He is mine перевод на испанский
743 параллельный перевод
He is mine.
Él es mío.
I killed him with my tooth. He is mine.
Yo lo maté con mi gran diente, ¡ Es mío!
He is mine to punish.
Debo castigarle yo.
He is mine
Él es mío.
Is he your hairdresser or mine?
¿ Es tu peluquero o el mío?
Jim Blake is a pal of mine, and his father-in-law runs the pool, and he tells me that inside of a week it will be up 100 %.
Jim Blake es amigo mío, su suegro dirige el Fondo de Financiamiento, y me dijo que en menos de una semana subirá un 100 %.
He's a lodger of mine, and a very likely lad he is, too.
Es un inquilino mío, un muchacho muy prometedor.
Mm-hmm, he's handwriting is so much better than mine.
Escribe mucho mejor que yo.
Is he mine now? Mine? My very own?
- ¿ ahora es mío y solamente mío?
But get this, Jim's as much out of your class as he is out of mine.
Pero ten esto en cuenta, Jim es de una clase distinta a la tuya y la mía.
- He is. And mine too.
- Podría ser tu hermano.
I make others happy. but he still remains mine, because he is in my heart.
Hace feliz a las demás pero igual sigue siendo mío, porque está en mi corazón.
Then he is mine.
Entonces, es mi amigo.
He can let his go but whether I can keep mine bottled up for the next two years is a question.
Él puede dejar salir el suyo yo no sé si mantenga el mío guardado por los próximos años.
The young man who comes to mine is called Nao.
Pero,... el chico con el que he estado se llama Nao..
iCómo podemos ayudarte? Detrás de Twala está Gagool.
He claims they're seemlier than mine, which I doubt, though he is a handsome man.
Afirma que son más bellas que las mías, cosa que dudo, a pesar de que es un hombre guapo.
Pres is mine. He's always been mine.
Preston es mío, siempre ha sido mío
he dances like a young man, after all... what is it after all he's a great person, it's not fun to fool him that way it had been Dunja's idea, not mine
Pero baila como un hombre joven, en realidad... ¿ En realidad qué? En realidad es una gran persona, no hace gracia reírse de él así...
If the right is mine to give... you have it.
Si he de darle yo ese derecho, ya lo tiene.
"... because my heart is no longer mine, now that I have seen you.
"... porque mi corazón ya no es mío, ahora que te he visto.
A friend of mine, whose tastes are rather similar, Tells me... He tells me that there is nothing he loves so much
Un amigo, que tiene gustos muy similares, me dice que no hay nada que le guste más que leer a Heine en su jardín de rosas por la tarde.
He's her younger brother, just like Roger is mine.
Es su hermano pequeño, como Roger lo es para mí.
Is that boy mine, or is he Gregory's?
¿ El niño es mío o de Gregory?
By Jove, he is a tenant of mine, isn't he?
Por Júpiter, es mi inquilino ¿ no?
Your life is just beginning. Mine is half over.
Tu vida está empezando Yo ya he vivido la mitad.
This is an old friend of mine, Jeff Markham. He wants to ask you something.
Él es un amigo mío, quiere preguntarle algo.
Once he hears it it'll be a cinch. He'll say, " How come that beautiful band is up here playing... in these little bitty old doggone hills of mine?
Dirá "¿ cómo puede tocar esa maldita orquesta en estas malditas montañas mías?"
So is he mine ;
Y también mío.
After all, he is your discovery, not mine.
Es tu descubrimiento, no el mío.
Everything he's written while under contract is mine. That's in the contract.
Lo que ha escrito bajo contrato es mío.
He's my nephew, his name is Tarcisius, mine is Lucian. And you?
Es mi sobrino, se llama Tarsicio y yo me llamo Luciano. ¿ Y tú?
A friend of mine, a police officer he had insurance too. His widow is gonna collect it.
Un policía amigo mío también tenía una póliza de seguros.
Well, whatever he is, any friend of yours is a friend of mine.
No importa lo que sea. Cualquier amigo tuyo es amigo mío.
You gotta make the Lord your seeing eye, just as he is mine! I can see a better world... a greater world!
Puedo ver un mundo mejor, un mundo mas grande.
Mum, this is Kameda, he's an old friend of mine
¡ Mamá! Éste es un viejo amigo mío, Kameda.
His father is dead but still he's mine.
El padre está muerto y sigue siendo mío.
" These eyes of mine at once determine the sleeves are velvet, the cape is ermine
" De un vistazo he observad o mangas de terciopelo, capa de armiño
Who is he? A friend of mine.
Un amigo mío.
But if he reads nothing about his faith, whatever it might be, his head will be as empty as... as John thinks mine is.
Pero si no lee nada sobre su fe. Lo qué sea. Su cabeza estará tan vacía como John cree que está la mía.
I asked you to be present because your ear is keener than mine to palace intrigue.
Te he pedido que te presentes porque tus oídos son más agudos que los míos... en las intrigas de palacio.
This is a gift from a parent of a student of mine who I couldn't promote because he was hardheaded.
Es un regalo de parte del padre de un alumno mío... al que luego no aprobé porque era un cabeza dura.
In that respect, I am happy to say that your knowledge is greater than mine.
A este respecto, he de reconocer que Vd. sabe mñás que yo.
- He is a personal friend of mine.
- Es un amigo personal.
All my life, I waited for the one big chance a man gets, and this is mine
Me he pasado toda la vida esperando mi gran oportunidad, y ha llegado.
I have nothing that is mine. I only have that which I've stolen.
Yo no tengo nada mío, solo lo que he robado.
He wanted to give it to you when returning from his home town which is also mine.
Quiso regalársela, al volver de la visita a su pueblo natal que también es el mío.
He's a-saying "A liar is an abomination before mine eyes."
Me dice : "Un embustero es un ser abominable ante mis ojos".
I didn't say that... but what I've found here is mine only.
No dije eso... pero lo que he encontrado aquí es sólo mío.
For the moment, yes, but the King is guided by the last voice he hears, and that voice shall be mine.
- Por el momento. El rey se guia por la ultima voz que oye, y esa voz sera la mia.
- So is mine. I'll ask him if he knows another Vijay-poet.
Vijay - también es el mío
he is alive 57
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is not 130
he is fine 24
he is gone 57
he is 2605
he is my friend 35
he is lying 27
he is my brother 37
he is so cute 33
he is a doctor 16
he is not 130
he is fine 24
he is gone 57
he is 2605
he is my friend 35
he is lying 27
he is handsome 23
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is a 27
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is gay 17
he isn't 329
he is here 120
he is dead 154
he is cute 35
he is a 27
he is my husband 34
he is sick 32
he is innocent 28
he is gay 17