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Stay away перевод на испанский

12,989 параллельный перевод
Stay away from Michaela, or I tell her who you are.
Manténgase alejado de Michaela, o le digo que eres.
Stay away from Michaela, or I tell her who you are.
Aléjate de Michaela, o le diré quién eres.
I told you to stay away from her. Calm down.
Te dije que te alejaras de ella.
I told him to stay away.
Le dije que se mantuviera al margen.
Stay away.
Aléjate de ella.
So I suggest you stay away from this building and the honest agents that work here, or any problem you have with me will get much, much bigger.
Así que te sugiero que te mantengas alejado de este edificio y de los honestos agentes que trabajan aquí, o cualquier problema que tengas conmigo, empeorará y mucho.
Stay away from him.
Aléjate de él.
Please stay away from me.
Por favor, aléjense de mí.
Stay away! - Stay away!
¡ Aléjese!
I don't know what you're trying to do, or why you pretended to be my friend, but stay away from me and my Josh.
No sé lo que intentas hacer, ni por qué has fingido ser mi amiga, pero aléjate de mí y de mi Josh.
Stay away from...
Aléjate de...
I don't know, Carter, I... I made a promise to stay away, and I think I know how they would feel about this.
No sé, Carter, yo... hice una promesa de mantenerme alejada, y creo que sé como se sentirían por esto.
You stay away from my family.
Aléjese de mi familia.
Stay away from my daughter.
Aléjese de mi hija.
Don't even have enough brains to stay away from here.
Ni siquiera tienes suficiente cerebro para mantenerte lejos de aquí.
Stay away from the oven.
Alejaos del horno.
I would stay away from the Village, the East River, the Hudson River,
Me quedaría lejos de la Villa, Del East River, el río Hudson,
I know I promised to stay away and I'm trying, but I really need to talk to you.
Sé que te prometí estar lejos y lo estoy intentando pero necesito hablar contigo.
Just... stay away from me.
Sólo... se mantenga alejado de mí.
Stay away from me! Stay away from me!
¡ Aléjense de mí!
- Oh darling, I just couldn't stay away.
Querido, no podía estar lejos de ti.
Stay away from me!
¡ Aléjate de mí!
Just stay away from the weights or any twisting for a little while.
No levantes pesos ni movimientos bruscos por un tiempo.
Stay away from that panel!
Manténgase alejado de ese panel!
Sylvester, stay away from the center of the room.
Sylvester, se mantenga alejado del centro de la habitación.
You couldn't stay away.
No podías estar lejos de mí.
Stay away from my precious. "
Aléjate de mi tesoro ".
" Stay away or else.
" Apártate o si no.
Oh, God, I was gonna stay away.
Oh, Dios, iba a permanecer lejos.
I was definitely gonna stay away, but I guess I'm a fucking masochist, huh?
Definitivamente iba a mantenerme alejado, pero supongo que soy un puto masoquista, ¿ eh?
Riddle tells Boden to stay away from the gal, and not only does Boden show up, he accuses Riddle of framing him for assault.
Enigma dice Boden se mantenga alejado de la chica, y no sólo Boden presenta, acusa enigma de lo que enmarca de asalto.
Stay away from my uterus!
¡ Dejen en paz mi útero!
Green's safe, yellow's so-so, and red means "stay away."
Está en verde fuerte, amarillo tan-tan, y el rojo significa "mantenerse alejado".
Stay away, Tracy!
Manténgase alejado, Tracy!
You just can't stay away, can you?
No puedes estar lejos, ¿ verdad?
Hey, you stay away from that loose girl down on River Street.
Tú no te acerques a la niña fácil de la calle River.
No, I think I'll stay away.
No, creo que me mantendré al margen.
I told her to stay away.
Le dije que se alejara.
stay away from him.
Recomiendo que no te le acerques ahora.
Stay away from the candles!
¡ No te acerques a las velas!
Anybody who stay away from home have their own problems.
Cualquiera que se mantenga lejos de casa tiene sus propios problemas.
I say we stay far, far away.
Yo digo que quedamos muy, muy lejos.
My instincts were telling me to stay as far away from tom keen as possible.
¿ Quieres que confíe en mi instinto? Mi instinto me dice que me mantenga todo lo alejado que pueda de Tom Keen.
Stay away!
¡ Aléjese!
If you really want to protect Dash, tell him to stay the hell away from you.
Si realmente quieres proteger a Dash, dile que se aleje de ti.
Stay the hell away from my family.
Aléjate de una puñetera vez de mi familia.
Stephan, it was only a few weeks ago you told me we had to stay far away from her.
Stephan, fue hace pocas semanas cuando me dijiste que teníamos que alejarnos de ella.
She's telling us how you paid her to frame Wallace Boden, how you stowed her away at a fancy inn at Lake Carlyle, how you told her to stay hidden until you can get her out of the country.
Nos está contando cómo le pagó para inculpar a Wallace Boden, cómo la mandó a un lujoso hotel en Lake Carlyle, cómo le dijo que se mantuviera escondida hasta que la pudiera sacar del país.
But those who stay and hear me out will not be allowed to walk away.
no tendrán permiso de irse.
Look, I'll keep everybody away from you, and we won't stay too late, okay?
Nadie te molestará, y no nos quedaremos muy tarde.
I said, "Stay your ass away from Plunkett." Didn't I tell you that?
Te dije : "Aléjate de Plunkett", ¿ no?

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