Talking of which перевод на испанский
309 параллельный перевод
Talking of which...
¡ Por cierto!
Talking of which, the meeting with Muller is set for eight.
A propósito, la reunión con Muller es a las 8 PM.
Talking of which, our black suits?
A propósito ¿ y los trajes negros?
Talking of which... the doctor ordered me to take a cruise.
A propósito. El doctor me ha ordenado que haga un crucero.
Listen... talking of which... what's your boss's daughter called?
Escucha... A propósito... ¿ Cómo se llama la hija de tu patrón?
Talking of which...
Y hablando de manías...
Talking of which, I've been thinking about adoption.
Hablando de eso, he estado pensando sobre la adopción.
Talking of which...
Que dicho sea... QUESO
Talking of which... This is for the gas bill.
Por cierto es el dinero para el gas.
Um, talking of which, how is your vocabulary coming along?
Hablando de eso, ¿ cómo vas con el vocabulario?
I've been travelling around the states talking on the various questions of governance which have engaged our attention during the last two years.
He recorrido el Estado hablando de los temas que han llamado vuestra atención en los últimos dos años.
Which one of the Bucker's fatal mistakes are you talking about now?
¿ De qué error garrafal de Bucker estás hablando ahora?
In view of the gentleman's concern for the senators and the fact that he's been talking for 71 / 2 hours and must be tired, would he permit a motion to recess until the morning, - - at which time he may be better able to continue his profound babbling?
En vista de su consideración por los senadores y considerando que lleva hablando 7 horas y media y debe de estar cansado ¿ permitiría que nos retirásemos hasta mañana momento en que estaría usted mejor para seguir con su confusa charla?
Which one of you does the talking?
¿ Quién de vosotros es el jefe?
Tonight I will be talking to you of that government to which I belong, asking it to uphold that responsibility that it holds toward you, the voters, and I am talking even to our members residing abroad because of some diplomatic duty.
Esta noche les hablaré del gobierno al que pertenezco, pidiéndole que mantenga la responsabilidad que les debe a vds., los votantes, y hablo, incluso a los miembros que residen en el extranjero debido a un deber diplomático.
During the research, unfortunately in consequence of grave incidents, we have discovered the mysterious being that the newspapers are talking about. And of which, we have recovered a fragment.
Desgraciadamente como consecuencia de graves incidentes hemos descubierto al ser misterioso del que hablan los periódicos y del que hemos conseguido un fragmento.
But I do have the consolation of being able to speak 498 animal languages. Any one of which is more fun than talking to Sarah. Four hundred and ninety-eight?
¡ y ellos pudieran gruñir, chillar, graznar y hablar conmigo!
Then there's a sort of confusion within me... which maybe I can only clarify by talking about it
Y luego, hay dentro de mí algo confuso... que quizás sólo hablando es posible curar.
Welcome to a new half-hour chat show in which me, viz the man what's talking to you now, and Brooky - to wit my flat mate - and nothing else, I'd like to emphasize that, discuss current affairs issues of burning import.
Bienvenidos al programa de entrevistas de media hora... en la que yo, la persona que habla, y mi compañero de piso... y nada más, que quede claro, hablamos de temas de actualidad.
Nobody could accuse me of being a racialist... ( SPOT LAUGHS )... but when I hear stories as well-authenticated as this which I heard from a very close friend of a constituent who had been talking to somebody in a pub
Nadie me puede acusar de ser un racista pero cuando oigo historias tan auténticas como ésta la cual oí de un muy buen amigo de un votante quien hablaba con alguien en un pub quien había oído de una fuente muy confiable
Lot of beds got warmed up that summer. Hank and I, we know which bed I'm talking about, don't we?
Se visitó todas las camas del país.
I didn't so much like the latter part of the Book which is more like all preachy talking than fighting and the old in-out.
No me gustó tanto lo último del Libro que es más sermoneo que lucha y el viejo mete-saca.
We're not talking about opening a hot-dog stand but a decision of major importance to the national economy for which Mr. Hartmann, as a member of the Perspective 2000 Committee...
No estamos hablando de si alguien abre un puesto de perritos calientes. Se trata de una decisión de relevancia fundamental para la economía nacional. Para el señor Hartmann, como miembro de la comisión Perspectiva 2000...
He's talking about the time they took him down... out of that villa, which he doesn't own, and put him into prison.
Está hablando de cuando lo sacaron de esa villa, que no es suya, y lo pusieron en prisión.
The reason he gives for this conclusion is that it seems crucial to him that from now on everybody should stop talking about everything of which he himself is ignorant —
Para probar su afirmación incide en la urgencia de que, en lo sucesivo, se deje de hablar de todo lo que él ignora :
Well, everyone I know is talking about that fascinating article you wrote about Malcolm X which appeared in of all places, the Reader, s Digest.
Sí. Está bien, señor, como diga. Por favor, siga escogiendo sus libros.
I'm one of the few people who knows exactly which eye to look at... when they're talking to her, so she's sort of fixated on me.
Soy uno de los pocos que sabe exactamente qué ojo mirar... cuando le hablas, así que tiene una fijación conmigo.
I've been talking about Einstein in and around this town of Vinci in which Leonardo grew up.
He hablado de Einstein en esta ciudad de Vinci donde creció Leonardo.
