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Even as a boy перевод на испанский

76 параллельный перевод
Even as a boy, I was so devout... that it seemed to me and all my family that I should give up the world.
Cuando era niño, mi vocación era tan fuerte que comprendía, igual que mi familia, que yo no era para el mundo.
Holy terror, even as a boy.
Causando problemas desde pequeño.
Even as a boy, everyone loved my Sergei.
Cuando era niño, todo el mundo quería a mi Sergei.
Well, even as a boy at princeton university, they used to call me "old liquid propellant frisby."
Incluso de niño en la universidad de Princeton me llamaban "el viejo combustible líquido Frisby".
Even as a boy, Mr. Popham always looked on the bright side, whether there was any or not.
Incluso siendo un niño, el Sr. Popham busco siempre el lado bueno, hubiera uno o no.
Even as a boy, when Nana taught me the naming of the clouds...
Hasta de niño, cuando la abuelita me enseñó los nombres de las nubes...
Even as a boy, he was terribly stubborn.
LLavelingo era terriblemente testarudo
Even as a boy I thought so.
incluso de niño.
Even as a boy, Lucas was obsessed with cleanliness.
Incluso de niño, Lucas era un maniático de la higiene.
Even as a boy, I loved to frighten things.
Cuando era chico, me encantaba asustar.
Even as a boy, when Nana taught me the naming of the clouds....
Hasta de niño, cuando la abuelita me enseñó los nombres de las nubes...
Even as a boy?
¿ Aún de muchacho?
I remember even as a boy, thanking the powers that be that I was a muslim and not a sikh
Recuerdo que incluso de niño daba gracias a los poderes por ser lo que era, un musulmán y no un sikh.
I can't speak for my uncle in that area, although even as a boy I was curious.
No puedo hablar por mi tío a ese respecto, aún cuando, de niño, tenía curiosidad.
- Even as a boy I could always recognize your footsteps.
- Hasta cuando era un chaval reconocía siempre tus huellas.
And even as a boy, I wanted to have children to run around in it.
Aun de niño, quería tener hijos que corrieran por ahí.
Even as a boy, I knew I didn't belong.
Desde niño, supe que ese no era mi lugar.
Even as a boy, we didn't have to... to show our claws.
Inclusyo de niño, no teníamo que... mostrarte las garras.
He was like that, even as a boy.
El era como, como un niño.
But even as a boy, I could see that the sort of Church and society he served was dying.
Pero incluso siendo un niño, podía ver que la clase de iglesia y sociedad a la que servía estaba muriendo.
Even as a boy I was guilty.
Soy culpable desde pequeño.
Even as a boy, I knew what I was, what I had to become.
Ya de niño sabía lo que era, lo que quería ser.
Well, Dumbledore was always very private, even as a boy.
Dumbledore siempre fue muy reservado, desde niño.
Even as a boy, you had immense courage, Alfie. Willing to take on anything or anyone you had to.
Para ser un muchacho, tienes gran coraje, Alfie, ocupándote de todo o de todos a los que tienes a tu cargo.
As luck would have it, that perfect beauty was the same girl that captivated him even as a boy.
Quiso la suerte que la belleza perfecta era la chica que me cautivó desde niño.
Even as a boy.
Incluso de niño.
Even as a tiny boy, i admired those ladies on the wall i'd climb a chair... it might have been this chair over here
¡ Ya lo creo! Incluso de pequeño, ya admiraba a esas damas de la pared. - Me subía en una silla...
He was always fiery-tempered, even as a little boy.
Siempre ha tenido mal genio, hasta cuando era pequeño.
Freddy! The poor devil who couldn't get a job as an errand boy even if he had the guts to try?
Ese desgraciado no podría trabajar ni de recadero, aunque se atreviera a probarlo.
Like them? Why it's a birthday such as Perks never had, not even when he were a boy.
Pasa que Perks nunca ha tenido un cumpleaños así.
You betray us even with a look, and as sure as there's a Devil in Hell... either me, or Brownie, or Struther, or one of our friends... of which there are many, will kill that boy.
