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Translate.vc / английский → испанский / [ P ] / Poor thing

Poor thing перевод на испанский

3,426 параллельный перевод
- Poor thing.
- Pobre.
The poor thing has been a victim all his life.
La pobre víctima fue durante toda su vida.
Poor thing!
Poor thing.
Sid Matt, poor thing.
Sid Matt, pobre cosa.
- You poor thing.
- Pobrecito.
Poor thing. You really don't get it, do you?
¿ De verdad no lo entiendes?
She's about to have an operation. Poor thing.
- Ella está a punto de operarse.
Poor thing would have starved.
El pobre se habría muerto de hambre.
You poor thing.
Oh, you poor thing.
And my wife is so nave that the poor thing.. .. might once again run away with someone.
Y mi esposa es tan inocente que la pobre Podría, una vez más, irse con alguien.
The poor thing is standing as a statue.
La pobre está de pie como una estatua.
The poor thing has lost everything.
- Pobre de ella. Lo perdió todo. - ¿ Por qué?
- Oh, Elka, you poor thing.
Oh, Elka, pobrecita.
Poor thing... being kept by such a loser.
Pobre bicho... estar con un perdedor así.
Poor thing's been abandoned.
Pobrecito, lo han abandonado.
Poor thing.
Pobre cosa.
You poor thing.
Qué desgracia.
He got mine, poor thing.
Heredó la mía, el pobre.
Now that poor thing doesn't even fly.
No esa pobre cosa que ni siquiera vuela.
Oh, my God, you poor thing!
- ¡ Pobrecita!
She was so excited. The whole family's sitting there, waiting by the phone, waiting to hear how she got on. - Poor thing.
La familia entera esperaba junto al teléfono para oir que lo había conseguido.
The poor thing would've starved to death. Whew!
Aprendimos una lección.
Bit like this poor thing.
Parecido a esta pobre criatura.
She died, poor thing.
Ella murió, la pobre.
Her disease is getting worse, poor thing.
Su enfermedad empeora, pobre niña.
Oh. You poor thing.
- Oh... Poor thing, she's taking this Max break-up pretty hard, huh? But you guys will be there, right?
¡ Aburridooooooo! Pobrecita, su ruptura con Max está siendo dura ¿ eh?
You poor thing. - Yeah.
- Pobrecito.
He hates the smell of fuel, poor thing.
Él odia el olor del combustible, el pobre.
Oh my. Poor thing.
You look exhausted and skinny as ever, you poor thing.
Estás más agotada y flacucha que nunca, pobrecita.
Poor thing, I can't imagine how I'd feel in her situation.
Pobrecita. No me puedo imaginar cómo me sentiría en su situación.
And she was a meat-eating gal- - my wife, but with the pregnancy- - that Thanksgiving, the turkey- - she couldn't be in the house for two days until it was aired out, poor thing.
Y era un chica carnívora... mi mujer, pero con el embarazo en Acción de Gracias, el pavo no pudo estar dentro de la casa en dos días hasta que se aireó, pobrecilla.
Poor thing.
- Pobrecito.
You poor thing.
I think the poor thing is afraid.
Y pensar que temía a esta cosita.
Oh, you poor thing.
Oh, pobre.
Deirdre... You poor thing.
Deirdre... pobre....
Oh, you poor thing.
¡ Pobrecita!
Poor thing.
Oh, poor thing.
Oh, pobrecito.
The only thing I'm guilty of is poor judgment.
De lo único que soy culpable es de un mal juicio.
Juanita's world is collapsing around her, and the only thing that I care about is healing the damage that's been done to that poor little girl.
El mundo de Juanita se derrumba a su alrededor... y lo único que me preocupa es curar el daño que se le ha hecho a esa pobre niña.
Poor little thing.
Pobre cosita.
Oh, you poor old thing.
Oh, pobre viejales
Fighting for its life, the poor little thing.
Luchando por su vida, el pobrecito.
Oh, poor little thing.
Poor guy spent all day cooking you this big fancy thing, and... and you left him for work?
El pobre chico se ha pasado el día cocinando ¿ y le dejas por trabajo?
It would be a terrible thing if poor, old Mr Molesley's son were killed.
Sería terrible que matasen al hijo del viejo señor Molesley.

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