In that case перевод на испанский
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Unless you join a fantasy football league, and in that case, it's a never-ending shit...
A no ser que juegues en una liga fantasy, - en ese caso nunca acaba... - Para ya.
Well, in that case, I'm sorry I jumped you.
Bueno, en ese caso, lamento haberte asaltado.
His victim in that case was our female deceased, Tamara Roe.
Su víctima en ese caso fue nuestra hembra fallecido, Tamara Roe.
In that case, maybe someone should tell that to the NAACP.
En ese caso, tal vez alguien debería de decirle eso a los de NAACP.
Okay, well, in that case, maybe I should put a stop payment on the half-million-dollar check that I just wrote to the United Negro College Fund.
Bueno, en ese caso, tal vez debería de poner un alto al pago al cheque de medio millón de dolares que acabo de hacer al fondo de United Negro College.
All right, well, oh, but in that case, I don't think I want to be constricted by an Ivy League setting.
De acuerdo, bueno, pero en este caso, no creo que quiera estar restringida en un entorno de la Ivy League.
- No one. Well, in that case, maybe we should leave patrol officers to finish the search and invite you and your kids downtown to talk about this problem.
En ese caso, deberíamos dejar unos oficiales para terminar la búsqueda... e invitarlo con sus niños a la central para hablar de este problema.
In that case, can we start now?
- En ese caso, ¿ podemos empezar ahora?
In that case, pick me up at six.
Es ese caso, recógeme a las seis.
I believe in that case, she served eight years?
Creo que en ese caso, - ¿ cumplió ocho años?
In that case, Athena is? ...?
Atena está...
Oh, well, in that case, Captain, may I suggest that while you're reliving the beginning,
En ese caso, capitán, puedo sugerir que mientras ustedes reviven el inicio,
In that case, she mustn't have been considered relevant to the inquiry.
En ese caso, no se la debió considerar relevante para la investigación.
Oh. Well, in that case, I'm going to have to pay you with one of Simon's notes.
Bueno, en ese caso, voy a tener que pagarte con una de las notas de Simón.
In that case the former.
En ese caso un ex.
Well, in that case, what time is my meeting with Adidas?
¿ Qué diablos es esto?
That's because I left at 5 : 00 in the morning, trying to get an early start on this case.
Porque me fui a las cinco de la mañana... para intentar ponerme pronto con este caso.
Leaving that can in the room almost caused us the entire case, Kevin.
Dejando esa lata en la habitación... casi nos costó todo el caso, Kevin.
That in this case my permission would be easier to get than my forgiveness?
Que en este caso, mi permiso sería más fácil que el perdón.
I'm just telling you... in case you'd like to note that down.
Se lo digo... en caso de que quiera anotarlo.
Without her consent, in case that's not clear.
Sin su consentimiento, en caso que no esté claro.
Also, that's an adorable worst-case scenario for someone lost alone in New York.
Además, esa es una hipótesis pesimista adorable de alguien perdido en Nueva York.
Oh, well, in that case, you know what word I miss? Hmm? - "Colored."
Bueno, en ese caso, ¿ saben qué palabra omití? "Teñido". ¡ Oh, mi Dios!
We're in this together, and in case you're having trouble remembering that...
Estamos juntos en esto, y si tienes algún problema en recordarlo...
- Yes, but in this case, that would mean convincing the queen to waive immunity, and with her being the prince's mother and all... it's possible, Mr. President.
- Sí, pero en este caso, eso significaría convincente la reina de renunciar a la inmunidad, y con ella siendo el La madre de príncipe y todo... es posible, señor Presidente.
This is all very intriguing, Krumitz, but you brought us all in here for a case that belongs to ViCAP, not Cyber.
Todo esto es muy interesante, Krumitz, pero nos trajiste aquí para un caso que pertenece a ViCAP, no cibernético.
Look, I know that we're in the middle of a case here and everything, but what you were saying earlier...
Mira, sé que estamos en mitad de un caso y todo eso, pero lo que dijiste antes...
I want you to stake out the bathhouse, in case Callen does show up at that location.
Quiero que vigiléis la sauna por si Callen aparece por allí.
Maybe we should go somewhere that the police wouldn't think of, just in case.
Quizá deberíamos ir a algún sitio... en el que la policía no haya pensado, por si acaso.
But in your case, if I was to tell you that you're one of the most beautiful women that I have ever seen, that would not be flattery.
Pero en tu caso, si te dijera... que eres la mujer mas hermosa que he visto, eso no sería halago.
Oh, I totally know what that is, but I'm gonna Google it in case someone else doesn't.
Sé lo que es eso pero voy a buscarlo en Google por si acaso alguien no lo sabe.
I don't have to remind you that I saved your life, though I did just mention it in case you forgot.
No tengo que recordarle que salvé su vida, pensé en mencionarlo en caso de que lo olvidara.
Also possible that killing Pottinger saved us from being murdered by Biomen or, in your case, something much worse.
Tambien es probable que la muerte de Pottinger nos salvo de ser asesinados por el Biomen o, en tu caso, algo mucho peor.
When Longshanks betrayed us, took Wales for his own, I married Erik Ventris with an agreement- - that my family would be allowed safe passage to Scotland, and that the castle I grew up in would be given to an heir.
