Quite recently перевод на испанский
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Erneste durand, up to quite recently a footman in the service of count de chambord, is now heart and soul engrossed in the new political ideas.
Erneste durand, - antes criado al servicio del Conde de Chambord. Hoy en día conquistado por las nuevas ideas políticas
By chance, quite recently. I fell in with these young people.. her children.
Por azar, encontré recientemente a estos jóvenes, sus hijos.
I found out from the firm of Hammersmith that quite recently you had two offers.
Sé que ha rechazado dos ofertas recientemente.
- You must have arrived quite recently.
La semana pasada.
I've known cases, many of them, one quite recently, where the girl despised her mother, wanted to kill her.
He visto casos, muchos de ellos, uno muy reciente donde la chica despreciaba a su madre, y quería matarla.
Quite recently.
Y recientemente.
Well, I-I must say he's inclined to the gloomy view sometimes, and quite recently, he has been going pretty hard at the, um... hmm.
Le diré que a veces tiende a ver el lado negro y recientemente le da fuerte a la...
It seems she has quite recently and suddenly begun to entertain.
Al parecer ha empezado hace poco a recibir en su casa.
At least.... Come to think of it, I did see him quite recently, but not to speak to.
Pero ahora que lo pienso, hace poco que lo vi.
Yes, no doubt at all he was here. Quite recently too.
No hay ninguna duda, ha estado aquí hace poco.
It must have been quite recently.
Pues debe haber sido recientemente.
I completed it only quite recently.
La terminé muy recientemente.
A great deal. Especially quite recently.
Sobre todo de un tiempo a esta parte.
( Steed ) He disappeared quite recently.
Ha desaparecido recientemente, ¿ no?
- Quite recently.
- Hace muy poco.
- Quite recently.
- No tanto.
And then quite recently, the Kenyan minister for agric. and fish, fell nearly 12 miles, during a Nairobi debate in parliament ; although this hasn't been ratified yet.
Y el ministro keniata de Agricultura y Pesca ha caído desde unos 19 Km... en Nairobi, en un debate, pero no ha sido confirmado.
I was in the States quite recently
Estuve en los Estados Unidos hace bastante poco.
The outward signs are that the man died quite recently.
Los signos externos dicen que el hombre murió hace poco tiempo.
And quite recently, too.
Y bastante reciente.
Until suddenly, quite recently, they disappeared.
Hasta que de repente, hace bastante poco, desaparecieron.
This door's been opened quite recently, Miss Bunner.
Fue utilizada recientemente.
Nothing surprising, we were accepted into the club quite recently.
Nada sorprendente, ya que fuimos aceptados en el club hace muy poco.
Quite recently you said that Lyuberetsky was the pride of our city.
Valentina Andrónovna, usted dijo hace poco que Lyuberétskyi era un orgullo para la ciudad.
I've only just learned quite recently
Lo que sé, lo he aprendido hace bastante poco
I just mention that until quite recently my wife was a successful stockbroker.
Sólo menciono que hasta hace poco mi mujer era una excelente analista financiera.
She came over from Russia, quite recently.
Ha llegado de Rusia hace muy poco.
- I know your name, of course, Monsieur Poirot, but surely somewhere quite recently- -
He oído hablar de usted Monsieur Poirot. Pero recuerdo haberle visto recientemente.
Julie told me it was quite recently.
Julie me dijo que no hacía mucho.
Sir, quite recently you were kind enough to suggest that I go on a little holiday trip around the country.
Señor, Vd amablemente sugirió que tomara unas vacaciones por el país.
He was here quite recently.
Estuvo aquí muy recientemente.
- Oh, quite recently.
- Recientemente.
Why, quite recently, I acquired these Lobi crystals from a very strange creature called a Morn.
Casualmente acabo de adquirir estos cristales de lobi de una extraña criatura llamada Morn.
and then he remembered how, quite recently, he had argued bitterly with a civilian friend of his.
En ese instante recordó que recientemente, se había peleado con un amigo civil con mucha violencia.
Quite recently.
Yes, but she's become one quite recently.
Sí, pero desde hace poco.
She has, quite recently.
Ella lo hace, muy recientemente.
You look quite modern recently
Se te ve moderno últimamente
Recently I've had quite a few problems a lot of misery and then it's hard if someone is trying to pull such...
Últimamente, he tenido algunos problemas mucho sufrimiento, que estoy intentando sacar adelante...
No, I am quite busy recently.
No, estoy demasiado ocupado.
- I hear it's quite good recently.
- He oído que es muy buena.
Quite by chance recently I've come to learn a little more about your cousin Rachel.
Por casualidad descubrí algo de tu prima Rachel.
Just recently, one of our rays was used for quite another purpose.
Uno de nuestros rayos se usó hace poco para un propósito muy distinto.
Yes, I've been drinking quite a bit recently. That's no big secret.
Sí, he bebido mucho últimamente, no es ningún secreto
Recently, it has been discovered that this form of co-operation is quite widespread among birds.
Recientemente, se ha descubierto que esta forma de cooperación esta ampliamente diseminada entre las aves.
- I've done quite a bit of work on it recently.
En realidad, he trabajado en ello recientemente.
- Oh, yes, Inspector Drake and I have worked together quite a lot recently.
Oh, sí, el Inspector Drake y yo hemos trabajado juntos mucho, recientemente.
I was also created because talking Babies have proven to be quite profitable for movies recently.
Pero también porque los bebés que hablan son un éxito en los cines últimamente.
Quite luxurious, for someone who has only recently moved out on her own.
Bastante lujoso, para alguien que acaba de independizarse.
It's been quite wet recently.
Ha estado muy húmedo recientemente.
He seems to be using quite a lot of names recently.
Parece que está usando bastantes nombres recientemente.
recently 385
recently divorced 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
recently divorced 22
quite 566
quite interesting 19
quite the opposite 151
quite well 74
quite the contrary 91
quite often 32
quite a few 36
quite literally 47
quite a bit 64
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
quite right 315
quite sure 96
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite a while 18
quite all right 51
quite good 34
quite nice 19
quite a lot 58
quite right 315
quite sure 96
quite so 150
quite a sight 16
quite a while 18
quite all right 51