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Pull him up перевод на испанский

331 параллельный перевод
Pull him up now, will you?
¡ Levantadlo ahora!
Why doesn't he pull him up?
¿ Por qué no lo contiene?
- All right, pull him up.
- Está bien, súbelo.
Pull him up!
¡ Súbelo!
- Pull him up!
- ¡ Súbelo!
Come on, pull him up.
Vamos, sácalo.
Pull him up, pull him up.
Vamos. Sácalo, sácalo.
- Pull him up.
- Sácalo.
Pull him up.
Pull him up.
Pull him up in the meantime.
- Voy, voy. Dejarlo allí mientras tanto.
Pull him up.
- Pull him up!
- ¡ Súbanlo!
Pull him up!
¡ Súbanlo!
I'd rope one under the hoofs, and I'd pull him up real sharp, and he'd land on his little old rump and then I'd think of you.
Enlazaba a uno de las pezuñas, lo jalaba con fuerza... él caía sobre su trasero y yo pensaba en ti.
Well, pull him up, climb!
Bueno, jala, sube.
Better pull him up on the bank.
Tiraré desde la orilla.
- Yes, yes, come on, comrades, pull him up.
- ¡ Sí, sí, fuerza camaradas, levántelo! - ¡ Vamos!
Pull him up right away.
Súbeme. Súbelo enseguida.
All right. Pull him up.
Está bien, súbelo.
Pull him up.
Sáquenle de ahí.
Come on... let's pull him up... tell the others you're not going inside!
¡ Arriba, llévenlo en andas, ha dicho!
Okay, pull him up!
¡ Súbanlo!
Pull him up.
I want to you to breeze him for a half mile... then pull him up, nice and easy.
Quiero que lo hagas cabalgar vivazmente durante un kilómetro luego lo detienes, con delicadeza.
Pull him up!
¡ Acércate a él!
Pull him up, Nappy!
¡ Acércate, Nappy!
All I tried to do was pull him up.
Quise levantarlo.
Pull him up, Ching, hang him high.
¡ Súbele, Ching, súbele muy alto!
- Pull him up!
- ¡ SúbanIo!
Alec, pull him up!
¡ Alec, súbele!
Pull up ahead of him.
I don't want to pull anything too rough unless we have to. Kent, you take the boys up into the cabin and Dolores will get him up there.
Tú sube a la cabina con los chicos, Dolores lo llevará allí.
Yeah, tell them you're one of slugs martin's men, sore about me knockin'him off, so you're tipping'them off that mannion is on his way to the first national bank to pull a stick-up single-handed. Me?
- ¿ Yo?
No, when a man falls in quicksand, he doesn't reach up and pull those he loves down with him.
No, cuando un hombre cae en arenas movedizas, no arrastra con él aquello a lo que ama.
- I can't get up there and pull him off.
- No voy a sacarle a rastras.
Pull him up.
- Súbanlo.
Then when I decided to pull up stakes, I bought him this restaurant we're going to.
Cuando decidí venderla, le compré el restaurante a donde vamos.
Reach down with your loop, pull up your pig and go to work on him.
Echas el lazo hacia abajo, lo subes hacia arriba y los marcas.
I saw him pull that plate up.
Lo vi levantar la placa
I said i saw him pull that plate up!
Digo que lo vi levantar la placa
Pull up and then reel him in!
¡ Tira y recoge sedal!
At least this storm will allow him to pull up in front of the prison.
- Eso creo. Por lo menos esta tormenta le permitirá plantarse delante de la cárcel.
Pull the black up, get him up there.
Arrime al negro, adelántelo.
Not to worry. Yeah. So you pull Dexter in, you sweat him a little, he'll give'em up.
¡ Pillas a Dexter, le haces sudar un poco y canta de plano!
"All right," says Rosy, starts to get up. I pull him down.
Rosy se levantó, pero yo le obligué a que se sentara.
Pull up a chair. - Fix him a drink, honey.
- Prepárame una bebida cariño.
Pull up ahead of him.
Para delante de él.
Si René me levantase en sus fuertes brazos, llegaría a sus pies y tiraría para bajarle.
It'll give him a chance to pull up his grades next quarter.
Le permitirá mejorar sus calificaciones.
I leave him, try to cheat on him, I pull up short, I come back, and fall into his arms.
Le dejo, intento engañarle, me quedo en el intento, vuelvo y nos juntamos otra vez.

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