Come to us перевод на испанский
11,313 параллельный перевод
Why didn't you come to us?
¿ Por qué no acudiste a nosotros?
I was told you'd come to ask something of us.
Me dijeron que vendríais a pedirnos algo.
- New guy, come outwith us. - We're going to get drink.
Ven con nosotros, iremos por unas copas.
When are you going to come out with us again, Danielle?
¿ Cuándo volverás a nosotros, Danielle?
To strengthen us for the tasks to come.
Para prepararnos para lo que viene.
I rigged those tunnels with enough explosives to blow us both to kingdom come.
He equipado estos túneles con suficientes explosivos para volarnos a los dos en pedazos.
Has Sam come back to us?
¿ Sam ha vuelto con nosotros?
I told him to come with us to the funeral parlor, he wouldn't be safe here.
Le dije que viniera con nosotros a la funeraria, que no estaría seguro aquí.
Call Valentina, tell her Empire is going down like the Titanic, and she needs to come back to us.
Llama a Valentina, dile que Empire está hundiéndose como el Titanic, y que necesita volver con nosotros.
And Big Heavy better not try to come back at us.
Y pesado grande mejor no tratar de volver a nosotros.
Come on, Gemstone's got nothing to do with us.
Vamos, Gemstone mundo tiene nada que ver con nosotros.
When the Rezident discovers I'm missing, he's going to come after us.
Cuando el Rezidente descubra que estoy desaparecido, vendrá tras nosotros.
We asked Dr. Rudnick to come in for an interview, and he gave us permission to record it.
Le pedimos al Dr. Rudnick que viniera para una entrevista y nos dio permiso para grabarlo.
Blanca, thank God you were able to find time to come back and help us clean the house.
Blanca, gracias a Dios que pudo encontrar tiempo... para volver y ayudarnos a limpiar la casa.
You come onto our team, mess up with Walt's head, and get us used to having that kid around, and then you up and leave.
Usted viene a nuestro equipo, lío con la cabeza de Walt, y conseguir que nos solíamos a tener ese niño alrededor, y luego te levantas y te vas.
You think Walter isn't calling us back because he's preparing his exit strategy to come work here?
¿ Crees que Walter no nos está llamando de vuelta porque está preparando su estrategia de salida para venir a trabajar aquí?
Cedric, we'd like you to come with us.
Cedric, quisiéramos que vengas con nosotros.
I know you don't think highly of us, Mrs. Harris, but we won't close the door of this church to anyone who feels called to come in.
Sé que usted no piensa muy bien de nosotros, la señora Harris, pero no vamos a cerrar la puerta de esta iglesia a cualquiera que se siente llamada a entrar.
- We need you to come with us.
- Necesitamos que vengas con nosotros.
You said you wanted us to come and see you.
Dijiste que querías que viniéramos a verte.
If you come now, there's time to extract us, over.
Si vienen ahora, aún hay tiempo de rescatarnos, cambio.
Do you want to come to the fundraiser with us or go with your dad?
¿ Quieres venir a la gala con nosotras o irás con tu padre?
If you'll go to see my oncologist, Ryan can come along with us.
Si irás a ver a mi oncólogo, Ryan puede venir con nosotros.
I'll call my cousin to come and get us, and then we will be even.
Llamaré a mi primo para que venga a recogernos y entonces estaremos a mano.
Maybe she wasn't meant to come back to us.
Quizá no estaba destinada a regresar con nosotros.
I can't wait for you to come home, And i cannot wait for us to get married.
No puedo esperar a que vuelvas a casa, y no puedo esperar a que nos casemos.
Would you be willing to come to the church with us to find out? No.
¿ Estaría dispuesto a venir a la iglesia con nosotros para averiguarlo?
She tells me you are not planning to come back to us.
Me contó que no estás planeando volver con nosotros.
Maybe by then, you will have figured out a way to come back and tell us all about it.
Quizá para entonces, habrá descubierto una forma de regresar y contárnoslo todo.
Come, let us leave the king to attend to your sons.
Vamos, dejemos que el rey se preocupe por sus hijos.
