Cries out перевод на испанский
378 параллельный перевод
"My heart cries out and keeps crying... Farewell, my dear, my dearest."
"Mi corazón no os dejará ni un segundo."
How it screams and cries out inside me when I have to do it!
¡ Cómo gritan y lloran cuando debo hacerlo!
And then a voice cries out, and I can't listen anymore!
Y entonces, una voz me grita, y no puedo dejar de oírla.
Yet, something in me cries out that this cannot be true... that one must live for oneself.
Sin embargo, algo en mí grita que no puede ser cierto... que uno debe vivir para sí mismo.
Every human instinct in me cries out to go running back to him.
Toda mí dice que me lance a sus brazos.
Oh, my people a king of Scotland cries out from his grave for revenge against his murderer!
Pueblo mío. Un rey de Escocia grita desde su tumba ¡ pidiendo venganza contra su asesino!
Remember, a king of Scotland cries out from his grave to be avenged!
Recordad que un rey de Escocia grita desde su tumba pidiendo venganza.
"When you've nowhere to turn and you're filled with doubt, " don't stand in midstream hesitating, " for you know that your mother's heart cries out,
" Cuando no sepas a dónde ir y estés en un mar de dudas, no te quedes en medio de la corriente, pues bien sabes que el corazón de tu madre grita :
And my heart cries out to you wherever you are.
Mi corazón clama por ti donde quiera que estés.
"Old mother Michel lost her cat... and cries out for someone to bring it back..."
"La Tía Michel ha perdido su gato... y grita por la ventana que le ha raptado el tío Lustucru..."
It's really superb, cries out for Cornell.
Es realmente magnífica, pide a gritos a cornell.
"Everyone cries out against you."
"Todos gritan y murmuran contra ti..."
" Everyone cries out against you,
"Todos gritan y murmuran contra ti."
Destiny brought us together, and destiny cries out for fulfillment.
El destino nos unió y pide a gritos una concreción.
My fate cries out and makes each petty artery in this body... as hardy as the Nemean lions nerve!
El destino me llama, convierte cada arteria de mi cuerpo en los nervios del león de Nemea.
"I remember now the way you have " of pushing back a lock of hair with one hand from your forehead, - "and my heart cries out..."
Recuerdo ahora esa manera tuya - "y mi corazón grita..."
"cries out and keeps crying." - You read it so... - "Farewell, my dear, my dearest,"
- " grita y ahoga su llanto.
That cries out to heavens!
¡ Esto clama al cielo!
What a monstrous thing it is that you should die for such nonsense... and that I should look on helplessly... when my whole soul cries out against it.
Sería monstruoso que murieras por esa insensatez. Y que yo lo contemplara inerme cuando toda mi alma grita en contra.
My heart cries out.
¿ Cuándo vendrás? Mi corazón grita.
No Hittite warrior cries out in pain.
Un guerrero hitita nunca grita por dolor.
If she cries out, he'll have at me.
Si ella grita, él se me echará encima. Tanto peor : el deber es el deber.
My blood cries out to kill you.
Mi sangre me dice que te mate.
But wretched Jonah cries out to them to cast him overboard, for he knew that for his sake this great tempest was upon them.
Pero el desgraciado Jonás les pide que lo tiren por la borda. Pues él sabía que por su culpa la gran tempestad estaba sobre ellos.
My lonely heart cries out for you
Mi corazón solitario llora por ti
Cries out to you
Te llama a gritos
Cries out for you
Llora por ti
And today, that love cries out to you Against these old injustices, and against that man
Y hoy, ese amor te invoca en contra de esas viejas injusticias.
- Tosses all night, and cries out.
- Siempre está dando vueltas y gritando.
- That is true. - In the pain of birth a woman screams, cries out, becomes confused in her mind.
- En el dolor de un nacimiento una mujer grita, chilla, su mente esta confusa.
Tonight, her soul cries out for release.
Esta noche. Su alma pide la liberación.
My soul cries out for relief.
Mi alma pide la liberación.
Guilt cries out for punishment.
La culpabilidad clama por castigo.
My fate cries out.
Es la voz de mi destino.
Your body does her bidding, but your spirit cries out to be free.
Su cuerpo acata las órdenes pero su espíritu exige libertad.
( MAN ) We should carry on searching. ( HAROUN CRIES OUT ) Who have you got there?
Debemos seguir buscando.
How it screams and cries out inside me, when I have to do it.
Estos gritos, estos alaridos... Esta fuerza que me empuja.
And then a voice cries out, and I can't listen to it any more!
Después, esta voz estridente... No puedo escucharla más. Ayudadme.
( cries out ) If there's anything I'm more afraid of than gollywoggles, it's lightning.
Si hay algo a lo que temo más que al cuco es a los relámpagos.
Despite his cries and tears, Mikisaburo is thrown out.
A pesar de todos sus esfuerzos, Mikisaburo es expulsado de allí.
- They send out pitiful cries of unity...
- Lanzan patéticos gritos de unidad...
Look at that crowd, at those hands which are numbly stretching out with cries of "Heil Hitler!"
Mirar a esa multitud, a esas manos que se aturdidan extendiendo con gritos de "¡ Heil Hitler!"
He beats her and cries... tears his hair out...
La golpea, grita... se tira de los pelos...
It happens that he cries "foul" when things are turning out bad.
Pasa que grita ¡ falta! cuando las cosas le resultan mal.
( Cries out )
¡ No sé nadar!
And Jonah cries unto the Lord out of the fish's belly.
Y Jonás clama a Dios desde dentro del fiero vientre.
You, you... you never had a hair out of place or a bead of sweat anywhere. [Alison cries]
Nunca tuviste un cabello fuera de lugar o una gota de sudor en ningún lado.
And the noise of the birds their horrible savage cries as they circled over the narrow black beach of the Encantadas while the new-hatched sea turtles scrambled out of their sandpits and started their race to the sea.
Y el ruido de los pájaros sus horribles graznidos al volar en círculos sobre la oscura playa mientras los recién nacidos apenas salían de sus hoyos para correr hacia el mar.
Every time justice blunders, it's someone like you who cries out for help who rots in every jail, who hangs from every rope.
Quien se pudre en una cárcel o pende de una soga.
I'll be right over. ( Cries out )
Ahora vengo.
I ´ ll be right over. ( Cries out )
Voy en seguida.
outside 883
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
outer 19
outfit 21
outsiders 26
outrageous 90
outlaw 21
outs 110
out of context 16
out now 39
out of curiosity 82
out of order 40
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out of my mind 17
out of the blue 171
out of sight 112
out of town 49
out of interest 20
out of nowhere 149
outstanding 214
out of respect 50
out of my sight 38
out like a light 17
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191
outside of work 17
out of 299
out of mind 55
out loud 97
out of love 16
out of my house 22
out of time 18
out of the way 896
out here 191