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In his перевод на испанский

146,874 параллельный перевод
Business cards in his wallet says he was a party promoter.
Por sus tarjetas en su billetera sabemos que era promotor de fiestas.
This one guy got right up in his face.
Este tipo la tenía justo en su cara.
No wonder Eobard doesn't want us using it before he locks in his own version of reality.
No es sorprendente que Eobard no quiera que la usemos antes de que fije su propia versión de la realidad.
He's got glasses in his pockets.
Lleva lentes en el bolsillo.
The patient, Greta March, 39, is described as dangerous to herself and to others, and may be accompanied by an unidentified male in his early-to-mid-30s.
La paciente, Greta March, 39 años, Se describe como peligrosa para ella y para otros, y puede estar acompañada por un hombre no identificado.
He was definitely high and driving like a maniac with $ 20,000 worth of heroin in his possession.
Estaba colgado y conducía como un maníaco con 20.000 dólares de heroína en su poder.
No, they only looked for cocaine and heroin because those were the drugs in his possession.
No, buscaron cocaína y heroína porque eran las drogas que tenía en su poder.
He showed me photos of you in his day.
Me enseñó fotos de ti en su día.
Well, your boss, in his infinite wisdom, is reluctant to press charges.
Bueno, su jefe, en su infinita sabiduría, es reacio a presentar cargos.
If they intervened in his arrest, they'll definitely intervene now.
Si van a intervenir en su arresto, definitivamente intervendrán ahora.
I'll check the logs and see who was in his office.
Revisaré quién lo visitó.
I went through every chat in his history.
Revisé su historial de chats.
I... I once saw him throw a sloth down a flight of stairs after a presentation, and he said it was an accident, but he had this look in his eyes.
Una vez lo vi lanzar a un perezoso por la escalera después de una presentación, y dijo que fue un accidente, pero tenía esa mirada.
The King, in his wisdom, has all but banished him, Father Beocca.
El rey, en su sabiduría, casi lo ha desterrado, padre Beocca.
And he shall arrive with a stoat upon his head and an apple in his mouth.
Y llegará con un armiño en la cabeza y una manzana en la boca.
We wanted to make sure he didn't implicate the United States in his testimony.
Queríamos asegurarnos de que no implicara a los Estados Unidos en su testimonio.
Problem is, the chip's implanted in his hand.
El problema es que el chip está implantado en su mano.
He's putting you in his pocket, in case he needs you at a later date!
Te quiere meter en su bolsillo. por si acaso te necesita en el futuro.
Every year he had affairs with the mothers in his class.
Cada año tenía aventuras con las madres de su clase.
James Weckler hanged himself in his cell this morning.
James Weckler se ha ahorcado en su celda esta mañana.
Every time we knock on a door and some knob tells us he doesn't need new windows, we're going to sell that prick more windows than he's got holes in his fucking walls for.
Cada vez que llamamos a una puerta y algún capullo nos dice que no necesita ventanas nuevas, le vamos a vender a ese imbécil más ventanas de las que agujeros para ellas tienen sus putas paredes.
Why's he got his cock in his hand, then?
¿ Por qué tiene la polla en la mano entonces?
- He has to keep moving in order for his own non-existence not to catch up to him.
- Tiene que seguir moviéndose para que su propia inexistencia no le alcance.
Now, the paper went on to theorize that Gawain had a vial of this precious substance on him up to his death and was buried with it somewhere in the North of France.
El artículo continuaba para teorizar que Gawain tenía un vial de esta preciada sustancia con él hasta su muerte y fue enterrado con él en algún lugar del norte de Francia.
Like Siddhartha Gautama renouncing his father's kingdom in order to become the Buddha.
Como Siddharta Gautama al renunciar al reino de su padre para volverse Buda.
Dad was still paying off his medical school loans until I was in middle school.
Papá todavía está pagando sus... préstamos de la Escuela de Medicina. Hasta que estuve en la Preparatoria.
