Answer him перевод на испанский
1,637 параллельный перевод
Answer him!
¡ Contéstale!
What's left for us if guys like you can't answer him?
¿ Qué nos queda a nosotros si tipos como ustedes no pueden contestarse?
Answer him, Mr. Milodragovich.
Conteste, Sr. Milodragovich.
I could answer him for once?
¿ Podría responder él por una vez?
Why don't you answer him?
¿ Por qué no le contestas?
answer him.
When Tamanna's lawyer puts this question to you answer him confidently.
Cuando el abogado de Tamanna le haga esta pregunta Debe responder con confianza.
Answer him!
¡ Respóndele!
Answer him, sweetheart.
Contéstale, corazón.
And he is wondering what disaster she abandoned... knowing full well she will never answer him.
Me preguntaba qué te habría pasado. Nunca me imagine que me tomarías en cuenta.
- I talk how I want. The will doesn't say I can't answer him.
No hay nada en el testamento de mi madre que diga que no puedo contestar a mi hermano...
If the senator feels that we have done violence to his words or pictures... and desires, so to speak, to answer himself... an opportunity will be afforded him on this program.
Si el senador siente que tergiversamos su palabra o imagen... y desea un derecho a réplica... tendrá esa oportunidad en este programa.
At that time we said... if the senator believes we have done violence to his words or pictures... if he desires to speak, to answer himself... an opportunity would be afforded him on this program.
En ese momento dijimos... que si él creía que habíamos tergiversado sus palabras... y quería tener su derecho a réplica... le daríamos una oportunidad en este programa.
We answer truthfully, give him what he wants... and get him the hell out of here. Okay?
Miren, le daremos lo que quiere y lo sacamos de aquí, ¿ sí?
I realized the reason the android didn't answer had nothing to do with her mechanism wearing out nor that she didn't like him.
Me di cuenta de que la androide no respondía no porque su mecanismo estuviera gastado ni porque no le gustara él.
Just let him answer.
Déjelo contestar.
Tell him... to answer the phone, don't be a turd like my ex.
Ay, dígale que me atienda que no sea sorete como mi ex marido.
You find him, and you find before anybody else does... and you get me an answer!
Encuéntralo, ¡ encuéntralo antes que nadie y tráeme respuestas!
- Why don't you answer him?
¿ Por qué no le contestas?
Why don't you answer him?
Quiero ir a dormir ahora, y es lo que quiero hacer ahora.
I asked him, but he wouldn't answer.
, no, para nada, si yo le preguntaba sobre Elías y el no me quería contestar.
Now the last question if our new student does not know the answer we'll have to demote him to a lower class.
Ahora la pregunta última si nuestro nuevo estudiante no sabe la respuesta tendremos que degradarlo que a más bajo clasifica.
He got the answer right, would you have let him go?
Si hubiera acertado, ¿ le habrías dejado marchar?
- He attendeth here hard by to know your answer, whether you'll admit him.
- Entrará aquí solo al conocer tu respuesta, si es que si lo admites.
And you called him into bed and he wanted to know the answer to his question very badly.
Luego lo llamaste para acostarse y... él realmente quería saber la respuesta a su pregunta.
I asked him why, but he's never given me a straight answer.
Le pregunté por qué. Pero nunca me ha dado una respuesta clara.
At the same time... those demons were kind of what drove him on... because he was insistent, persistent... and he refused to take no for an answer... and he was constantly trying to make things right.
Aunque al mismo tiempo... esos demonios de alguna manera eran los que le guiaban... porque era un tipo muy insistente, persistente y no aceptaba nunca un "no" como respuesta... y siempre estaba intentando hacer las cosas bien.
Please answer me. You saw him?
Por favor respóndeme Le has visto?
- can you answer for him?
- Bien ¿ responde Ud. De él?
Why don't you answer the phone when you're with him?
¿ Por qué no contestabas el teléfono mientras estabas con él?
Pish believes the answer to the Dylan question is no longer to kill him, but to turn him to the other side.
Pish cree que la solución al problema de Dylan ya no es matarlo, es convertirlo al otro lado.
She broke up with him, but he wasn't taking no for an answer.
Ella terminó con èl, pero Aaron no aceptaba un "no" por respuesta.
If he can't answer questions, we can't interrogate him.
Si no puede responder preguntas no lo podemos interrogar.
You won't have to answer to him any longer.
Ya no tendrás que responder ante él nunca más.
Do you want me to answer questions or treat him?
¿ Quiere que me quede contestando a sus preguntas o que vaya a tratarlo?
She didn't let him answer his phone.
Ella no lo dejó contestar su teléfono.
You take a shot at him, You answer to me.
Si le disparan, tendrá que vérselas conmigo.
I didn't given him an answer yet.
No le he dado una respuesta aún.
Dr Dorian was on time and you were busy doing that hilarious betterlworse bit, so maybe you should answer to him all day.
Como el Dr. Dorian ha llegado puntual y tú nos deleitabas con tu numerito,... estarás a su cargo todo el día.
The obvious answer is to draw Sean's face on it and tell him you grew it because you missed him.
La respuesta más obvia es acercarlo a la cara de Sean y decirle que te ha salido por echarle tanto de menos.
It's him. Should I answer it?
Es él. ¿ Respondo?
Ask him that. Ask him where my life goes now and then tell me what his answer is.
Pregúntele qué hago ahora con mi vida... y dígame qué le responde.
If you ask him the same question, he would not answer it.
Si le preguntas la misma pregunta, seguro que no te la va a saber responder.
It's a little bit complicated so he sends me a fax, but the fax doesn't seem to answer the question, so I E-mail him back and I get another fax which I'm still not satisfied with,
Traté de resolverlo. Es un poco complicado así que me envía un fax, pero el fax parece no contestar la pregunta, así que le escribo de nuevo y me envía otro fax, el cual todavía no me deja satisfecho, y este, de hecho, resultó
And she saw how everybody would ignore the eager Mark whenever he opened his mouth not knowing that he was notorious for never being able to give an intelligible answer to anything we called him Putting head, but his real name wasn't Putting head
Y vio como todos ignoraban al ansioso Mark cuando hablaba, sin saber que él era conocido por jamás poder dar una respuesta comprensible. Lo llamábamos "cabeza de budín", pero su nombre real no era ese.
Give him an answer
Mira cómo fabrica excusas
- Don't answer him.
¿ Quién es?
This is Wes. You mess with him, you're gonna have to answer to me.
Si se meten con él se las verán conmigo.
Anything happens to you here, I feel I would have to answer to him.
Si algo le ocurriera a usted aquí, siento que no sabría qué decir a su padre.
- Hey, mouthpiece let him answer, all right?
- Oye, vocero déjalo contestar, ¿ de acuerdo?
I can answer only for one. I can answer for Valhalla because Ken Lay did in fact know about this thing. Because I had told him myself.
Sólo puedo responder a una pregunta, por Valhalla porque Ken Lay sí sabía acerca de esto porque yo se lo dije.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
answer 536
answers 108
answer the question 474
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
answer 536
answers 108
answer the question 474
answer me 1429
answer my question 103
answer the phone 120
answer your phone 51
answering machine 24
answer it 300
answerphone 16
answer her 25
answer the door 38
answer that 36
answer my question 103
answer the phone 120
answer your phone 51
answering machine 24
answer it 300
answerphone 16
answer her 25
answer the door 38
answer that 36