Talking of survival, Lewis I swore to myself I'd never ask this which is why I'm asking, but all those explosives we loaded onto that ridiculous Phoebe what on earth are they for?
Hablando de sobrevivencia, Lewis me juré a mi mismo que jamás te preguntaría esto lo cual me estoy preguntando, pero todos estos explosivos que cargamos en el ridículo Phoebe para qué diablos son?
I've been talking about Einstein in and around this town of Vinci in which Leonardo grew up.
Para la Europa nórdica era el Carro de Carlos, o la carreta.
In other words, we're talking about an underground... which did exist in a different way during the Dark Ages... among the mystical orders of the church.
Estamos hablando de algo soterrado... que ya existió durante la Edad de las Tinieblas... entre la orden mística de la iglesia.
You're talking about something the mere possession of which if he gets pinched is five on the spot. He don't operate out of love.
Eso es algo, cuya mera posesión, si lo atrapan lo mete adentro por cinco años.
When I say "not overstretched", I was talking in the sense of total, cumulative loading taken globally, rather than in respect of certain individual and essentially anomalous responsibilities which are not, logically speaking, consonant or harmonious with the broad spectrum of intermeshing functions
Con "no muy sobrecargado" me refiero a las obligaciones acumulativas totales consideradas en conjunto, más que a ciertas responsabilidades individuales y en esencia anómalas, que no están ni en consonancia ni en armonía con el amplio abanico de funciones interconexas e inseparables
You know, Lieutenant, I can't help but notice that I'm doing most of the talking here, which is fine.
¿ Sabe, teniente? No puedo evitar notar que soy el único hablando. Lo cual está bien.
- Which boy are you talking of?
- ¿ De qué muchacho estás hablando?
Less street traffic on account of the fires, which... I think it's time we start talking about.
Hay menos tráfico por lo de los incendios y ya es hora de que empecemos a hablar del tema.
I'm talking about certain peculiarities of my business, Brother Prior, which may help to prevent a mistake.
Hablo de ciertas peculiaridades de mi trabajo, Hermano Prior, que ayudarían a prevenir el cometer un error.
Which leakage are you talking of, Albert?
¿ De que goteo está hablando, Alberto?
Speaking of photographs... which ones were you talking about last night?
- A propósito de fotos... - ¡ Si! Explícame una cosa, ¿ de qué fotos hablaban con padre anoche?
You know, speaking of change... change can be a very positive thing in one's life... especially unexpected change, which funnily enough... we'll be talking about right now.
Sabes, hablando de cambio, el cambio puede ser algo muy positivo en la vida de uno, especialmente si es inesperado, como el del que curiosamente vamos a hablar ahora mismo.
Which era are you talking of?
¿ Qué está hablando?
Which one of us are you talking to there?
¿ A cuál de las dos le estás hablando?
I'm gonna be talking today about the use of the Whipple procedure in lieu of total pancreatectomy which is, I guess, what Dr. Anspaugh just said.
Voy a hablarles del uso del procedimiento de Whipple en lugar de una pancreatectomía que es lo que acaba de decir, el Dr. Anspaugh.
What you're talking about is giving them new abilities, which is the equivalent of altering their genetic structure.
Quiere darles un nuevo poder, que es como modificar su estructura genética.
Within one mile of us right now... 100 men are talking to their shrinks about their mothers... and thousands of women are talking to their shrinks... about their mothers-in-law, which is responsible... for half the divorces.
En un radio de kilómetro y medio de aquí... hay 100 hombres hablando con sus psicólogos sobre sus madres... y miles de mujeres están hablando con sus psicólogos... sobre sus suegras, quienes son responsables... de la mitad de los divorcios.
One time when I was talking to Lawson... he asked me which one of you I loved more.
En una ocasión, estaba hablando con awson... y me preguntó a cuál de las dos quería más.
The talking bird which you hope will make you rich. That kind of pie. Me!
Como "todo el numerito", los $ 64,000, el premio gordo el ave parlante que esperan los vuelva ricos.
During this length of time in which we have been talking, have there been any storms during which he may have been struck by lightning?
¿ Ha caído en este espacio de tiempo en el que hablamos alguna tormenta cuyos rayos hayan podido alcanzarle?
Of course I'm only talking in the most general terms and on a subject about which I know absolutely nothing.
Por supuesto solamente estoy hablando en los términos mas generales y en un tema en el cual no conozco absolutamente nada
OK, I think what we're talking about here is Prufigger's theory of distortion which states that prismatic effect of a body reflected on a plane at a certain angle- -
Vale, creo que Estuvimos ahí hablando acerca de... De que según la teoría de distorsión de Prufigger... El efecto prismático de un cuerpo...
Peter, do you even know which one of our children I'm talking about?
Peter, ¿ sabes de cuál de tus hijos te estoy hablando?
which one is it 183
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which 2889
which one do you like 19
which one 1435
which do you prefer 57
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which one do you prefer 16
which one are you 89
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which one do you want 65
which are 79
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is ridiculous 24
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which one do you want 65
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which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which part 185
which is funny 28
which is worse 21
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is awesome 34
which is cool 36
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which part 185
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which is worse 21
which ones 133
which is to say 26
which is awesome 34
which is cool 36