Si nos delatas aunque sea con una mirada, ten por seguro que... yo, Brownie, Struther o uno de nuestros amigos, y tenemos muchos, matará al chico.
No one has ever loved me as much as that boy. Even if it was just for a minute.
Creo que nadie me ha querido nunca como ese chaval, aunque no fuera más de un minuto.
It was always my policy, even as a small boy at court in Weissenfels, never to wilfully fart in front of ladies.
Desde pequeño, en la corte de Weissenfels, mi política siempre ha sido nunca tirarme pedos a propósito delante de las damas.
"The source says there's a boy known as Roger- - Even watches games on TV when the team is out of town... and reports to manager Knox over the phone."
"La fuente dice que hay un chico llamado Roger que ve los juegos en televisión cuando el equipo está de gira e informa al manejador Knox por teléfono".
Incluso de niño... no querías tenernos muy cerca.
Now, if you put that boy in Sorenson's jail, then you can just kiss his ass good-bye. Because even two weeks will be as good as a death sentence.
Si enviamos a este joven a la prisión de Sorenson, puede quedar atrapado y no me alegro por él.
You are too much of a woman... to even... bother with such a little boy as him
Eres demasiada mujer... para ni siquiera... molestarte con una especie de niño como ese
He once beat his daughter just because a boy she didn't even know had the courage to say hello to her as she was coming out of church.
Una vez pegó a su hija sólo porque un chico... que ella ni siquiera conocía... se atrevió a ir a saludarla a la salida de la iglesia.
Even as a little boy, he was so smart.
Ya desde chico, el era tan inteligente.
And never ever, even as a child, or, experiment with lady boy, nothing.
- Correcto. Y nunca jamás, siquiera de niño, o, experimenta con travestido, nada.
But, even as a bad boy and being aggressive,
But, aunque seas un chico malo y agressivo,
But even as he jested, or tickled his boy in the ribs Jesse would look over at Bob with melancholy eyes as if the two were meshed in an intimate communication.
Pero al mismo tiempo que bromeaba o le hacía cosquillas a su hijo Jesse miraba a Bob con ojos melancólicos...
Even as a little boy, he'd send his imaginary friends home at the end of the day.
Incluso cuando era pequeño... enviaba a sus amigos imaginarios a casa al final del día.
I think, as a boy, even though you didn't have all the facts, you knew he was an interesting man.
Creo que, de niño, aunque no tuvieras toda la información tú sabías que él era un hombre interesante.
Sir Charles Cartwright rises early that morning, perhaps even at dawn to make the long journey to Yorkshire, where he disguises himself as a tramp, gives to a small boy the telegram addressed to me, Hercule Poirot at Whitehaven Mansions.
Sir Charles Cartwright se levantó temprano esa mañana, quizás incluso al amanecer, para hacer el largo viaje a Yorkshire, donde se disfrazó como un vagabundo y le dio a un niño pequeño el telegrama dirigido a mí, Hercule Poirot en la Mansión Whitehaven.
And even as a young boy, I loved exploring nature and the environment.
Incluso de niño me encantaba explorar la naturaleza y el medio ambiente.
Even though you may not realize it, you brought that little boy back here as a replacement.
A pesar de que no te has dado cuenta, trajiste a ese niñito aquí para que te sustituyera.
He had a way of interpreting a lyric, even as a very young boy, that made you believe the song.
Tenía una forma de cantar las letras, incluso de niño, que te hacía creerte la canción.
Even a man doing something as simple and reassuring as putting a coat around a young boy's shoulders to let him know the world hadn't ended.
Incluso un hombre haciendo algo tan simple y reconfortante que el mundo no se había acabado.
But I will say sometimes it's just as simple... as that boy not even knowing there's a problem.
Pero te aseguro que a veces es tan sencillo... como que el chico no sepa que hay un problema.
The Spartan boy is tough as nails, he has to be able to sleep outside when it's raining and even snowing, to have to forage and even steal your own food.
Los niños espartanos son duros como una roca, tienen que ser capaces de dormir a la intemperie cuando está lloviendo e incluso nevando, deben buscar comida e incluso robarla.

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