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People make mistakes перевод на испанский

330 параллельный перевод
They're only people. People make mistakes. Could they be wrong?
Son humanos, y como tal cometen errores. ¿ No pueden equivocarse?
I know people make mistakes.
La gente comete errores.
People make mistakes.
La gente se equivoca.
Tired people make mistakes.
El cansancio hace cometer errores.
People make mistakes.
Uno comete errores.
Things happen. People make mistakes
A lo mejor la gente está equivocada.
You can't... - People make mistakes.
- Cada uno puede equivocarse.
People make mistakes.
La gente comete errores.
People make mistakes, you know.
La gente comete errores, ¿ sabes?
You know, Sonora, sometimes people make mistakes.
¿ Sabes, Sonora? A veces la gente comete errores.
Eli, people do things that they regret, man. People make mistakes.
Eli, la gente hacen cosas que luego lamentan, la gente comete errores
God never said people make mistakes.
Dios nunca dijo que la gente comete errores.
People make mistakes, but they carry on.
La gente comete errores, pero sigue viviendo.
People make mistakes, Phyllis, you know.
La gente se equivoca, Phyllis.
People make mistakes.
Las personas cometen errores.
People make mistakes
Todos cometemos errores
Anna, people make mistakes!
Anna, la gente comete errores!
Biggest mistakes in history make by people who didn't think.
Los errores más grandes de la historia los cometen los que no piensan.
I never make mistakes about people.
Nunca me equivoco con las personas.
If you forgive me, - I'll happily swear that I'll fight to make up for my mistakes and fight against the enemies of the people for all of Japan.
Si me perdonan, felizmente prometo que me esforzaré por enmendar mis errores.
PULSlFER : I don't hire people who make mistakes.
No contrato gente que comete errores.
People don't make mistakes like that, unless it's part of a pattern.
La gente no se equivoca de esa manera... ... a no ser que sea una rutina.
I can't afford people who make mistakes. Do I make myself clear?
No puedo permitirme tener a gente que comete errores. ¿ Me has entendido?
Sometimes people make a lot of mistakes in their lives.
A veces la gente comete muchos errores a lo largo de su vida.
Why do people make such bad mistakes before they really learn?
¿ Por qué cometemos tales errores antes de aprender?
Fine people can make mistakes, too.
Las personas finas pueden cometer errores, también.
As smart as they might be, these people always make mistakes.. and sooner or later we catch'em all.
Es gente que, por muy buena que sea, siempre comete algún error... y antes o después, los pillamos a todos.
I have to explain to my brother-in-law and to my daughter that.. .. it's possible for people to make mistakes.
Tengo que explicarle a mi cuñado y a mi hija que..... la gente puede cometer errores.
People make mistakes!
¡ Es humano!
When people are in love the y make mistakes.
Cuando una se enamora, comete errores.
My people don't make mistakes.
Mi gente no comete errores.
People get confused and make mistakes all the time.
La gente se confunde y comete errores todo el tiempo.
You wouldn't think people like that could make mistakes!
Nadie pensaría que gente como esa podría cometer errores.
when I make a work plan must do so.. is the human factor people makes mistakes the last time I got to 5 years jail and today... I could open that trunk in a second did not have a second!
cuando hago un plan funciona debe hacerlo.. es el factor humano las personas cometen erroes la ultima vez me metieron a la carcel 5 años y hoy... yo hubiera podido abrir ese baul en un segundo no teniamos un segundo!
I know he's still young, but I'm sure he'll make a good head of family, because I promise you, I'll be on his side to prevent him from making those mistakes so typical of young people.
Yo sé que él es todavía joven, pero estoy seguro de que va hacer un buen padre de familia, porque prometo, estaré a su lado para evitar que cometa esos errores tan típicos de los jóvenes.
And computers make more mistakes than people.
Y las computadoras cometen más errores que la gente.
They're young people. They make mistakes.
Son jóvenes y cometen errores.
People sometimes make... mistakes.
Las personas a veces cometen... errores.
People tend to make mistakes when they get angry.
La gente tiende a cometer errores cuando se enfada.
And a future of peace for our young people, so they won't make the same mistakes we made.
Que en los próximos años, haya una generación pacifica, para que los que siguen, no cometan los mismos errores.
This place is full of people who make stupid mistakes.
Este lugar está lleno de gente que comete errores estúpidos.
I feel particularly involved in helping make mistakes acceptable to studio heads and other people
Soy de los que ayudan a hacer que los errores sean aceptables para los jefes de estudio y otras personas.
Well, my studies show that people identifying those of another race... make four times as many mistakes as they do with members of their own race.
Mis estudios demuestran que los que identifican a gente de otra raza se equivocan cuatro veces más que con miembros de su propia raza.
God says people can make mistakes.
Dios dice que la gente puede cometer errores.
People get angry, they make mistakes ; they fail.
Las personas se enojan, cometen equivocaciones ; ellos fracasan.
I don't make spelling mistakes, like some people we know. This glue doesn't stick.
Mierda, qué mal pega esto.
For me, that was the decade when I was sort of just kind of telling my story... focusing on what I thought that might be, what it might be about... trying to not make the mistakes... that I'd seen some other people make, or slip into... not get distracted... by too many of the different types of choices... and keeping basically the idea of the music... and the audience in front of me as the essential thing... and as this thing that gave my own story meaning.
Era la década cuando yo contaba mi historia concentrándome en lo que creía que significaba. Tratando de no cometer los errores que vi cometer a otros. Tratando de no distraerme por las diferentes posibilidades y tratando de mantener la idea de que la música y el público eran lo esencial y lo que le daba significado a mi historia.
Young people, they make mistakes.
Los jóvenes, cometen errores.
These people don't make mistakes.
Esta gente no comete errores.
People make mistakes.
¿ Nunca?
Sir Te knows that even well-meaning people can make mistakes... that can bring ruin to themselves and their families.
Sir Te sabe que aun gente bienintencionada comete errores que no sólo arruinan a la persona sino a toda su familia.

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