Couldn't hurt перевод на испанский
768 параллельный перевод
" I thought that it couldn't hurt if you had a choice.
" Pensé que no dolería si tuvieras una opción.
Why, Queenie, I'd rather lose my pipes so I couldn't sing and go lame so I couldn't dance than to hurt Hank.
Queenie, preferiría quedarme sin poder cantar y estar cojo, y no poder bailar, que lastimar a Hank.
I couldn't hurt you either.
Yo tampoco a ti. ¡ Eres un ladrón! Bertie.
No podrías hacerle daño a este chico, ¿ verdad, Bobbie?
If you were really hurt... if your leg was smashed up so that you couldn't walk... the company that ran over ya would have to pay a lot of money, wouldn't they? - See?
Si estuvieras muy lastimado... con la pierna rota y no pudieras caminar... la empresa que te atropelló tendría que pagar mucho dinero.
Couldn't hurt that tyre.
Jamás se dañaría.
Marie, I couldn't share your destiny except to your own hurt.
Marie, yo no podría compartir tu destino, excepto para hacerte daño.
A little constitutional couldn't possibly hurt.
Un pequeño paseo posiblemente no le haría daño.
No, i'm not going. i couldn't leave your mother and the children... what with her hurt and everything.
No podría dejar a tu madre ni a los niños... ya que ella está herida.
You couldn't understand how a woman could be this cruel to two men just because she loved them and doesn't want to hurt them.
No podéis entender cómo puede ser tan cruel una mujer con dos hombres solo porque les ama y no quiere herirlos.
I couldn't bear to hurt him like that.
No podría enfrentarlo causándole este dolor.
- That bicho couldn't hurt me.
Ese bicho no podría lastimarme.
I couldn't love you, you hurt my mother and father so much.
- No podía quererle. Le hizo mucho daño a mis padres.
You couldn't hurt a fly, Bertram. Unless it was already dead.
No le harías daño a una mosca, Io sé bien.
But if you'd hit Josie between the eyes with your fist, you couldn't have hurt her worse.
Pero si a Josie la hubieras golpeado, la habrías lastimado menos.
Now I couldn't hurt you even if I wanted to. Not even to stop you from leaving if that's what you want.
Pero sería incapaz de desearte el mal ahora y menos de impedirte que te marches.
I couldn't hurt him again.
No quería herirle.
He was hurt so badly, he couldn't say anything.
Estaba tan malherido que no podía decir nada.
He got hurt bad and couldn't travel fast
Está mal herido y no puede viajar rápido.
I couldn't hurt him by not using it.
Tenía que usarla.
I just couldn't bear to have you hurt like that again.
Pero no podía soportar que resultaras lastimado de nuevo.
That boy couldn't hurt a fly.
Ese chico no mataría a una mosca.
It couldn't have hurt her to have asked him.
No le habría pasado nada por invitar a Elliott.
I couldn't go through with it. She hurt him so terribly.
Ella lo lastimó terriblemente.
You couldn't hurt a soul, Johnny.
Yo te haría más daño que nadie.
Maybe you couldn't hurt him, even if you tried.
Puede que no lo hicieras.
Do you realize how much the Navy wants our planes for sub patrol and to protect the repairing of those battleships that air power couldn't hurt?
¿ Sabéis cuánto quiere la Armada nuestros aviones contra submarinos y proteger esos acorazados que la aviación nunca podría hundir?
I couldn't hurt you.
¡ Mentira!
My feet hurt, I couldn't walk another step...
Me duelen los pies, no puedo dar un paso más...
They put her in a straight jacket so she couldn't hurt anyone, but she was banging her head against the wall.
Le pusieron una camisa de fuerza para que no hiciera daño a nadie. pero se daba golpes en la cabeza contra la pared.
I didn't want to hurt you, but I just couldn't stand the bickering... the constant carping and complaining.
No quería herirte, pero no soportaba... las peleas. Las críticas y quejas constantes...
He couldn't hurt anyone.
No podría lastimar a nadie.
A man was hurt. He couldn't find anyplace else to come to.
Un hombre estaba herido y no encontró otro lugar al que ir.
I couldn't hurt you so.
No me atreví a herirte así.
He couldn't hurt you none.
No podía hacerte daño.
I couldn't digest the Dutch fennel, and my stomach hurt almost as if I were in labor.
El hinojo holandés me repitió y me vinieron unos dolores casi como de parto.
Hes a strong man and I couldn't have hurt him too badly.
Era un hombre fuerte. No pude dañarle demasiado.
You couldn't possibly be hurt... because you're the most greedy, the most selfish, the most decadent, the most corrupt ―.
Es imposible herirte, porque eres la más avariciosa y egoísta, la más decadente, la más corrupta.
I tell you General, you couldn't hurt Quanah if you stayed there a month.
- Y yo también. - Escuche.
Nick Benko paid me to make people think you couldn't be hurt.
Nick me pagó para hacer que la gente las creyera.
Couldn't be I touched you where it hurt, could it, Payte?
¿ No será que te he tocado donde duele, verdad, Payte?
Now, if you're afraid you might betray him or might hurt his chances in any way, just let me say that things couldn't be any worse for him than they are right now.
Si teme que su declaración pueda perjudicarle o empeorar su actual situación... sepa que las cosas no pueden ponerse peor para él de lo que están ahora. ¿ Qué van a hacer con él?
He seemed like he couldn't hurt a fly! "
"¡ Un hombre que parecía incapaz de matar una mosca!"
I couldn't have hurt Andre.
No podría haber dañado a André.
You couldn't have been hurt like that in bed.
En cama no te habrías lastimado tanto.
I couldn't hurt you.
Yo no quería hacerte daño.
You talk tough but couldn't hurt a fly. Adorable.
Hablan duro pero no lastimarían una mosca.
They couldn't hurt Jules or Gilberte, who counterbalanced each other as the fruit of the past.
Para que Jules no sufriría, Gilberte tampoco. Eran los juegos distintos del pasado que se contrarrestaban.
I couldn't have hurt him then.
No podía haberle hecho daño entonces.
The bottle didn't break, so it couldn't be... i didn't want to hurt him.
La botella no se rompio, así que no puede ser vino... No queria lastimarlo,
- It couldn't have hurt.
- No he podido hacerte daño.
hurt 179
hurts 119
hurting 20
hurt me 62
hurt you 34
hurts like hell 20
hurt them 18
hurtful 19
hurt him 32
hurt her 20
hurts 119
hurting 20
hurt me 62
hurt you 34
hurts like hell 20
hurt them 18
hurtful 19
hurt him 32
hurt her 20
could 243
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could be more 16
couldn't 72
couldn't agree more 58
could you give me a hand 26
could you say that again 20
could you repeat that 46
couldn't be better 98
could i ask you something 32
could you do it 21
could be more 16