Minutes earlier перевод на испанский
198 параллельный перевод
The derailment must have occurred at least 10 minutes earlier.
El descarrilamiento debió ocurrir por lo menos 10 minutos antes.
10 minutes earlier, we would have thought it was legitimate.
10 minutos más temprano, podríamos haber pensado que era auténtica...
9 : 30am in Moscow is 52 minutes earlier than 11 : 22 the night before in San Diego.
Las 9.30h de Moscú se adelanta en 52 minutos a las 23.22h de San Diego.
- 7 : 30, or a few minutes earlier.
A las 7 : 30 o un poco antes.
A few minutes earlier, I might have met him in the street.
Unos minutos antes y me lo habría topado.
I was so good that once a day someone would ride into town to make me prove it. And every morning I'd start my drinking a few minutes earlier until one morning the guy who asked me to prove it turned out to be 16 years old.
Tan bueno que una vez al día... alguien venía al pueblo para hacerme demostrarlo,... y cada mañana... empezaba a beber minutos más temprano,... hasta que una mañana... el tipo que me pidió demostrarlo resulto ser de 16 años.
If we'd have got him a few minutes earlier... well, the doctor will be here in a few minutes.
El médico no tardará. Le dará un calmante a su mujer.
I tried to call Sali to see if we could smooth things out, only to learn he'd died 10 minutes earlier.
Llamé a Sali para ver si podía calmar un poco las cosas, pero me dijeron que acababa de morir.
If I had gotten there a few minutes earlier, perhaps...
Si hubiera llegado unos minutos antes...
Just ten minutes earlier, I said you were in Brussels with the United Nations.
Hacía solo 10 minutos, dije que estabas en Bruselas con la ONU.
Well, if you'd gotten here a couple of minutes earlier, you could have talked to the other eyewitness.
Si hubiera llegado antes podía habérselo preguntado al otro testigo.
If you'd grabbed them five minutes earlier... before they'd picked up that box...
Si los hubiera agarrado cinco minutos antes cuando todavía no tenían la caja...
We presented our few minutes earlier.
Nos habíamos presentado mutuamente unos minutos antes. Un momento.
So how did you make the connection With the 8 : 13, which left six minutes earlier? Oh, ah, simple.
Y, ¿ cómo ha enlazado con el de las 8. 13 si salió 6 minutos antes?
Of course, the irony of it all is that if the girl's mother had been 20 minutes earlier, that body would probably remained in those woods for another 30 years.
Por supuesto, la ironía de esto es que si la madre de la chica hubiera llegado 20 minutos más temprano, ese cuerpo hubiera permanecido en el bosque 30 años más.
The Chief is 15 minutes earlier than usual.
¡ Bueno, el director se anticipó 15 minutos, hoy!
He was alone in a car he had rented in Paris 30 minutes earlier.
Iba solo en un coche alquilado en Paris media hora antes.
He... He could have saved her..... had he finished at the restaurant..... just a few minutes earlier.
Él... podría haberla salvado... si hubiera terminado en el restaurante... un poco más temprano.
Not a few minutes earlier, not sometime before,
No unos pocos minutos antes, No mucho antes,
But some critical events for the human species began much earlier minutes earlier.
Hechos cruciales para los humanos sólo están minutos antes.
If we've been five minutes earlier...
Por los pelos.
When not 15 minutes earlier... you'd been in bed with the woman I was going to marry.
" Ah, Nathan. - Cuando ni 15 minutos antes... estarías en la cama con la mujer con quien iba a casarme.
Five minutes earlier he may not have even thought about it.
Hace 5 minutos ni siquiera se le habría ocurrido pensarlo.
Except the tangible fact that the Commissioner's wife had run out of the building not ten minutes earlier.
Excepto el hecho tangible... que la mujer del portero había salido del edificio... hacía menos de diez minutos.
A few minutes earlier...
Unos minutos antes...
Though, frankly, I expected you 15 minutes earlier.
Aunque, la verdad, te esperaba 15 minutos antes.
The Libyan bombs destroyed a navy warehouse which just 30 minutes earlier... had been crowded with servicemen.
Las bombas han volado un almacén de la marina que, 30 minutos antes, estaba lleno de militares.
