Interrogating перевод на испанский
645 параллельный перевод
Why are you interrogating me?
¿ Por qué me estás interrogando?
Well, you are attached to my staff... for special duties interrogating prisoners of war.
Será parte de mi personal... para tareas especiales al interrogar prisioneros de guerra.
I appeal once again for the guilty party to have the good sense to spare me the needless and upsetting business of interrogating their friends!
Todavía apelo al buen sentido de la culpable... para no causar inconvenientes a sus compañeros.
We're interrogating that professor -
Hemos comenzado a interrogar al catedrático.
This is how he looked when I met him first. He was a lieutenant. He sat at his desk interrogating me.
Así era cuando le vi por primera vez, entonces era Teniente me interrogaba detrás de una mesa.
McCreavy, start interrogating thoseJaps.
McCreavy, interroga a los japoneses.
Are they still interrogating people?
¿ Por qué insisten con los interrogatorios?
You're interrogating him, but he's only a witness.
Le está interrogando cuando sólo es un mero testigo.
They're interrogating him once more.
Le van interrogar de nuevo.
All it took was a night of interrogating to make me talk.
Ha bastado una noche de interrogatorio... para hacerme hablar.
- Are you interrogating me...?
- ¿ Esto es un interrogatorio?
- Go on interrogating them. - Alright.
- Siga interrogándolos.
I'm interrogating the prisoner.
Estoy interrogando al prisionero.
Not doing much better with that Kelly girl. We got a couple of men interrogating her at the emergency hospital.
Habríamos conseguido más, interrogando a Kelly en el hospital.
I'm to show you courtesy, but that don't mean you do the interrogating.
Que sea cortés con Vd. No significa que Vd. lleve el interrogatorio.
Look, I'm not interrogating you.
Verá, no estoy interrogándole.
By the way, the inspector said he'd be interrogating you all later.
Por cierto, el inspector ha dicho que os interrogará a todos después.
No technicalities getting in the way, like interrogating a juvenile in the police station, right?
No cometamos errores técnicos, como interrogarlo en la comisaría, ¿ eh?
What're you interrogating me for, anyway?
¿ Qué me andás averiguando?
I'm not interrogating you, Lujanera
Yo no te averiguo nada, Lujanera
[Footsteps Shuffling] Interrogating a prisoner is like cooking a goose.
Interrogar a un prisionero es como asar un ganso.
I've just been interrogating that young woman, and I'm convinced she's a member of that dangerous Traitor's Party.
He interrogado a esa joven. - Y estoy seguro de que forma parte de un grupo traidor.
Ever since D-day, you've had me doing the same thing interrogating prisoners.
Desde el día-D he estado haciendo lo mismo interrogando a prisioneros.
Are you interrogating me now?
¿ Me interroga a mí?
Your brother is here, it is interrogating Moutard.
Su hermano está aquí, Moutard lo está interrogando.
Instead of interrogating perpetrators, you'll talk to their dead victims.
En lugar de interrogar a los perpetradores, usted hablará con las víctimas muertas.
Yes, they are interrogating all the persons who were at Prescott's yesterday night.
Sí. Están interrogando a los que estuvieron con Prescott anoche.
I will be in the brig, interrogating the Andorian.
Estaré en el puente interrogando al andoriano.
If he accepts your interrogating him it'll stir up all the terrible rumblings going on inside of him.
Si acepta que le interrogue eso agitará la tormenta que ruge en su interior.
Today I had the pleasure of interrogating some German prisoners.
Hoy yo tuve el placer de interroga a algunos prisioneros alemanes.
When are we going to start interrogating them?
¿ Cuándo empezaremos a interrogarlas?
I have been interrogating these two spies captured in...
He estado interrogando a estos dos espías capturados...
Interrogating foreign agents is not your department. It's mine.
Interrogar a agentes extranjeros es mi departamento.
- I am interrogating him.
- Estaba interrogándolo.
As for interrogations, sometimes they are more confusing for the one who is interrogating than for the one who is interrogated. As you so cleverly remarked, it's true.
En cuanto a los interrogatorios, a veces esos interrogatorios... desconciertan más al interrogador que al interrogado, eso lo destacó usted con bastante justeza e ingeniosidad.
If he needs interrogating, then you do it right here.
Si hay que interrogarle, hazlo tú aquí.
I was gonna wait until we were back at the Office before interrogating him but I don't have that luxury now!
¡ Iba a esperar a llegar a la jefatura para interrogarle pero ya no me puedo permitir ese lujo!
Look, let's go, before I find myself interrogating you.
Vámonos, no quiero tener que interrogarte.
Tell Captain Maxfield we will return the prisoners as soon we have finished interrogating them.
Dígale al capitán Maxfield que los regresaremos tan pronto como terminemos de interrogarlos.
We're interrogating the prisoner now.
Estamos interrogando al prisionero.
Senda was already interrogating Togashi and the others.
Senda ya estaba interrogando a Togashi y a los demás.
They scarcely gave themselves the trouble of interrogating me.
apenas se dieron la molestia de interrogarme.
The magistrate does the interrogating.
El juez lleva el interrogatorio. ¡ Y qué sabe el juez!
Only by interrogating the other passengers could I hope to see the light. But when I began to question them, the light, as Macbeth would have said, thickened.
Sólo interrogando a los otros pasajeros hallaría una respuesta... pero cuando hablé con ellos, todo me quedó menos claro.
Now, is the man interrogating me, or is he lost?
¿ Me está interrogando o está perdido?
Inspector Clouseau has been interrogating the staff.
Inspector Clouseau ha estado interrogando al personal.
The interrogating Judge Scalambri is at his disposal.
El Magistrado que dirige el interrogatorio, el Dr. Scalambri, está a su disposición.
Our secret service he is interrogating.
Nuestro servicio secreto los está interrogando.
You should think much, before interrogating some honest people.
Debería pensárselo dos veces,... antes de hacer un interrogatorio a personas que somos honestas.
Are you interrogating me, Colonel Seibert?
¿ Está interrogándome, coronel Seibert?
I'm interrogating him, Colonel.
¡ Estoy interrogándole coronel!
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interrupted 16
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