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Shoot to kill перевод на испанский

539 параллельный перевод
¡ La próxima vez tiramos a matar!
Commissioner's orders are take no chances, shoot to kill.
Las órdenes son : no correr riesgos, tirar a matar.
Now, understand, I don't wanna make them a group of quick-trigger men but I do want the underworld to know that when a federal agent draws his gun he's ready and equipped to shoot to kill with the least possible waste of bullets.
Compréndanlo, no quiero convertirles en un grupo de hombres de gatillo fácil pero quiero que el hampa sepa que cuando un agente federal saca su arma está listo y equipado para tirar a matar con el menor número de balas.
Don't shoot to kill.
No dispares a matar.
Remember, when he comes through that door, shoot and shoot to kill. Have you got your men placed? All right, Mac.
Al que cruce esa puerta, disparad a matar.
Shoot to kill!
¡ Disparad a matar!
Okay, inform the guards to shoot to kill.
Bien, avise a los guardias que disparen a matar.
Get Taylor and shoot to kill.
Busquen a Taylor y disparen a matar.
She's probably the kind of a dame That would come back to haunt me. Otherwise I'd shoot to kill.
La mataría, pero volvería del otro mundo.
Shoot to kill.
Disparen a matar.
- Tell them to shoot to kill.
- Diles que disparen a matar.
Shoot to kill. That's the orders.
Tiren a matar.
- He'll shoot to kill.
- Disparará para matarme.
Any interference, shoot to kill.
Si hay algún problema, disparad a matar.
The lobby's sewed up like a sack, and they said, "Shoot to kill."
El vestíbulo es impenetrable. Y dijeron : "Disparen a matar".
We just got orders to shoot to kill.
Nos ordenaron disparar a matar.
If any attempt is made on my life, shoot to kill. Yes, my Lord.
Vigila de cerca.
Shoot to kill.
Tiren a matar.
Send him out, or I'll shoot to kill.
Hazlo salir o tiraré a matar.
If any come at me, shoot to kill.
Si se me acercan, dispara.
He didn't shoot to kill.
No disparó a matar.
He's already set a 24-hour watch on that new baby, with orders to shoot to kill!
y ha colocado una guardia de 24 horas alrededor de la palmera, ¡ con órdenes de disparar a matar al que se le acerque!
You have to shoot to kill.
Hay que disparar para matar.
If there's any breakaway, shoot to kill.
Si hay otra fuga, dispare a matar.
A decent man doesn't wanna kill, but if you shoot, you shoot to kill.
Un hombre honrado no desea matar, pero si disparas, hazlo para matar.
This time, when you shoot, shoot to kill.
Esta vez, cuando dispares, dispara a matar.
Shoot to kill.
- Disparar a matar.
If you shoot to kill, you'd better hit the heart.
Si quieres matar, apunta al corazón.
You see any Japanese you start shooting and shoot to kill.
Si veis algún japonés, disparad a matar.
Cuando escuche la palabra "jaque mate" desenfundará su revólver apuntará cuidadosamente y tirará a matar.
-... y tiraré a matar.
They shoot to kill.
Disparan y matan.
- Shoot to kill?
- ¿ Disparamos a matar?
]. I want you to shoot to kill.
Quiero que disparen a matar.
If she moves, shoot to kill.
Si se mueve... dispare a matar.
If you move, I shoot to kill.
Si se mueve, ¡ disparo a matar!
If you spot them, shoot to kill.'
Si los descubre, dispare a matar.
In case there are survivors, or in case they convince our cannoneers to join them, all these windows are guarded with our best men. They are at an advantageous position to shoot and kill.
Si escapase alguno, o desertasen los artilleros, desde las ventanas que dominan el patio, abriremos un fuego mortífero.
If you're trying to kill us, you might as well just shoot us!
¡ Si está tratando de matarnos, es mejor que nos pegue un tiro!
Don't shoot to kill!
¡ No dispare a matar!
One move and I shoot to kill!
Tenga compasión de una mujer indefensa.
those gentlemen should immediately begin to shoot and kill us before we're saved.
Estos señores comenzarán inmediatamente a disparar y matarnos antes de que nos hayamos salvado.
Don't shoot. - I have to kill you.
Shoot... if it will make you braver and stronger to kill a woman.
Dispara... si matando a una mujer te sientes más fuerte y valiente.
They shoot the doc, wipe the prints off the rifle, try to make me kill myself.
Matan al médico, borran sus huellas del rifle, tratan de hacer que me suicide.
When it comes time to kill the lion, I want to shoot the gun too.
Cuando haya que matar al león, yo también quiero disparar.
If you wanted to kill him, why did you shoot at me?
Si lo querías matar, ¿ por qué me disparaste?
To kill a man, you shoot for his heart, and a Winchester is the best weapon.
Para matar a un hombre, debes apuntar al corazón. y un Winchester es la mejor arma.
We have to shoot and kill and destroy.
Tenemos que disparar, matar y destruir.
Shoot fast, aim to kill.
Disparad rápido, a matar.
Tell your friend that if he tries that again, I shall shoot him, not to wound but to kill.
Dile a tu amigo que si vuelve a intentarlo le dispararé a matar.

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