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Minute warning перевод на испанский

130 параллельный перевод
What about that four-minute warning?
¿ Y el aviso de cuatro minutos?
Did anybody get a four-minute warning?
¿ Alguien ha recibido un aviso?
Switching on artificial gravity field at a 10-minute warning.
El cambio al campo de gravedad artificial dio la advertencia de 10 minutos.
We're coming up on the two minute warning.
Bien, me adaptare a su juego.
called the two-minute warning.
llamada "advertencia de dos minutos".
Many people are not aware of it at all, the two-minute warning.
Mucha gente no es conciente de ella en absoluto, la advertencia de dos minutos.
And I don't think we'd believe someone anyway if he told us he'd received his two-minute warning, would you?
Y no creo que creyéramos en alguien de todas maneras si nos dijera que ha recibido la advertencia de dos minutos, ¿ cierto?
Some asshole on the bus, hey, I just got my two-minute warning.
Algún imbécil en el autobús, "hey, acabo de recibir mi advertencia de dos minutos".
But no, the two-minute warning does arrive, and I say use that time to entertain, to leave something behind.
Pero no, la advertencia de dos minutos sí que llega, y yo digo que uses ese tiempo para entretener, para dejar algo atrás.
There's the two-minute warning.
Faltan dos minutos.
All personnel at launching pad 17, this is a five-minute warning.
A todo el personal en la plataforma 17 : aviso de cinco minutos.
Football has a two-minute warning.
El Football tiene una advertencia de dos minutos.
Two-minute warning, pal.
Te quedan dos minutos, amigo.
This is your two-minute warning This ship will self-destruct in two minutes
Este es el aviso de dos minutos. Esta nave se autodestruirá en exactamente dos minutos.
This is your five-minute warning. Clear the court.
aviso de 5 minutos, despejen la pista
Two-minute warning.
Dos minutos de advertencia.
Bottom of the ninth. Two-minute warning. Last frame.
Final de la novena, 2 minutos de advertencia, ultima ronda.
Four-minute warning!
¡ Aviso de cuatro minutos!
Thanks for the two-minute warning.
Gracias por tanto aviso.
They've had their two-minute warning.
Ya tuvieron la advertencia.
Fifteen-minute warning.
Aviso de 15 minutos.
Two-minute warning.
Quedan dos minutos.
Ten minute warning.
Últimos diez minutos.
30 minute warning. You better get packed.
Aviso de 30 minutos, tienes que hacer la maleta.
It's the two-minute warning.
Es una última advertencia.
MAN ON intercom :... minute warning.
Minuto de aviso.
I gave you a 30-minute warning before that building was hit.
Le advertí de la bomba 30 minutos antes.
- This is their two-minute warning.
- Advertencia de lo dos minutos.
Okay, I'm just saying two-minute warning.
Ok, quedan dos minutos.
20-minute warning for dinner, guys.
20 minutos para la cena.
I know, just give me a three-minute warning.
Ya sé, avísame tres minutos antes.
- Three-minute warning. - Right.
- Te aviso tres minutos antes.
Give them the two-minute warning.
Dales dos minutos de advertencia.
Five-minute warning.
Cinco minutos.
Five-minute warning. Let's go.
Nos quedan cinco minutos.
Kirk just came by and gave us a two-minute warning.
Kirk vino recién y nos dio una advertencia de dos minutos.
Seven minute warning if you want a ride.
En siete minutos te pierdes la aventada.
And at the end of the two-minute warning, the Mustangs lead 17-14.
Y a dos minutos del final, los Mustangs ganan 17-14.
Before we get to that... could you maybe give me like a 20-minute warning... you know, before the part where you run away?
Antes de llegar a eso... ¿ Podrías advertirme unos 20 minutos antes... de salir corriendo?
Now just a minute, we knew nothing about this warning signal of yours...
Espera un minuto, no sabíamos nada Acerca de su advertencia...
We're set to move in at the two-minute warning. Did you get the Mayor out of there?
Actuaremos en la pausa de 2 minutos.
That is the two-minute warning.
Llegamos a la pausa de los 2 minutos.
This'll be our warning device, so we don't walk in on each other. Wait a minute.
Esto servirá para avisarnos, para no pillarnos in fraganti.
"for there are several engines filled with water and ready to play at a minute's warning,"
"a la vista de las bombas de agua que había, " listas para ser usadas en cualquier momento, "
'Zero Alarm warning, anyone not in their cells in one minute'will be shot on sight.'
Alerta de Alarma Cero, a todos los que no estén en sus celdas en un minuto... se les fusilará en el acto.
Warning. Radiation levels at 65 millirads per minute and rising.
Peligro : radiación a 65 milirradios por minuto y en aumento.
Warning. Radiation levels at 300 millirads per minute and rising.
Peligro : aumenta la radiación.
One minute. A word of warning :
Un momento, le advierto :
But to tell you the truth, I had warning bells going off the minute that he sat down.
Si les soy sincera, tuve un mal presentimiento en cuanto se sentó.
Ten-minute warning.
- Ya estoy.
His heart rate spiked to nearly 300 beats per minute, then collapsed without warning.
Su ritmo cardíaco se disparó a casi 300 latidos por minuto, luego colapsó sin previo aviso.

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