Eyes here перевод на испанский
1,421 параллельный перевод
Eyes here.
¡ Mira aqui, mira!
All eyes here.
Miren aquí.
There are sad eyes on some dogs that worked hard to get here.
Habrá algunos ojos tristes de perros que han trabajado duro para llegar aquí.
lucky not to have had one of my eyes gouged out,'cause a bottle was shoved in here.
Tuve suerte de que no me sacaran un ojo, porque me metieron una botella por aquí.
I like your face : it's clean, and you have lively eyes, intelligent. You may be thinking that building a street, a hospital or an airport is a good thing, something that's gonna be useful for everybody. But I want you to know that here they only build to steal!
Tienes una bella cara, limpia, ojos vivos, inteligentes y además podran pensar en hacer una ruta..... un hospital, un aeropuerto son buenas cosas algo que conviene a todos, y además debes saber que aquí solo se construye para robar.
The world ofdreams is right here Look with my eyes
Éste es el mundo de los sueños Mira a través de mis ojos
Open your eyes, Bharat... look who's here.
Abre los ojos, Bharat... mira quién está aquí.
Our man is here before our very eyes!
Uno tiene la solución delante de los ojos, y no la ve.
Come here and look at it with your own eyes.
Pero mira, mira, con tus propios ojos.
I came here to see with my own eyes the'city of bandits'I heard about.
Vine aquí para ver con mis propios ojos la "ciudad de los bandidos" de la que hablan.
And if he were here, he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and lightning from his arse.
Y si estuviera aquí, fulminaría a los ingleses lanzando truenos con sus ojos y rayos con su culo.
You think you can just waft in here with your music-video wind and your hypno eyes... I have searched the world over for you.
Piensas que puedes entrar con ese viento musical y esos ojos... Te he buscado por todo el mundo.
What I'm saying is, all you have here is an eyes-closed wish.
Lo que te está pasando es un deseo que pediste.
Own two eyes. And I saw Joey here waiting on him.
Vi cuando Joey le servía.
Finn is here, and we're in my room. And we're on the floor doing all this work, and he keeps looking at me with those eyes.
Finn está aquí y estamos en mi cuarto en el suelo haciendo el trabajo y no deja de mirarme con esos ojos.
Here he is, the standard-issue freedom fighter of the imagination - the "give'em hell" whiskers, the "save me, Jesus" eyes, the hamstrings from hell.
Aquí está él, el modelo de luchador de la libertad de nuestra imaginación - Los "váyanse al diablo" bigotes, sus "sálvame Jesús" ojos, los tendones del infierno.
Right here, before your eyes.
Justo aquí, ante sus ojos
The ship is around here somewhere, but remember, it's mostly buried, so keep your eyes open and watch your step.
La nave está aquí por alguna parte, Pero recuerden, está semienterrada así que mantengan los ojos abiertos y miren donde pisan.
And here's another one with no eyes.
Hay quien no va a tener ninguno.
We're looking for a girl with big eyes who works here.
Estamos buscando a una chica de ojos grandes que trabaja aquí.
Gotta stretch my legs. You swore to me on your mother's eyes we are here to see David Copperfield. - No gambling.
J uraste que veníamos a ver a David Copperfield, y que no jugarías.
You stay here and keep your eyes peeled.
Quédate y manténte alerta.
Here is to the most beautiful creature this planet has ever known... and the most accomplished performer this sorry bunch ever laid eyes upon.
Por la criatura más hermosa que jamás haya conocido el planeta... y la actriz más talentosa que estos desgraciados jamás hayan visto.
I wonder why, if it is necessary for you to conduct an affair, here, on this island, with Arlena Stuart, you choose to do it before the very eyes of your wife!
Me pregunto, si le parece necesario tener una aventura, aquí, en esta isla, con Arlena Stuart, por qué elige hacerlo ante los propios ojos de su esposa?
Why are here eyes open?
¿ Por qué está con los ojos abiertos?
I came here to teach them basic literacy, modern medicine, engineering, and of course, to open their eyes to the Way.
Yo vine a enseñarles conocimientos básicos, medicina moderna, ingeniería, y claro, a tratar de enseñarles el camino.
Right here, before your very eyes.