Cuando Piernas Largas nos traicionó, y se apoderó de Gales, me casé con Erik Ventris con un acuerdo... que a mi familia se le permitiría el paso seguro a Escocia, y que el castillo en el que crecí sería dado a un heredero.
Paraguay has had to increase its food imports by nearly 300 % in just 10 years. It used to be the case that most of this food that we're seeing sold here would come from small subsistence farmers.
Paraguay ha aumentado la importación de alimentos... en casi 300 % en apenas diez años.
Monsanto claimed that they're helping to improve food security. Is that the case? No, not in any meaningful way.
Monsanto dice ayudar a mejorar la seguridad alimentaria.
You see, the, uh, state and the district attorney have already reviewed all of the evidence in this case and, uh, have agreed that Mr. Kane is to face no charges.
Verá, la Fiscalía del Distrito y la del Estado ya han revisado todas las pruebas del caso y... están de acuerdo en no presentar cargos contra el Sr. Kane.
Guess that leaves you to keep an eye out in case he does more shopping.
Supongo que eso te obliga a ti a estar atento por si acaso se va a hacer más compras. - Deeks.
She's getting rid of me, in case you're still trying to figure that out.
Se está deshaciendo de mí, por si todavía no lo descubres.
That's a live feed, in case you're wondering.
Eso es una transmisión en vivo, en Si se está preguntando.
I just want him to know that I'm here in case something really does happen to me.
Solo quiero que el sepa que estoy aqui en caso que algo realmente me pase a mi.
It's just in case Callie's adoption gets delayed, to make sure that we can keep fostering her.
Es solo por si la adopción de Callie se retrasa, para asegurarnos de que podemos seguir acogiéndola.
It doesn't stay open very long, so in case there's no time for that...
No se queda abierto mucho tiempo, por lo que en caso de que no hay tiempo para eso...
In this case,? That Seiya it's just an illusion? n?
¿ ese Seiya es solo una ilusión?
~ That's just... in case I had to move the steering wheel while I had oily hands from working on the engine.
- Eso es solo... En caso de que deba mover el volante mientras tengo... Las manos aceitosas de trabajar en el motor
And bear in mind that I would like to watch their reaction to the reopening of their son's case.
Tao. Y sepa que me gustaría ver su reacción a la reapertura del caso de su hijo.
He argued that the case should stay in family court, and that's when O'Dwyer stepped in.
Sostuvo que el caso debe permanecer en el juzgado de familia, y ahí fue cuando O'Dwyer intervino.
I hear there's a clock ticking on an interview the president would like the senator to participate in, and if that's the case, well, then, there are gonna be some things we would like in return.
He oído que hay un reloj marcando en una entrevista el presidente le gustaría que el senador de participar en, y si ese es el caso, así, pues, no van a ser algunas cosas que les gustaría a cambio.
Beverly : Yesterday morning, you told me he was guilty as sin, that this was an open-and-shut case, and the bastard would spend the rest of his life in jail for killing my girl.
Ayer a la mañana, usted me dijo que era culpable como el pecado, que se trataba de un caso-y-cierre abierto, y el hijo de puta gastaría el resto de su vida en la cárcel por haber matado a mi chica.
We postponed the wedding so she could, like, look for another job in case that Palmer prick ends up getting rid of her.
Pospusimos la boda para que pudiera buscar otro trabajo por si ese capullo de Palmer acababa quedándose con lo suyo.
Okay, then, Courtney, do you have a number that I could give my laser guy, in case you lose his?
Vale, entonces, Courtney, ¿ tienes un número que pueda dar a mi chico del láser, en caso de que tú pierdas el suyo?
in that sense 36
in that 47
in that time 35
in that way 47
in that order 61
in that room 17
in that moment 131
in that respect 17
in that place 16
case 419
in that 47
in that time 35
in that way 47
in that order 61
in that room 17
in that moment 131
in that respect 17
in that place 16
case 419
cases 98
casey 1909
case in point 102
case dismissed 57
case closed 256
case scenario 268
case number 46
case basis 20
case is closed 22
case scenarios 16
casey 1909
case in point 102
case dismissed 57
case closed 256
case scenario 268
case number 46
case basis 20
case is closed 22
case scenarios 16
in the real world 60
in the morning 1802
in the meantime 2026
in the kitchen 217
in the middle of the night 158
in the name of the father 223
in the middle of nowhere 42
in the criminal justice system 149
in the darkness 43
in the beginning was the word 18
in the morning 1802
in the meantime 2026
in the kitchen 217
in the middle of the night 158
in the name of the father 223
in the middle of nowhere 42
in the criminal justice system 149
in the darkness 43
in the beginning was the word 18
in the afternoon 211
in there 594
in the ass 21
in the basement 109
in the flesh 166
in the house 117
in the end 1091
in the beginning 230
in the first place 155
in the name of jesus 26
in there 594
in the ass 21
in the basement 109
in the flesh 166
in the house 117
in the end 1091
in the beginning 230
in the first place 155
in the name of jesus 26
in the name of god 118
in the old days 114
in the future 338
in the bathroom 154
in the 715
in the dark 154
in the past 316
in the woods 135
in the room 59
in the city 96
in the old days 114
in the future 338
in the bathroom 154
in the 715
in the dark 154
in the past 316
in the woods 135
in the room 59
in the city 96