- I want you to come with us.
- Quiero que vengas con nosotros.
Because it's good to remember where we come from, and the moments that shape us.
Porque es bueno recordar de dónde venimos y los momentos que nos forman.
I want you to come with us.
Quiero que vengas con nosotros.
If you want to see your real keyboard, put on your burger suit, do something about that hair, and come with us.
Si quieres ver tu teclado de verdad, ponte el traje de hamburguesa, haz algo con ese pelo y ven con nosotras.
Well, maybe we should call someone to come get us.
Deberíamos llamar a alguien para que venga a buscarnos.
I knew you'd come crawling back to us sooner or later.
- Sabía que tarde o temprano volverías arrastrándote de vuelta con nosotros.
- We need you to come with us.
- Deben venir con nosotros.
I knew you'd eventually come running back to us.
Sabía que en algún momento volverías corriendo a nosotros.
If you don't let us in, we can use our own powers of entry to come in anyway, all right?
Si no nos dejas pasar, podemos usar nuestro poder de ingreso para acceder de todas maneras, ¿ vale?
You must've wanted us to come here.
Seguramente nos querías aquí.
If he's come to threaten us..... I know what I have to do.
Si ha venido a amenazarnos... sé lo que tengo que hacer.
- Sure you don't want to come with us?
- ¿ Seguro no quieres venir con nosotros?
Look, I want you to come to the door, and let us in..... but first, can you put that knife down for me?
Mira, quiero que vengas hasta la puerta y nos dejes entrar... pero primero, ¿ puedes dejar ese cuchillo?
You come outside with us, get in our nice, warm van and we can pop down to the hospital...
Sales con nosotros... entras en nuestra agradable y cálida furgoneta y vamos hacia el hospital...
In the meantime, I would appeal for any witnesses, or anybody with information at all to come forward and contact us.
Mientras tanto, apelaría a posibles testigos... o a cualquier persona con información a ofrecerse y contactarnos.
It's a brutal obstacle course that Santa designed... To help prepare us for all the challenges that come our way.
Es una carrera de obstáculos brutal que diseñó Santa... para prepararnos para los retos que enfrentamos.
Cadillac come up to about here on me. All right, so I guess I am the tallest one of us.
un Cadillac me llega hasta aqui adivino que soy el mas alto.
Okay, do you think he'd be willing to come in and maybe point us in the direction of somebody that knew her better?
Bien, ¿ crees que estaría dispuesto a venir y guiarnos en dirección de alguien que la conociera mejor?
You help us... how he came to know those associates never has to come to light.
Si nos ayuda... cómo llegó a conocer a sus socios nunca tiene por qué salir a la luz.
They asked us to come and have a look, since it's one of their colleagues that died.
Nos pidieron que viniéramos y echáramos un vistazo, puesto que es uno de sus colegas murió.
What, all the ugly doctors are busy so they got to enlist Snow White to come and peel us like a grape?
¿ Cuál es, a todos los médicos feas están ocupados por lo que llegaron a contar con Blancanieves para venir a pelar como una uva?
come to me 469
come to daddy 102
come to my room 21
come to my house 24
come to think of it 380
come tomorrow 54
come to mama 72
come to bed 181
come to your senses 45
come to my place 28
come to daddy 102
come to my room 21
come to my house 24
come to think of it 380
come tomorrow 54
come to mama 72
come to bed 181
come to your senses 45
come to my place 28
come to mommy 20
come to papa 106
come to the office 16
come together 24
come to dinner 16
come tonight 20
come to my office 34
come to 31
come to that 18
to us 492
come to papa 106
come to the office 16
come together 24
come to dinner 16
come tonight 20
come to my office 34
come to 31
come to that 18
to us 492
useful 59
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
ushna 19
use your brain 33
use it 260
use your imagination 74
use your words 42
use your head 124
use me 43
used to 118
use mine 46
use the force 25
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67
us too 58
use it wisely 19
use your power 21
use your hands 17
use your legs 22
used to be 136
use them 48
use these 22
use that 67