People talk перевод на испанский
5,548 параллельный перевод
People talk about him, it's true, and I'm proud that he was my father.
La gente habla de él, es verdad, y estoy orgullosa de que sea mi padre.
But people talk.
Pero la gente habla.
I sit all day long, and I... I listen to people talk about the worst parts of their lives.
Estoy todo el día sentada, escuchando a la gente hablar de lo peor de sus vidas.
A lot of people talk about that home run Reggie hit off of me in the all-star game.
Mucha gente habla de ese home run que Reggie golpeó en el Juego de las Estrellas.
And the whole safe sex thing... if that's even something that people talk about still.
Y todo eso del sexo seguro... si eso es todavía algo de lo que habla la gente.
Sometimes people talk out of their ass.
A veces la gente habla de más.
People talk about the war as if it was something terrible, and of course it was.
La gente habla de la guerra como algo terrible, y por supuesto, lo fue.
People talk.
La gente habla.
You know, people talk about kids today.
- "La c * * * * * *". - Dije : "Déjenme en paz".
People talk, it's their job to talk.
La gente habla, Es mi trabajo para hacerlos hablar.
Man, these people can talk.
Joder, no se callan.
People start to talk.
La gente empieza a hablar.
The idea is to get people together who could never normally talk.
La idea es reunir gente que normalmente no se hablaría nunca.
He said we could help each other, but he could never talk to me again where people see.
Dijo que podíamos ayudarnos mutuamente, pero no podía volver a hablar conmigo nunca dónde las personas nos vieran.
Why don't you talk a bit about the reaction when people find out that this is the work you do?
¿ Por qué no nos cuenta un poco sobre la reacción de la gente al descubrir el trabajo que usted hace?
I mean, it helps to talk to people in similar situations, you know?
Quiero decir, es útil hablar para personas en situaciones similares, ¿ sabes?
I didn't even talk to people wearing red.
Ni siquiera hable con nadie vestido de rojo.
People do that in old movies, talk to gravestones in cemeteries.
La gente lo hace en las películas, habla a lápidas en cementerios.
People always talk about post-traumatic stress disorder, but soldiers only get that when they come back.
La gente siempre habla del estrés postraumático, pero los soldados solo lo tienen cuando vuelven.
If you talk to Ryan, and we're right, people could die.
Si hablas con Ryan, y tenemos razón, podría morir gente.
And then it's like, would you please put down the freakin'camera and can we talk like normal people, and...
Y entonces es como, ¿ quieres dejar la maldita cámara y hablemos como la gente normal y...?
Can we just talk like normal people for a second?
¿ Podemos hablar como personas normales un momento?
Yeah, let's talk like normal people.
Sí, hablemos como personas normales.
If you talk to people about Chet brewer, he's in the same breath as satchel Paige.
Si hablas con alguien sobre Chet Brewer, estuvo en la misma época que Satchel Paige.
What are we supposed to do, talk to people?
¿ Qué se supone que debemos hacer, hablar con la gente?
Still think I want to talk to people individually because do not know who is being honest or not.
Sigo pensando que quiero hablar con la gente de modo individual porque no sé quién está siendo sincero o no.
You know, I just want to talk about how and when you plan to tell Becca about all the shiny, new people in your life.
¿ Sabes? , solo quiero hablar de cómo y cuándo planeas contarle a Becca todo sobre lo de esas nuevas y maravillosas personas de tu vida y luego...
I'll talk to a few more people, then I'll bring him in.
Voy a hablar con unas cuantas personas más, Entonces le traeré pulg
Well, people still talk about you when I'm not there to defend you, so I don't want to hear about it.
Bueno, la gente todavía habla de ti cuando no estoy allí para defenderte. así que no quiero escuchar nada de eso.
It's my intention to bring people into this congregation, not drain it with divisive talk and controversial opinions.
Mi intención es atraer a la gente a esta congregación, no ahuyentarlos con charlas divisivas y opiniones controversiales.
Don't you people ever talk to each other?
¿ No hablan entre ustedes?
You know, my life has been carefully constructed so I don't have to do things like talk to people about their former romantic partners.
Ya sabes, mi vida ha sido construida cuidadosamente para no tener que hacer cosas como hablar con gente sobre sus anteriores compañeros románticos.
This afternoon, I want to talk about a world of unseen people, a society in which Jews are turned into nonpersons.
Esta tarde, quiero hablar de un mundo de personas invisibles, una sociedad donde los judíos se convierten en no personas.
People cross the road when they see you coming, and all because you didn't talk to me.
La gente se cruza de acera cuando te ven venir, y todo porque no hablaste conmigo.
You know, you don't have to talk to people.
Sabes, no tienes que hablar con las personas.
She has friends here, people here to talk to.
Tiene amigos aquí, gente con quien hablar.
If we were to share a room, people might talk.
Si compartimos una habitación la gente pensaría mal.
If I can make a product that people will talk about, it will get lively again.
Si puedo hacer un producto del que la gente hable, esto se llenará otra vez.
All that high-tech talk about uploading information into people's heads.
Toda ésa charla de alta tecnología sobre la carga de la información en las cabezas de la gente.
People like you shouldn't even have the chance to talk to me
Las personas que lucen como tú, ni siquiera deberían tener la oportunidad de hablarme.
Men don't talk to people they've dated unless they want sex, or they're Winston.
Los hombres no le hablan a la gente con la que han salido a no ser que quieran sexo, o que sean Winston.
Yeah, you can't put price on good neighborhood place where people come and they sit and they talk.
No puedes poner precio a un local en un buen vecindario donde la gente viene y se sienta y habla.
Where people sit and they talk.
Donde la gente se sienta y pueda hablar.
I used to talk about the government people and bankers that come into the restaurant.
Solía hablar sobre la gente del gobierno y los banqueros que entraban al restaurante.
The people that I talk to, they get that.
Las personas con las que hablo, lo entienden.
And people do talk.
Y la gente sí habla.
Because you're such a businessman that knows how to talk to people?
¿ Por que tú eres un hombre de negocios que sabe cómo hablar con la gente?
Maybe we can just talk about it whenever people want?
Quizás podemos hablar de esto cuando cada uno quiera.
It was probably people who wanted him to talk, to find out who employed him.
Fue probablemente gente que lo quería para hablar, para que les dijera quien lo había empleado.
I know how to tawk to people. You mean you know how to talk to people.
Sé cómo wablar a la gente.
- Yeah. You didn't think I could dance or dress myself or talk to people.
No pensaste... que pudiera bailar o vestirme por mí misma o hablar con la gente.
talkies 34
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk 1219
talking 358
talks 18
talkie 126
talked 42
talk to you tomorrow 30
talk to me 2348
talk to the hand 19
talk to you later 250
talk to you soon 72
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talking about 61
talk me 19
talk to her 263
talk soon 65
talking to yourself 25
talk later 61
talking about me 21
talk to your father 18
talk to my lawyer 20
talking about 61
talk me 19