You must not forget to leave 10 minutes earlier and sleep half an hour earlier, so you get enough sleep.
No deben olvidar levantarse diez minutos más temprano... y acostarse media hora antes, así dormirán lo suficiente.
If you came 5 minutes earlier.
Si hubieras venido cinco minutos antes.
- Minutes earlier and it could have been us!
- Hace diez minutos nos hubieran atrapado.
- deactivated it 4 minutes earlier.
- desactivaron el radar 4 minutos antes.
And ifyou had woken up six minutes earlier- - just six minutes- - then you could've had the good Movieola!
Y si había despertado seis minutos antes - - sólo seis minutos - entonces usted pudo haber tenido la buena Movieola!
An anonymous warning was phoned in minutes earlier :
Una advertencia anónima fue telefonada minutos antes.
Well, I'd just given him a penny not two minutes earlier, so he'd seen the coffer and what it contained. Ah.
No tuve oportunidad.
I was there like ten minutes earlier.
Estuve ahí como diez minutos antes.
Five minutes earlier you would've landed yourself a pretty good collar. It's all right.
5 minutos antes y se habría apuntado un buen tanto.
You couldn't have gotten here two minutes earlier?
¿ No podría haber llegado dos minutos antes?
If only we'd arrived ten minutes earlier, we could've talked to him.
Si tan solo hubiéramos llegado diez minutos antes, podríamos haber hablado con él.
That means several minutes earlier or later.
- ¿ Más o menos?
Ten minutes earlier, you couldn't give a size and build description.
Soy generalista
If I'd been three minutes earlier.
De haber llegado tres minutos antes...
NTSB guys say a few minutes earlier and it would have been all at impossible elevations.
Los de la NTSB dicen que unos minutos antes habría estado en elevaciones imposibles.
[All Three Groaning] If she started dinner three minutes earlier, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Si empezara la cena tres minutos antes, no estaríamos en este lío.
We arrive 15 minutes earlier every morning.
Cada mañana llegamos 15 minutos antes.
- Seven minutes earlier.
- 7 minutos más temprano.
Had I come these three minutes later that it took us to decide, or had you left earlier, then we'd have raced past one another without ever knowing it.
Si yo hubiera llegado tres minutos más tarde, los que tardamos en decidirnos, o tú hubieras pasado más temprano, estaríamos en este instante cruzándonos sin saberlo.
You testified earlier that Emmett Perkins gave you a gun about five minutes before you reached the Monahan house.
Usted declaró anteriormente que Emmett Perkins le dio un arma unos cinco minutos antes de llegar a la casa Monahan.
We now repeat our earlier bulletin of the devastating earthquake which struck San Francisco just ten minutes ago.
Volvemos a repetir el boletín sobre el devastador terremoto que ha sacudido San Francisco hace diez minutos.
Lieutenant Columbo. A couple of minutes earlier, you'd have caught me without pants!
Teniente Columbo, dos minutos más y me agarra en calzones.
Minutes ago, Merlin was observed washing out the same vial that was found here earlier in your tent.
Hace un momento, se vio como Merlín lavaba este mismo vial que se ha encontrado antes en su tienda.
The police had forgotten to order the armored cars to come to the airport earlier and it was only now, 20 minutes after the shooting began that they radioed to Munich for them to be sent.
la policia se habia olvidado de pedir los vehiculos blindados para que llegaran con anticipacion a el aeropuerto y ahora solamanete 20 minutos, despues de que comenzaron los dispararos llamaron por radio a munich para que los enviaran.
earlier 318
earlier today 174
earlier tonight 20
earlier this evening 22
earlier this morning 22
earlier on 24
minutes 10070
minute 230
minutes ago 1231
minutes left 108
earlier today 174
earlier tonight 20
earlier this evening 22
earlier this morning 22
earlier on 24
minutes 10070
minute 230
minutes ago 1231
minutes left 108
minutes after 24
minutes later 237
minutes late 216
minutes of fame 17
minutes a day 23
minutes from now 35
minutes away 180
minutes and 132
minutes or less 26
minutes past 17
minutes later 237
minutes late 216
minutes of fame 17
minutes a day 23
minutes from now 35
minutes away 180
minutes and 132
minutes or less 26
minutes past 17