Okay, so wait, let me get this straight, you have a cousin in the U.K. who's loaded, and who just passed away, and even though you didn't know this person existed, he wills you his entire estate?
Bien, así que espera, déjame entender esto, tú tienes un primo en el U.K. que está cargado, y que acaba de fallecer, Y aunque tú no sabías que esta persona existió, él quiere todo su patrimonio?
Building residents didn't know anyone fitting his description... didn't know anyone living in the basement at all, for that matter.
Los inquilinos del edificio no conocen a nadie con esa descripción... No saben de alguien que viviera en el sótano, por ese asunto.
Ok, so I dug around his desk, I found a whole lot of articles in medical journals, no big surprise.
Muy bien, yo he mirado en su escritorio y he encontrado un montón de artículos de revistas médicas cosa que no me sorprende.
His suitcase is in the taxi.
- Su maleta está en el taxi.
The father of his son died in combat in 2014.
El padre de su hijo murió en combate en 2014.
Imagine the face of his wife and children when we have released Malotru... and we put him in jail for treason.
Imagine la cara de su mujer e hijos cuando hayamos liberado a Malotru... y lo metamos en la cárcel por traición.
♪ Put your doubts to the side, get his ass in the bed ♪
Deja de dudar y mételo en la cama.
By forgoing Western gadgetry, simply stationing myself in the hall outside of his office, I was able to overhear him speaking of his plans to move against you.
Sin usar ningún dispositivo, simplemente al pararme afuera de su oficina, pude escucharlo hablar sobre sus planes contra ti.
Alfred put Aethelred in command of his armies...
Alfredo puso a Aethelred al mando de sus ejércitos.
Then in six months'time we shall ask for his life!
¡ Después en seis meses pediremos su vida!
Erik is in command, his men guard Aethelflaed, his ship is ready and waiting.
Erik está al mando, sus hombres cuidan a Aethelflaed, su barco está listo y esperando.
Okay, this is a good man who spent his life in service to his country.
Vale, este es un buen hombre que pasó su vida sirviendo a su país.
Okay, when a man has sex with his brother-in-law, he's a stud, but if a woman does it... ugh.
- Claro. Si un hombre se acuesta con su cuñado es un galán, pero si una mujer lo hace...
♪ When that skeleton In that closet rattled his bones ♪ Oh, thank goodness.
Gracias a Dios.
Because Reddington's got his hooks in her?
¿ Porque Reddington la tiene en sus garras?
No, there's a micro-processor in the chip tied to his heart rate.
No, hay un microprocesador en el chip vinculado a su ritmo cardiaco.
He's that mean, when he takes a tenner out of his wallet, the Queen blinks in the light!
Eso significa que cuando saca un billete de diez libras de su cartera, ¡ la reina parpadea!
You bring a guy in for his hand in the till, leaves beat up.
Traes a un tipo por meter las manos en la caja, y se va golpeado.
Seeing that the Deacon was still on his way in.
Ver que el diácono aún estaba en camino.
I understand your client's income isn't ideal for paying sex workers in cash, but sound decision making isn't exactly his strong suit, is it?
Entiendo que los ingresos de su cliente no son los ideales para ir pagando por sexo, pero las decisiones lógicas no son su fuerte, ¿ verdad?
He was so impressed, he didn't offer me a trial, he put me in charge of his entire sales team.
Estaba tan impresionado que no me ofreció una prueba, me puso a cargo de todo su equipo de ventas.
Every man has his line in the sand and that prick Walshy just took a piss all over mine.
Todo hombre tiene sus límites y ese capullo de Walshy acaba de mearse encima de los míos.
I'll say this for Fitzpatrick, he was putting the hours in designing his sexy roller-coaster.
Diré esto de Fitzpatrick, estaba echándole horas al diseño de su montaña rusa sexy.
Hans hadn't talked to his parents in a couple of years.
Hans no había hablado con sus padres en dos años.
His sister is visiting from South Africa in three weeks.
Su hermana viene a visitarle desde Sudáfrica en tres semanas.

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