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To kill him перевод на испанский

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How am I supposed to kill him?
¿ Cómo se supone que voy a matarlo?
Happy to kill him.
Feliz de matarlo.
He was going to kill him.
Iba a matarle.
So, you had to kill him?
Entonces, ¿ tenías que matarle?
But it's as though they purposely went out of their way not to mortally wound him, not to kill him.
Pero es como si a proposito ellos de alguna manera no lo hirieron mortalmente, para no matarlo.
Hey, Dawg, you don't want to kill him.
Ey, Dawg, no quieres matarlo.
You tried to kill him while you were bearing him.
Ya intentaste matarlo dentro de tu panza.
Maybe he'll disappear, never come back, and... and we won't have to kill him.
Quizás haya desaparecido, no regrese jamás, y... y no tendremos que matarle.
We have to kill him. Now.
Tenemos que matarle.
The alternative was to kill him.
La alternativa era matarlo.
I turned my back on Max to kill him.
Le di la espalda a Max para matarle a él.
I think that convinced Douglas more than ever that his brother was out to kill him.
Creo que aquello convenció a Douglas más que nunca de que su hermano estaba decidido a matarlo.
He fears T'Evgin, which is why he ordered us to kill him.
El le teme a T'evgin, y por eso nos ordeno que lo matáramos.
I'm tempted to kill him, just to make the planet a better place.
Estoy tentado de asesinarlo solo para hacer este planeta un lugar mejor.
I didn't have to kill him to make the breakthrough.
No tuve que matarlo para hacer que el avance.
That incited her to kill him.
Eso la incitó a matarla.
Well, if they're willing to kill him just because of that, then... we need to do exactly what Julia said and keep our heads down.
Bueno, si están dispuestos a matarlo solo por eso, entonces... tenemos que hacer exactamente lo que dijo Julia y no llamar la atención.
We took him from Eva because she was trying to kill him, which he said he wanted.
Se lo quitamos a Eva porque intentaba matarle, y él dice que lo quería.
You know he wanted me to kill him.
Sabes que él quería que lo matara.
On the exact day that a deranged fan decides to kill him.
El mismo día que una fan perturbada decide asesinarle.
And the injury wouldn't have been enough to kill him.
Y los daños no habrían sido suficientes como para matarlo.
There is an incredible incentive to kill him.
Hay un increíble incentivo para matarlo.
Maranzano becomes convinced that his rivals are plotting to kill him.
Maranzano se convence de que sus rivales están planeando matarle.
They have to find him, they have to silence him, they have to kill him.
Tenían que encontrarlo, para silenciarlo, tenían que matarlo.
You're going to kill him.
- Va a matarlo.
And then they came to kill him.
Y luego, vinieron a matarlo.
Whatever his name is, you have to kill him as soon as you get the chance.
Sea cual sea su nombre es, tienes que matarlo tan pronto como llegue la oportunidad.
Because if he finds out about Black Sands, you'll have to kill him.
Porque si él se entera acerca de Black Sands, tendrás que matarlo.
He begged me to kill him, and I drove a stake into his heart.
Me suplicó que lo matara, y le clavé una estaca en el corazón.
I threatened to kill him when he betrayed Roger Hobbes.
Amenacé con matarle cuando traicionó a Roger Hobbes.
I tried to fight him off, but... All I kept thinking was that... I can't let him kill me.
Intenté luchar con él, pero... todo lo que seguía pensando era que... no podía dejar que me matara.
Atom Smasher, he said Zoom sent him here to kill me.
El Aplastador de Átomos dijo que Zoom lo envió aquí para matarme.
You hijacked my patient to perform a procedure that could kill him.
Me has robado a mi paciente para hacer un procedimiento que podría matarle.
So if we forget him committing the slightly illegal offence of threatening to kill Fenwick - -
Si olvidamos del pequeño delito de amenazar de muerte a Fenwick...
You want Tom to serve up Mike so Mark can torture-kill him, but first, you got to do something for me.
Queréis que Tom os entregue a Mike para que Mark pueda torturarle y matarle pero antes, tenéis que hacer algo por mí.
You hit a couple keys, you track down Jake, and we kill him... Jake, the guy who did everything he could to rescue Olivia.
Das con un par de claves, rastreas a Jake, y lo matamos... a Jake, el tipo que hizo todo lo que pudo para rescatar a Olivia.
My father will track him and find him and kill him, and then he will kill all of you just to teach me a lesson!
Mi padre le rastreará, le encontrará y le matará, ¡ y luego os matará a todos solo para darme una lección!
He's gonna use it to track him down and kill him.
Va a usarlo para rastrearlo y matarle.
You want Tom to serve up Mike so Mark can torture-kill him, but first, you got to do something for me.
Quieres que Tom te entregue a Mike para que Mark pueda torturarle y matarle pero antes tienes que hacer algo por mí.
Do you want him to come in here and kill us?
¿ Quieres que venga aquí y nos matan?
It would kill him to find out that his mother basically just walked away.
Lo mataría descubrir que su madre básicamente sólo se alejó.
Kill the Omec! I poisoned him with enough ZWIM-bo to kill a bell beast.
Le puse suficiente zwimbo como para matar a una bestia salvaje.
The plan was to suppress the Life Force in Barbie, not kill him.
El plan era suprimirle la energía vital, no matarlo.
Not more so than you walking into Uri Adulov's club And shooting him for refusing to kill me.
No más que cuando entraste al club de Uri Adulov y le disparaste por rehusarse a matarme.
What if the unsub tried to get him to kill his son, but his paternal instinct trumped the effects of the drugs?
¿ Y si el sudes intentó que matara a su hijo, pero su instinto paternal frustró el efecto de las drogas?
He starts to wanna kill everybody around him he doesn't trust.
Empieza a matar a todos los que tiene a su alrededor en los que no confía.
He has to kill Maranzano before Maranzano gets to him.
Tiene que matar a Maranzano antes de que este lo mate a él.
OK, we need to get to that paper before her source does, otherwise they'll kill him.
Tenemos que conseguir ese periódico antes que la fuente, de lo contrario lo mataran.
He was trying to kill his partner before she brought him down with her. ♪ ♪ Flop!
Estaba intentando matar a su compañera antes de que le arrastrara con ella. ¡ Salta!
Silas simply has to quietly kill all the people around Jekyll who can help him.
Silas solo tiene que matar silenciosamente a toda la gente que Jekyll tenga alrededor y que pueda ayudarle.
- Prove it. Tell me how to trap Gabriel in New Delphi, so I can kill him.
Dime cómo atrapar Gabriel en Nueva Delphi, por lo que le puedo matar.

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