Not too many перевод на испанский
987 параллельный перевод
But not too many, mind.
Pero no exageremos.
Are there not too many?
¿ No son demasiadas?
Oh, Kit, I've arranged a little party for you, not too many... just the people I thought you'd like to see again.
Kit, daré una pequeña fiesta en tu honor, no muchos... sólo la gente que creí querrías volver a ver.
Remember, not too many visitors.
Recuerde, pocas visitas.
Coming along? Not too many bugs?
¿ Crece bien?
Be quiet going through the streets and not too many together.
No hagáis ruido por la calle. No vayáis en grupos grandes.
- It's not too many notes.
- No son demasiadas notas.
Not too many of them, but sound men, every one.
No son muchos, pero son dignos de confianza.
Well, not too many, I hope.
- Espero que no muchas.
Since you know so many seafaring men, I'm in need of one myself... with a stout ship and not too many scruples.
Ya que conoce a tantos marineros, estoy buscando a uno... con un barco sólido y con pocos escrúpulos.
Not too many tonight, but underneath the barge the water's thick with them.
De noche no muchos, pero debajo de la plataforma hay montones.
I've got thirty tickets for you, I hope it's not too many
Quizá me esté tomando demasiadas libertades, pero quiero que se haga cargo de estas treinta.
Not too many but what's the difference?
No creo, pero ¿ qué importa?
I think it is better I'm not too exact... and I will post this many miles away from where I am.
Creo que es mejor que no sea demasiado exacto... y voy a mandar esto a muchas millas de distancia de donde estoy.
But it ´ s not good to have too many fights.
Pero no es bueno tener demasiadas peleas.
But while I am gone please do not introduce to Belinha too many American customs.
Pero durante mi ausencia... no le enseñen demasiadas costumbres americanas.
I can not get you, too many people watching.
Zani, ¿ no te dije que te esperaba el Dr. Grunbaum? Ya voy.
Two or three can not find Zani, know too many holes. Everybody out!
Dos o tres no podrán encontrar a Zani, conoce demasiados escondrijos.
But I trust you're not too weary... as many persons are gnawed by anxiety to see you.
Espero que no estés demasiado cansada pues muchas personas se mueren de ansiedad por verte.
I'd rather not go. Too many people.
Sí, yo prefiero no ir, hay demasiada gente.
Want to go with me? How many of those have you had? Too bad you're not a boat.
No es el Brown Derby o Chasen's, donde tienes que hacer una entrada, o sentarte en la mesa correcta, al lado del Sr. Goldwyn o James Cagney.
Among people who respect themselves and value themselves too many words are not needed.
Entre personas que se respetan y se estiman no hacen falta muchas palabras.
I heard about those cattle being stampeded over their crops, and there's too many strays running loose in that valley right now, only they're not strays.
Oí sobre el ganado que pisoteó sus cultivos, y hay muchos animales sueltos en el valle, sólo que no son salvajes.
But not all of them, for there were too many now for the jobs open... and some learned that never again would there be work for them in their own valley.
Pero no todos, pues ahora eran demasiados para los puestos disponibles, y algunos descubrieron que nunca volverían a trabajar en su propio valle.
Too many call themselves boxers who are not even fighters.
Hay muchos boxeadores que no saben ni pelear.
I've known too many hellcats not to know... what's behind all that blaze and bluster.
He conocido a muchas mujeres... y sé Io que hay tras ese ardor.
Fui a la escuela con muchos niños cuyos padres estaban divorciados como para no saber lo que hizo a sus vidas.
My dearest münchhausen, this tokay is historic, so to speak in 1683 it saved the viennese from the turks if our commander had not drunk too many glasses of it he would never have made his victorious attack
En el año 1683 liberó a Viena de los turcos. Si nuestro comandante no se hubiera tomado una copa de más no se habría arriesgado a emplear esa asombrosa estrategia.
I wish I could say to you, love your mother, do not eat too many sweets clean your teeth.
Me gustaria poder deciros, quered a vuestra madre, no comais muchas golosinas limpiaros los dientes.
