He was about перевод на испанский
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He was about to leave when you guys showed up.
Estaba a punto de irse cuando aparecieron.
It is tragic and ironical that his death came during a mission he was undertaking... in order to bring about cease fire in Katanga.
Es trágico e irónico que su muerte llegara durante una misión que realizaba... para generar un alto al fuego en Katanga.
Your friend the one in the pot he was only about a half the pain in the ass that you are.
Tu amigo, el que está en la olla, solo era la mitad del dolor en el culo que eres tú.
And then he was talking about opening up some sort of portal to another dimension, and then he...
Estaba hablando de abrir una especie de portal a otra dimensión, y luego...
I actually called him a fucking sadist once, and he'd no idea what I was talking about.
De hecho le llamé una vez un jodido sádico... y no tenía ni idea de qué estaba hablando.
He alerted the military about the kidnapping and was the only one who didn't go on the mission.
Alertó a los militares sobre el secuestro y fue el único que no fue a la misión.
Well, one of my agents came across a paper he wrote, it was published, about the corruption of government and the banking system and its negative impact on society.
Pues, uno de mis agentes obtuvo un documento que escribió, se publicó, acerca la corrupción del gobierno y el sistema bancario y su impacto negativo en la sociedad.
Say what you want about this motherfucker, but he was dedicated.
Digan lo que quieran de este hijo de puta, pero era dedicado.
I was always curious about Scotland.
Siempre he sentido curiosidad por Escocia.
Today, I visited his grave on Culloden Moor and was telling him all about you...
Hoy, he visitado su tumba en Culloden Moor y le he contado todo sobre ti...
Maybe this is what he was talking about.
Quizá esto es de lo que estaba hablando.
I even found out today that I didn't get that teaching position that I was telling you two about.
Incluso me enteré hoy que no he tenido que posición de enseñanza que ustedes dos hablaba.
So, Hank's mom died when he was very, very little, and so it makes him upset to think about her.
La mamá de Hank murió cuando era muy pequeñito... así que lo entristece pensar en ella.
I still gotta get my head shots taken, and then there's this guy, Robert. Oh, the gay guy I was telling you about, he's my roommate, and when he gets back, he's gonna help me edit my album.
Aún tengo que sacarme las fotos, y luego está este tipo, Robert, el homosexual del que te hablé, es mi compañero de cuarto y, cuando vuelva, me ayudará a editar el álbum.
And he turned out to be a colossal jerk, but, there was this allure about him.
Y resultó ser un tremendo idiota, pero... había algo seductor en él.
I was just telling these guys about this job that I did in Paris for a couple of months, and this guy, he let me smoke some of this stuff.
Les estaba contando a mis amigos sobre este trabajo que hice en París por un par de meses, y este tipo me dejó fumar de la suya.
So your dad makes this big deal, like we have to get our 70's co - like he was very excited about this party.
Tu papá se lo toma a pecho, dice que debemos comprar disfraces... Estaba muy emocionado con esta fiesta.
Yeah, you were right - - he was all a tizz about the baby.
Sí, tenía razón... Era un manojo de nervios con lo del bebé.
Talking about my Johnny like, like he was a stranger, not my husband.
Hablando de mi Johnny como, como si fuera un extraño, no mi marido.
He was a real physician, cared about patients inside and out.
Era un verdadero doctor, se preocupaba por sus pacientes.
That was the thing about Pops. He had a lot of pride in detail.
Pops tenía un gran orgullo por los detalles.
And no matter how many passes I threw... he was all about running the ball.
Y no importaba cuántos pases lanzara él quería correr con la pelota.
What about the backpack they said he was wearing, huh?
¿ Y la mochila que dicen que tenía?
You know... there was a time you'd cross a Scotsman... and he wouldn't think twice about cutting your head off with a sword.
¿ Sabe? Hubo un tiempo en que si te cruzabas con un escocés te cortaba la cabeza con una espada sin pensarlo dos veces.
He was firm about that.
Insistió mucho en eso.
He was very clear about remaining anonymous.
Fue muy claro acerca de permanecer en el anonimato.
You know how he was with you on the phone about the operation?
Viste cómo se puso contigo por teléfono por lo de la operación.
Big speech about the future. How he didn't see us... What was it?
Un gran discurso sobre el futuro, sobre cómo no nos veía...
He was alone on the land about two hours...
