Give it to us перевод на испанский
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Yeah, give it to us, Mikey.
- Dánosla, amigo.
We had to take it, because no one will ever give it to us.
Tuvimos que tomarlo, porque nadie nos lo regalará.
Forget it, Richard, they're not gonna give it to us.
Olvídalo, Richard, no nos lo darán.
I realized then when the film made a lot of money that of course the people who were supposed to give it to us put it in their pocket.
Cuando el film hizo mucho dinero, allí yo me di cuenta que por supuesto, la gente que se suponía que nos lo iba a dar, se lo metía a los bolsillos.
And no bank'll give it to us.
Y no bank'll dan a nosotros.
Give it to us!
¡ Dánosla!
- Come on give it to us.
- Vamos, dénoslo.
You either give it to us or every news organization will get the Tuva photos by morning.
Usted nos los da ahora o las grandes cadenas de noticias tendrán las fotos de tuva por la mañana.
Can you give it to us?
¿ Puedes darnos eso?
- Just give it to us.
- Dánoslo.
You give it to us, we make sure the U.S. attorney knows about it.
Queremos tu cooperación. Si cooperas, nos aseguraremos de que el abogado sepa eso.
But why didn't he give it to us?
¿ Pero por qué no nos lo dio él?
Then you need to give me that bitch's number so I can go kick his ass for killing it for the rest of us
Dame el número de ese tarado para que lo golpee por dejarnos tan mal parados.
It's not much, but it might give us enough of an edge to help both players win.
No es mucho, pero podría ser una ayuda para que ambos jugadores ganen
It will give us a chance to establish contact with the leaders of the protest.
Podremos establecer contacto con los líderes de la revuelta.
For us to have rice in our system, it's just like gas in the tank, and I think it's going to give us a little bit...
Para nosotros, tener arroz en nuestro sistema, es como tener gasolina en el tanque, y creo que va a darnos uno poco de...
Lord, give us the courage to worship the american flag, be it on a car, a belt buckle, or on your holy person.
Señor, danos valor para adorar la bandera estadounidense, ya sea en un auto, un cinturón o en tu persona.
It claims to give us education and entertainment but it really just takes the imaginations of today's youth hostage. I agree.
La televisión es un caballo de Troya en nuestras casas, dice que es para educar y divertir, pero en realidad acaba con la imaginación de los jóvenes
We walk out those gates, it'll give'em the perfect excuse to kill us.
Si cruzamos la entrada, tendrán la excusa perfecta para matarnos.
Okay, in the meantime, it'll give me a chance to land us a solid job offer.
Mientras tanto, yo consigo una buena oferta de trabajo.
Once we get to Hong Kong, our friends will visit us again... you'll give recitals, there'll be card parties, everything as it used to be.
Cuando lleguemos a Hong Kong, nuestros amigos volverán a visitarnos... tú darás recitales, habrá fiestas, todo como era antes.
I'm going to give it to you for US $ 50 and you can use the workshop... but only at night and keep the noise down.
Voy a vendérselo por $ 250 y dejarlo usar el taller... - pero sólo de noche y sin hacer ruido.
It seems to us that the crucial thing is to demonstrate... that money we give to Africa can work.
Nos parece que lo crucial es demostrar... que el dinero que le damos a África puede funcionar.
I said it would be a good thing, give us time to intercept the container and justify extreme measure of an American air strike on Russian soil.
Dije que sería bueno, que podríamos interceptar el contenedor y justificar la medida de un ataque aéreo norteamericano en Rusia.
Let me give you a card now, so that you can ring us whenever you want to get it done.
Deja que te dé una tarjeta, así puedes llamarnos cuando quieras hacértelas.
Give us the slightest hope and we'll fight to make it a reality.
Es una esperanza, aunque sea pequeña..... Y lucharemos para lograrlo.
I'll give it to you if you promise not to kill us.
Se lo daré si promete que no va a matarnos.
It could give us a chance to grab him without a fight, shut down the lab.
Eso podria darnos una oportunidad de atraparle sin pelear de clausurar el laboratorio.
Now, under normal uses, it won't alarm any countersurveillance scans, but once activated, it will give us the gps coordinates to triangulate your position.
Bueno, utilizandolo normalmente no saltara la alarma de ningun escaner de contra-vigilancia pero una vez activado nos dara las coordenadas GPS para triangular vuestra posicion.
It sounds crazy, but this will give us a chance... to get away from both of our families and see if this works.
Parece una locura, pero nos dará la oportunidad de alejarnos de nuestras dos familias y ver si esto funciona.