Too many mosquitoes. Not enough ice skating.
Demasiados mosquitos, poco hielo donde patinar.
Not since Crete. Too many Guardsmen up the top, that's the trouble.
Estos chorlitos solo causan problemas.
One's too many, and a hundred's not enough.
Uno es demasiado y cien no bastan.
Not now, not here, too many cops around.
Ahora no, aquí no, hay muchos policías alrededor.
Sometimes I've got so many things to tell you... but I'm not able to tell you, or I take too long time.
A veces me vienen a la mente tantas cosas para decirte... pero luego no me animo o pasa un montón de tiempo.
Too many people are after me, and it's not because I'm irresistible.
Me persigue demasiada gente y no porque sea irresistible.
You sat in my office too many times not to know what happens to a child whose parents are messed up.
Viste en el Consultorio lo que les pasa a los niños cuando sus padres no se advienen.
I try not to ask too many questions.
- Intenté no hacer demasiadas preguntas.
I saw in the paper the other day where some fella said there's too many stick-up men and not enough farmers.
Leí en el periódico el otro día que un tipo dijo que había demasiados oficinistas y no suficientes granjeros.
It comes from being scared too many times and wanting to run away... and not running away.
Viene de estar asustado demasiadas veces... y de querer huir y no hacerlo.
Luke, how many times I got to tell ya... not to put too much sugar in the squeezing's?
Luke, ¿ cuántas veces te he dicho... que no le pongas demasiada azúcar?
Not only too many of the enemy... but one too many Germans.
No sólo hay demasiados enemigos, también hay alemanes que sobran.
I've looked into it too many years not to know it.
Son demasiados años observándolo para no darme cuenta.
Says to not take offense if there's one word too many. Indeed says, that if you too say a few, they're glad.
Ha dicho que no se ofendan si los insulta... y que si ustedes lo quieren insultar, a él le parece bien. - ¿ Ah, si?
I've seen that look too many times not to know it.
He visto esa mirada demasiadas veces.
You've got too many brains, but that's not your fault.
Te admiro. Eres demasiado inteligente. Claro...
When Dade's got hisself 12 top gun hands out at his place, not counting the boys he's got here at the Palace, that's just too many to fight, boy!
¡ Cuando Dade tenga a 12 mercenarios disponibles, sin contar a los chicos que tiene en el Palacio, serán muchos para pelear, amigo!
No way. Too many cops and not enough loose cash.
Hay mucho polis y poca pasta.
Look, Roy, I've sat in too many courtrooms Not to know that an able and persuasive prosecutor like you Can make a jury believe that a thing is a fact when it isn't,
Mira, Roy, me he sentado en demasiados tribunales como para saber en un perseguidor hábil y persuasivo como tú puede hacer creer a un jurado que algo es una prueba cuando no lo es.
Unfortunately there're too many doctors, not enough teachers.
Hay demasiados médicos y faltan profesores.
Right now, we're too many and not enough.
Ahora somos demasiados o no los suficientes.
Will you help me not to make too many mistakes?
? Me ayudarás a no cometer demasiados errores?
not too shabby 64
not too bright 16
not too bad 203
not too long ago 36
not too late 30
not too much 153
not too fast 55
not too hot 19
not too good 62
not too far 44
not too bright 16
not too bad 203
not too long ago 36
not too late 30
not too much 153
not too fast 55
not too hot 19
not too good 62
not too far 44
not too tight 35
not too close 43
not too 17
not too hard 45
not too long 47
not too well 25
too many questions 18
too many to count 25
too many people 42
too many times 26
not too close 43
not too 17
not too hard 45
not too long 47
not too well 25
too many questions 18
too many to count 25
too many people 42
too many times 26
too many memories 21
too many 183
many 384
many happy returns 30
many years ago 164
many thanks 80
many things 63
many times 271
many more 30
many years 63
too many 183
many 384
many happy returns 30
many years ago 164
many thanks 80
many things 63
many times 271
many more 30
many years 63