a man can do... and in society's eyes it's all hunky-dory.
Sólo digo que hay muchas cosas que puede hacer un hombre... y a la sociedad le parece fenomenal.
- And it offers lots of free talk.
- Y su conversación no es nada.
I certainly don't think it's fair, for some girls to have lots of lovely things... and other prettier girls have nothing at all.
No me parece justo que a algunas les sobren los vestidos y que otras más guapas no tengan nada.
And I have money in my money box. Lots of it. And I keep on getting it.
Y mi alcancía está lleno de dinero.
Lots of it, and you drug manufacturers are going to supply it.
Montones de ellas, y ustedes, los fabricantes van a suministrarlas.
It was a lot of Beavers to be hang And lots of beavers meant lots of money.
Y castores significaban dinero.
Run as hard and as fast as you can and come back with help. Lots of it.
Corra tan rápido como pueda y vuelva con ayuda.
And lots of wind to blow it out
Ymucho aire para expulsar
Well, it's just a matter of practice. Lots and lots of lovely practice.
Es una cuestión de práctica, montones de bonita práctica.
And lots of hot mustard It's good for you!
And lots of hot mustard It's good for you!
And then it's lots of trying things on.
Luego viene una prueba tras otra :
Well, after that, lots of things happened, and... well, that's just the way it was until... just now, backstage when The Five Donahues got together again.
Después han ocurrido muchas cosas, hasta que ahora Los Cinco han vuelto a unirse.
And he said he is going to turn it out with lots of photographs.
Dice que va a complementarlo con muchas fotografías.
Lots of it, kid. Tall, sweet and it's real good.
Muchos, chico, hierba alta, dulce y de la mejor.
Lots of things happen to a woman, sickness or being poor and hungry even, being left alone in your old age, being afeared to die, and you can stand it.
Muchas cosas le suceden a una mujer : Se enferma, es pobre, tiene hambre... la dejan sola en la vejez... le da miedo morir... y tú puedes soportarlo.
It is with lots of happiness that I accept your wishes and that you take to... the Hungarian people my sincere thanks and my greetings.
Es con mucha alegría que acepto sus deseos y que te lleva a... el pueblo húngaro mi sincero agradecimiento y mis saludos.
They'll pound hard on it and lots of stuff will topple out from inside.
Te le van a dar de garrotazos y van a salir muchas cosas de dentro.
It is with lots of happiness that I accept your wishes and that you take to... the Hungarian people my sincere thanks and my greetings.
Es con mucha alegría que acepto sus deseos y que Ileven al... pueblo húngaro mi sincero agradecimiento y mis saludos.
Then hop to it, and lots of good luck, Casey.
Entonces, ánimo y buena suerte, Casey.

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