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Neither was i перевод на испанский

436 параллельный перевод
Neither was I.
Yo tampoco.
Neither was I. I've been awake all night.
Yo tampoco. Estuve despierto toda la noche.
- Neither was I, Pop.
- Tampoco yo, papá.
- No, neither was I. However, in the interest of my clientele, I cannot avoid a certain curiosity about...
Pero, por el bien de mi clientela, no puedo evitar tener curiosidad sobre...
No, neither was I on my first big time rodeo.
Yo tampoco la tenía antes de mi primer rodeo
You were not happy and naturally you not being happy, neither was I.
No fuiste feliz y... no lo eres ahora ni yo tampoco.
Neither was I.
Tampoco yo.
Neither was I.
A mí tampoco.
George wasn't there, and neither was I.
George no tuvo nada que ver ni yo tampoco.
Neither was I.
Yo tampoco lo era.
- Neither do I. - I told you what was important.
finalmente llegó al fin?
- Gee, I didn't know she was colored. - Neither did I.
No sabía que era negra.
I hope neither of us was kidding.
Espero que ninguno de nosotros estuviera bromeando.
- Neither do I, now, but just a little while ago it was going like this...
- Ahora, tampoco yo, pero si la vieses hace un rato, iba así...
Your mistake, if I may venture to call it that at this premature date, was in marrying her. I am her grandfather and you did marry her... and neither one of us can simply duck out from under.
Tal vez Vonnie estaba con el corazón roto, por como resultaron las cosas con el amorío, pero decididamente Bobby no lo estaba.
Neither I was sent by the New York Herald.
Me envía el New York Herald.
I was supposed to get more, but neither of us gets anything.
Yo tenía que ganar más, pero ninguno de los dos gana nada.
Neither did I. I was afraid of hitting you orJimmy.
Yo tampoco. Temí dispararle a Ud. o a Jimmy.
Neither was I. Now tell me, where have you been keeping yourself?
- También yo.
Retired, I might add, by virtue of certain fatuous opinions held in the War Department which judge a man's usefulness neither by his experience nor his ability, but by the number of years since he was weaned.
Retirado, aclaro, en virtud de ciertas opiniones necias del Departamento de Guerra que juzgan a un hombre no por su experiencia ni por su capacidad, sino por la cantidad de años desde que fue destetado.
But I wasn't. Neither was Mrs. Wilmot.
Pero yo no, ni la Sra. Wilmot tampoco.
And to be perfectly frank, I was so overwrought when I got there that neither your name nor your personality was sufficiently impressive to arrest the pent-up feelings that had accumulated on the way.
Y para ser sinceros, estaba tan furioso cuando llegué... ... que ni tu nombre ni tu personalidad resultaron lo suficiente atractivas... ... para sofocar todos los sentimientos que fui acumulando durante el camino.
I knew that was not him neither
Supe que no se acababa ahí.
What I saw in them was neither anger, nor sorrow, but a cold light, a look of loathing.
Lo que vi en ellos no era enfado... ni pena... sino una fría luz, una mirada de repugnancia.
I knowed a girl who once had one of the prettiest faces you've ever seen but she was so bowlegged that a hog could run between her legs never even graze neither one of'em.
Conocí a una chica, con una cara preciosa pero tenía las piernas tan arqueadas que una vaca podría pasar entre ellas.
Neither did I, but I was desperate.
Yo tampoco, pero estaba desesperado.
He was nothing. Neither was that artist I told you about.
- No fue nada, el artista tampoco.
Neither he nor I could possibly suspect there was a third party would stop at nothing to forestall us.
Ni él ni yo nos imaginamos que había otra tercera persona... que haría lo que fuera por adelantarse a nosotros.
Neither could I, even if I was interested.
Ni yo, aunque estuviera interesada.
Alberto, I wasn't born yesterday, and neither was the girl's mother.
Alberto, no nací ayer y tampoco su madre...
I'm lost in the city. I was neither born nor raised in one.
No me sitúo en una ciudad donde no he nacido ni crecido.
Now, since I had him in conversation at the precise moment the shot was fired, I can state without reservation that he was neither a party to the struggle, nor the shooting.
Dado que estaba hablando con él en el momento del disparo, puedo afirmar sin duda alguna que no tuvo parte ni en la lucha ni en el disparo.
"They toil not, neither do they spin," yet I say unto you, not even Solomon in all his glories "was arrayed as one of these."
"Ellos no trabajan ni hilan, y les dijo que ni salomon en, sus tiempos de gloria se revestia como uno de ellos"
I knew neither of them when I was young.
- Siendo joven, esto no existía.
As I said, the report was neither competent nor scientific.
Como dije, el informe no era ni adecuado ni científico.
You killed him or I did, or maybe it was something neither of us could help or anybody.
O fui yo. Lo que ocurrió no fue por tu culpa ni por la mía.
- I am convinced that that house was neither time nor space. Theory, my dear boy?
¿ Teoría, mi querido muchacho?
I want to be there when they realise that neither summoned the other, that the postcard was the trap.
Quiero estar ahí cuando descubran que la cita era falsa, que la postal era una trampa.
Neither I was stupid enough to sell its owner...
¡ Ni yo tan estúpido como para venderle a su dueño...
But with a son who is neither consenting nor dissenting there was nothing I could do.
Se ha encargado Dios.
I doubted my own sanity, and many minutes passed... before I succeeded in convincing myself... that I was neither mad nor in a dream.
Cuando esta criatura se mostró por primera vez, dudé de mi propia razón y muchos minutos pasaron antes de convencerme a mí mismo de que no estaba loco ni soñando.
And then, suddenly it came to me in a flash and I realized that neither one of them was guilty.
Y luego, de pronto, vino a mí como un flash. Y supe que ninguno de ellos era culpable.
I die neither atheist nor papist, and in that faith to which I was born, I bid you all to pray for me.
No muero ni ateo ni papista, y en esa fe en la cual yo nací, les pido a todos que oren por mí.
And neither do I! I was at the border with my family,
Estaba en la frontera con mi familia...
Neither Carol nor I could know that it was a tragic reality instead.
Ni Carol ni yo podíamos saber que se trataba de una trágica realidad.
Neither do I. That was to square things for Hunslett.
Tampoco yo. Esto fue por lo de Hunslett.
I said it was neither true nor possible, for even the most indifferent government would act in that case, especially a highly active government like ours, whose motto might well be :
Yo respondí que no era posible, que era mentira. Ni el gobierno más frío y pétreo, dejaría de actuar en un caso así. Mucho menos un gobierno activísimo y de fuego, como es el actual, cuyo lema bien podría ser :
I am a soldier who was left alone on the battlefield at a time of danger and bitterness. But I do not feel neither contempt nor rancor for the king who abandoned me.
Se me ha dejado solo en la batalla, en el... momento del peligro, pero no siento... rencor por el soberano que me ha abandonado,
Your father was a man that gave law officering a bad name so I won't enjoy hanging you, but I won't be too upset neither.
Su padre fue un hombre que les dio mal nombre a las autoridades así que no disfrutaré colgândolo, pero tampoco me disgustará mucho.
Having been alienated from the source, from the idea, then neither word nor image satisfied you... I was to perform visible marvels, when the word and the image from the mouth failed...!
Habiendo sido alienado desde la raiz, desde la idea, entonces ninguna palabra ni imagen te satisface... yo conformé prodigios visibles, cuando la palabra y la imagen verbal fallaron...!
Me neither, when I was 30 years lighter.
A mí tampoco, cuando tenía 30 años menos.

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