Solo estuvo en tierra unas dos horas...
No, I'm talking about his earlier stuff when he was a little Wilder, you know?
No, me refiero a su época inicial cuando era un poco más salvaje, sabes?
But I heard he was making some TV show... about Navy SEALS or some shit... where he was trained... to kill.
- Sí, eso es correcto. Pero oí que iba a hacer algún programa de televisión sobre los Navy SEALS o alguna mierda donde fue entrenado...
I spent a lot of time thinking about what an ass I was to you.
Me he pasado mucho tiempo pensando en lo desagradable que era contigo.
I heard him say 5,000 once when he was talking about Stannis's attack.
Le escuché decir que cinco mil cuando hablaba del ataque a Stannis.
I've had lots of time to think about how good I was at seeming good.
He tenido mucho tiempo para pensar lo bien que estaba en aparente buena.
And... and I was thinking about us... and... about my heart and how I feel about you.
He pensado en nosotros y de corazón en lo que siento por ti.
That's what he was doing out there at that hour on a street carrying about in his nightgown out looking for some kid.
Eso era lo que él andaba haciendo ahí afuera a esa hora en la calle preocupado, casi en pijama buscando un muchacho.
I've been passionate about Chinese food for a very long time. And, I was lucky enough to become, chef Liu's apprentice, last year.
He sido un apasionado de la cocina china durante mucho tiempo, y tuve la suerte de convertirme en... el aprendiz del Chef Liu el año pasado.
What was he talking about?
¿ De qué estaba hablando?
Even when Don Falcone was running things, he never asked questions about what came into 9C.
Incluso cuando Don Falcone dirigía el cotarro, nunca preguntaba sobre lo que llegaba al muelle 9C.
Here... the week of his murder, he was supposed to meet a woman named Karen Jennings about something called "Pinewood Farms."
la semana de su asesinato, se suponía que debía reunirse con una mujer llamada Karen Jennings por algo llamado "Pinewood Farms".
The week of his murder, he was supposed to meet a woman named Karen Jennings about something called Pinewood Farms.
La semana de su asesinato, se suponía que debía reunirse con una mujer llamada Karen Jennings por algo llamado Pinewood Farms.
About eight years ago, I was closing in on him when he disappeared.
Hace unos ocho años estaba acercándome cuando desapareció.
Look, the guy we're looking for was wearing a ski mask, but he's about 5'10 ". Caucasian.
Escuche, el tipo que buscamos llevaba pasamontañas... pero mide casi 1 : 78 y era caucásico.
Terry was mad at us, but we didn't know what he was talking about, and he went away.
Terry estaba enfadado con nosotros pero no sabíamos... de qué hablaba y nos fuimos.
But he helped us with the heist, and there was nothing about him in the paper file.
Pero si nos ayudó con el asalto y no ponía nada suyo en el archivo.
It was me that had to put that sheep out of its misery, cos of you, so don't talk to me about no humanity!
He sido yo quien ha sacado a esa oveja de su miseria, - por tu culpa, así que no me hables de compasión. - ¡ Suéltame!
He didn't think I was being urgent enough about it.
Él creyó que no le estaba imprimiendo la urgencia que merecía.
He was harping about Baghdad.
Insistió sobre Bagdad.
I was always honest about that.
Siempre he sido sincero sobre eso.
He stood above the revolution, he put an end to its abuses and kept all that was good about it!
Ha mantenido la revolución y ha acabado con los abusos y se ha quedado con lo que tenía de buena.
He was ill enough, but now this dreadful story about his son Pierre will surely kill him.
Estaba bastante enfermo, pero ahora esta terrible historia de su hijo Pierre seguramente lo matará.
he wasn't 318
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was alive 33
he was a jerk 20
he was my father 53
he was 2419
he was amazing 28
he was scared 75
he was my brother 71
he wasn't there 132
he was arrested 41
he was alive 33
he was a jerk 20
he was afraid 36
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was like 112
he was right 258
he was wrong 76
he was a nice guy 31
he was a hero 41
he was a friend of mine 20
he was gone 162
he was a good man 245
he was a wonderful man 18
he was like 112
he was drunk 101
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
he was young 27
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he was just 83
he was nice 64
he was here 335
he was angry 46
he was dead 174
he was just a kid 30
he was a 123
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he was just 83
he was nice 64