It even pumps hot air currents outside to give us a lift when we're gliding.
Eso bombea una corriente de aire caliente desde adentro para suspendernos un poco.
Blowing the fuel will barely put a scratch in the hull, but it might give us enough time to board the raider.
Volar la estación apenas le arañará el casco pero nos dará tiempo para abordar el Raider.
Angela can use it in simulation to give us a date of ingestion.
Así Angela podrá calcular la fecha de ingestión.
Well, it doesn't give one of your cops the right to rip us off.
Eso no les da derecho a un policía a estafarnos.
Figured it might give us a clue as to what she was afraid to tell us.
Pensé que averiguaríamos lo que teme contarnos.
Sir, all we're asking you to do is to take down one web page and to give us the names of everyone who's viewed it.
Mira. Señor, lo único que le pedimos es que quite un aviso y nos dé el nombre de todos los que lo vieron.
I don't give a flying flip. The man upstairs made us the way we are, and it's fool's work to change it.
Me da igual, al hombre que duerme conmigo siempre le han resbalado esas cosas
Well, think about it. After 9 / 1 1, Katrina, seeing tragedy up close inspires us to help. We give blood, raise money.
El 11-S, Katrina, todo nos pareció una tragedia en su momento dimos sangre, mandamos dinero pero después, cada uno volvió a ocuparse de sus problemas
It'll give us a better look at the tumor, - and we'll know how to proceed.
Nos dará una mejor perspectiva del tumor y sabremos cómo proceder.
Your heart's red. And it don't make no sense to give us different drugs.
Y no tiene sentido que nos den drogas diferentes.
It will give us the best access to the car parks.
Nos dará el mejor acceso al estacionamiento.
But give us the transplant surgeon, and we'll see to it that you're home by Christmas.
Los federales te encerrarán 10 años, mínimo.
What you didn't know was that Arthur Leggott knew who Hedge was long before any of us did, and you didn't know that it was Arthur's wish to give that manuscript to John Farrow.
Lo que Ud. no sabía es que Arthur Leggott sabía quién era Hedge mucho antes de que cualquiera de nosotros lo supiera, y no sabía que Arthur deseaba dar ese manuscrito a John Farrow.
I will give you $ 10 to hold it in.
Te daré... US $ 10 para que lo retengas.
When he approves it, you'll be forced to give us a DNA sample.
Te obligarán a dar una muestra de ADN cuando me la otorgue.
Pems is designed to predict optimal traffic routes and travel time but here, it can give us an idea of the speed and movement of traffic at the time that rausch got on the freeway
SMERA está diseñado para predecir rutas de tráfico óptimo y el tiempo de viaje. Puede darnos una idea de la velocidad y movimiento del tráfico al momento en que Rausch entró en la autopista.
I wanted one thing and he wanted another and since neither one of us could give the other what he needed, and since neither one of us could give the other what he needed, we decided it'd be best to move on.
Yo quiero unas cosas, y el otras.
It'll give me a chance to kick the mayor in the balls for not giving us a raise.
Así podré molestar al alcalde por no subirnos el sueldo.
Don't you think it's a waste of time to give us a case that a uni could handle... when there's a gang war going on out there?
¿ No es un desperdicio darnos un caso así cuando hay una guerra?
We should be able to bring it back with us and rig it to give us a better idea of how advanced Khalek really is.
Deberíamos poder llevarlo con nosotros y conectarlo lo que nos daría una idea mejor de cuan avanzado está realmente Khalek.
It seems he does wish to give us time to find and destroy the weapon.
Parece que desea darnos tiempo para encontrar y destruir el arma
give it a go 47
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it a shot 99
give it time 124
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it up 548
give it a try 140
give it a rest 256
give it to me 2083
give it here 315
give it a shot 99
give it time 124
give it to her 65
give it 437
give it back 737
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it a whirl 16
give it to me straight 42
give it a break 17
give it some time 30
give it back to me 74
give it to me now 42
give it a chance 31
give it your best shot 38
give it to him 192
give it a whirl 16
give it to me straight 42
give it a break 17
give it some time 30
give it back to me 74
give it to them 34
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to us 492
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give it a second 28
give it some gas 17
give it a minute 32
to us 492
give me strength 86
give me a hug 258
give me a sign 41
give me a kiss 294
give me some sugar 34
give me 926
give up 237
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245
give up 237
give me a break 856
give me your hand 884
give me that 1626
give me the money 165
give me a fucking break 45
give me a minute 453
give me a second 352
give me your phone 245