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Pull him out перевод на испанский

561 параллельный перевод
- Pull him out.
- Sáquenlo.
Pull him out there.
Pull him out.
I must pull him out.
Debo ayudarlo.
The last time I pushed a man into a pool. I had to pull him out.
El otro día, empujé a un tipo, pero debí de rescatarle.
- Pull him out.
- ¡ Vamos, tirad!
- We gotta pull him out of there.
- Hay que sacarlo.
Get a tow truck and pull him out.
Lo remolcaremos con una grúa.
You tip your mitt and the jerries pull him out of here and plant him in some place else, like Stalag 16 or 15.
Si le pones la mano encima, los nazis le mandan a otro sitio como el barracón 16 ó 15.
Pull him out. Get him in here on the double!
¡ Sácalo. ¡ Tráelo aquí a paso rápido!
- Pull him out.
- Sácalo.
If he doesn't get on with his schooling, I'll pull him out.
Sí no tiene buenas calificaciones, lo sacaré.
Pull him out of there.
Sacalo de aqui.
Pull him out when we open this door.
Cuando abramos la puerta tira por el.
Pull him out!
If anything will pull him out of a trance, this will.
Si algo lo puede sacar del trance es esto.
I'm trying to pull him out of a trance.
Quiero sacarlo del trance.
If you try and pull him out through there you'll tear him to pieces.
Si intentáis sacarlo por ahí, lo despedazaréis.
I thought our love would be strong enough to pull him out of there before he was destroyed.
Creí que nuestro amor sería tan fuerte... como para sacarlo de allí antes de que lo destruyeran.
Well, take him to a nurse then... and pull him out on the day of the funeral.
Bien, póngalo con una niñera. Y sáquelo para el entierro.
Pull him out!
¡ Sacadlo fuera!
Reach down your pocket and pull him out for us, huh?
Sacalo del bosillo para nosotros.
I did send him, but I had to pull him out again.
Ya lo mandé, y tuve que sacarlo.
We had to pull him out of her embrace from between her breasts.
Tuvimos que hacer fuerza para sacarlo, estaba adherido entre sus tetas.
Your power to pull him out of the nightmare he's galloped himself into.
Tu poder para sacarlo de la pesadilla en la que se ha metido.
- WhenI get ahold of him that wears it I'll pull out an arm and wave you goodbye with it.
- Cuando agarre al que los use le arrancaré un brazo y te saludaré con él.
Pull him out!
¡ Tiren de él!
Pull him out!
If you're going to pull out on us, Alberto, maybe it's best that you don't kill him.
Bueno, si se va a echar atrás, no le mate.
I'll teach him he can't pull a sneak-out on me.
Le enseñaré que a mí no se me engaña.
Tell him to pull the machine gun out.
Dile que prepare la ametralladora.
Get him to pull her chestnuts out of the fre.
Hacerle que le sacara las castañas del fuego.
I'll make him spit out the truth. Else, I'll pull out his tongue.
Le haré escupir la verdad, y si no habla, le arranco la lengua.
Get him to pull out.
Haz que se retire.
I cannot pull out his eyes to make him blind and dependant on me.
No puedo sacarle los ojos para cegarlo y hacerlo dependiente de mí.
My friend won't pull out unless I tell him to.
Mi amigo cumplirá si yo no le digo que no.
Oh, I'm not gonna pull out on him. I'll stick as long as there's a chance.
No le voy a abandonar, le apoyaré mientras exista una posibilidad.
Have him act as marshal till you pull out in the fall.
Que haga de comisario hasta que se vayan en invierno.
And when they stuffed him, they forgot to pull the guy out.
Y cuando lo embalsamaron se olvidaron de sacar al hombre de adentro.
Now, Bert, when the armoured van passes you you pull out and keep close behind him.
Bert, cuando el furgón pase junto a ti, sales y te mantienes justo detrás de él.
One must pull the words out of him.
- Con un tirabuzón hay que sacarle las palabras. - ¿ A excepción...?
I expect him to offer to pull his troops out of Ling Valley.
Espero que él ofrezca sacar sus tropas del Valle de Ling.
The madman. Did you see him trying to pull my beard out by the roots?
Este loco trató de sacarme la barba con raíces y todo.
I am asking you to give him a few short, tiny weeks out of your life, till I get the house in Memphis straight so he can't pull out.
Sólo te pido que le dediques unas pocas semanas de tu vida hasta que esté lista la casa de Memphis y podamos empezar de nuevo.
Hey, maybe he wanted to pull out and maybe they didn't want him to.
Quizá quisiera retirarse y a ellos no les hiciera gracia.
To pull out the cushion from behind his head and put it on him?
Saco la almohada de atras y la pongo adelante?
And there is a custom in this country that when someone is dying even his relatives pull the pillow out from under him...
Y hay una costumbre en este país cuando alguien está muriendo hasta sus parientes le quitan la almohada que está debajo suyo...
Pull him out!
¡ Tráelo!
Tell him to pull out, immediately.
Dígale que se retire inmediatamente.
Of course. I'll have him pull out of your ass.
Claro, solo tengo que sacarla de mi trasero, ¿ verdad?
Bayonet gets stuck in ribs, you have to kick him to pull it out.
Sí la bayoneta se atasca en las costillas, tienes que darle una patada para sacarla.

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