Aquí mismo, delante de vuestros ojos.
Your beloved is right here, my prince, right before your very eyes.
Tu amada está aquí mismo, mi príncipe ante tus ojos.
Not yet, but there's enough here for Eyes Only to amp up the pressure on him publicly.
Todavia no, pero hay suficiente aqui para que Solo Ojos le ponga presion en publico.
I have someone here who claims that he's Eyes Only.
Tengo alguien aqui que dice ser Solo Ojos.
You know, I was sitting here before you came in, trying to picture this whole thing through Arthur's eyes.
Antes de que entraras estaba viendo esto desde de la perspectiva de Arthur.
you and secure from the start and you could not fool my eyes come here, you place a role in the bulb and you think the Queen of the Nile
Te e vigilado desde el comienzo y no has podido engañar a mis ojos Vienes aquí, colocas un papel en la bombilla y te crees la reina del Nilo yo digo JA!
Predators here, however, don't just rely on vision - many have tiny eyes.
De todas formas, los depredadores no sólo dependen de la visión... muchos tienen ojos pequeños.
Red light is rare down here and most animal eyes can't see it.
La luz roja es rara aquí abajo Sólo estos peces pueden hacerlo.
You guys wait here, while I go pull the wool over their eyes
Ustedes espera aquí, mientras yo ir engañar a sus ojos
Keep your eyes down, sweetie. You're outnumbered here.
Mira hacia abajo, mi gran, no es mucho para ti.
- I'll say. I can already feel the men around here undressing me with their eyes.
- Ya siento cómo me desvisten con la mirada.
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today... to bring this man and this woman together in the eyes of... in the eyes of...
Nos encontramos aquí reunidos para unir a este hombre y esta mujer ante los ojos de ante los ojos de...
Four-Eyes, come here!
¡ Cuatro Ojos, ven aquí!
If you see anything suspicious around here... Let me know,'cause I got my eyes on everything.
Si llegas a notar algo sospechoso házmelo saber.
It's so dry and hot out here the flies are coming into my eyes for a drink!
Está tan seco y caluroso ¡ que las moscas vienen a beber a mis ojos!
I'll take your eyes out, you whore, get out of here!
¡ Le sacaré los ojos, puta, salga de aquí! Usted no insultará a mi Daniel...
Ah, something's wrong here. She stole her father's eyes. How are you?
No lo puede ocultar, ha sacado los mismos ojos de tu padre.
Look, as much as I'd love to stay here and hear the latest chapter of... how you two looked longingly into each other's eyes, but actually didn't get anywhere...
Por mucho que me gustaría quedarme y oír el último capítulo de como se miraron los ojos pero sin llegar a nada.
Brown hair, blue eyes. She has to be here somewhere.
Pelo oscuro y ojos azules.
This is between me and Bambi Eyes over here.
Esto es entre la mosquita muerta y yo.
I was sure there'd be something here about standing on one foot... with my eyes shut, reciting The Night Before Christmas.
Estaba seguro que era algo así como quedarse sobre un sólo pie con los ojos cerrados recitando "La noche antes de Navidad"
And your father has that look in his eyes like he knows what he wants and he's here to ask for it.
Se notaba que tu padre sabía lo que quería y lo pediría :
I tried to be, but he hated being here. You could see it in his eyes. The Nazis were never the enemy as far as he was concerned.
Lo intenté... pero no quería estar aquí.
I was looking in his eyes.. and I was just thinking, "Oh, my God, it's David. David's here."
Estaba viéndolo a los ojos y pensaba, "¡ Por Dios, es David, está aquí!"
Look, here he is Oh ~ ~ ~ he's got my eyes but Stan's girth and fetlocks
Mira, aquí está. Tiene mis ojos. El morro y las cejas son de Stan.
here 35434
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here we go 9033
here you go 5858
here we go again 374
here comes the sun 21
here goes nothing 99
here comes the bride 39
here it comes 620
here it is 2313
here we are 2264
here she comes 366
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545
here i go again 25
here's your ticket 24
here you are 1966
here i come 382
here's the thing 1106
here's my number 71
here we come 237
here they come 557
here they are 545
here i go again 25
here's your ticket 24