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Pull the plug перевод на испанский

633 параллельный перевод
Pull the plug, stupid!
¡ Hazlo, imbécil!
If this spook is a U-boat, he might pull the plug, and we'll have to go after him.
Si es un submarino, podría sumergirse y tendríamos que ir tras él.
I didn't pull the plug out on the alarm.
No jalé el interruptor del despertador.
You're too hot here, so you're to pull the plug and report to Washington.
Aquí hay mucho riesgo, así que debes desconectarte e ir a Washington.
The one who got paid to pull the plug.
Sólo uno. El que cobró por hundirlo.
I'll pull the plug.
Quitaré el enchufe.
You took the money, you told me you were going to Bolivia, you're staying in Paris, you're putting together a fake report- - thankfully, we managed to pull the plug before it was aired, or we would have all been compromised.
Aceptaste el dinero, me dijiste que te ibas a Bolivia, te quedaste en París, armaste un informe falso... por suerte, pudimos cancelarlo antes de que saliera al aire, o todos habríamos sido comprometidos.
You didn't pull the plug on him?
¿ Tampoco le eliminaste?
Yeah, pull the plug out of that clock.
Sí, desenchufa ese maldito reloj.
- Pull the plug out.
- Tira del enchufe.
On the last night, Saturday, my turn, he was gonna pull the plug on that person.
El sábado, él iba a exponer a tal persona.
They'll pull the plug and it'll be over.
¿ Por qué? Ya bueno...
Didn't you pull the plug out of the phone?
- ¿ Por qué no has descolgado?
Take your detonator, pull the plug.
Coja el detonador, separe los cables.
Pisces : It's a good time to pull the plug on that machine that's been keeping your daughter alive for the past six months.
Picis, es el momento ideal para desconectar el aparato
Aw, Colonel, don't make us pull the plug.
Coronel, no nos obligue a cancelarla.
Now, you get that on tape tonight, by midnight, or I am personally coming out there to pull the plug.
Ahora bien, obtendrá ¡ la cinta esta Noche, antes de media noche O personalmente vengo para Extraer el tapón.
All you've got to do is pull the plug.
Sólo hay que quitar el tapón.
You think there's a way to pull the plug on this?
¿ Cómo se vaciará la piscina?
If you pull the plug out, will the patient die?
Si se tira del enchufe, morirá el paciente.
Look, I've heard enough of this and I'm asking you to pull the plug.
Ya oí suficiente de esto y quiero que lo desconectes.
Because what you've got to understand is that they'll pull the plug on all this.
Porque tienes que entender que son ellos los que deciden.
And if he wishes he can pull the plug anytime he wants, you got it? Whoopee! Good, so go down and relax and enjoy the party.
Y éste puede suspender todo en cuanto quiera. ¿ Has entendido?
Now just look down and pull the plug.
Ahora sólo tienes que mirar hacia abajo y quitar la tapa.
On my signal, you pull the plug cut the power and kill the lights.
A mi señal, jalas el enchufe cortas la energía y apagas las luces.
We're not about to pull the plug just so y'all can keep your image clean.
No nos retiraremos para preservar la reputación de ustedes.
There. But I beg you, Optimus. Please don't make me pull the plug on'em.
Ya está, pero te suplico que no me hagas apagarlos.
But right now, I'm going to pull the plug.
Pero por ahora, cortaré el chorro.
We're gonna go to the hospital and get her out before they pull the plug at 10.
Iremos al hospital y la sacaremos antes que la desconecten a las 10 : 00.
Yeah, pull the plug.
Sí, tire del enchufe.
Let's talk to Trunk. I think I've figured out how to pull the plug on Haggis.
Vamos con Trunk, tengo una idea para atrapar a Haggis.
Nothings over until I pull the plug.
Nada se termina hasta que yo tiro del cable.
- You pull the plug on this thing!
¿ Desconectaste esta cosa?
Pull the plug as soon as we are below.
Cierren la escotilla, pronto nos sumergiremos.
Pull the plug!
¡ Jala el enchufe!
Otherwise, keep those calls coming... until they drag me off, pull the plug... or everybody in L.A. is cured!
Si no, llamen hasta que me echen... o todo el mundo en Los Angeles esté curado.
- The backstabbers have Avery ready to pull the plug, trash the concept, cancel our orders, everything.
Los apuñaladores por la espalda tienen a Avery listo para desconectar el cable, tirar el concepto, cancelar nuestras órdenes, todo.
Let's pull the plug.
Rastreamos aquel carguero durante toda la noche.
If I even try, they're gonna pull the plug, and they're not kidding.
Si lo intento, cancelarán todo, y hablan en serio.
Mr. Marosco, you can't just pull the plug like that...
Sr. Marosco, usted no puede jalar del tapon solo porque...
Here's another bunch of macho asshole bullshit floating around this country, people talking about ah, pull the plug on me.
¡ Esa es otra chorrada de machito gilipollas que circula por este país! La gente dice " ¡ Oh, desenchufadme!
If I'm ever like that, if I'm comatose, if I'm like a vegetable, pull the plug on me.
¡ Si alguna vez estoy así, si estoy comatoso...! " " ¡ Si estoy como un vegetal, desenchufadme! "
Shorty, tell the boys to pull the plug.
Shorty, dile a los muchachos que desconecten.
He'd pull the plug in a minute if our ratings slip.
Nos sacaría en un momento si declina nuestro rating.
In a panic, they try to pull the plug.
Cunde el pánico, e intentan apagarIa.
Pull out the plug, Spock.
Spock, quite todos los cables.
Pull this plug and the aquarium goes off.
Si desenchufas esto, el acuario se apaga.
Pull the plug!
- ¡ Desenchufa la máquina!
Honey, get out, before I pull your plug all the way.
Cariño, vete antes de que te despida para siempre.
Pull out the goddamn plug!
¡ Desenchúfala!
- Pull the plug will you?
¡ Déjate de estupideces!

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