Which i did перевод на испанский
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He said he only thought I was into him to get to my mom, which I did.
Dijo que quizá yo lo hacía sólo para molestar a mi madre, y sí.
Uh, chicken salad sandwiches, which I did not make.
Emparedados de pollo y vegetales, los cuales yo no hice...
That cannot be, since I am still possess'd of those effects for which I did the murder - my crown, mine own ambition and my queen.
Imposible, pues aún poseo los frutos por los cuales asesiné : mi corona, mi ambición y mi reina.
Miss cas I-I want to ask her what I did wrong in-in the audition, but I'm afraid that if I ask her, she'll think that I tho that I should get the lead, which, which I did not thi and I don't want her to think that I though
Quiero preguntarle donde me equivoqué en la audición. Pero tengo miedo. Si se lo pregunto pensará que yo pensaba que habría conseguido el papel, que no lo he pensado y que no quiero que ella piense que lo he pensado.
Which i did not, it doesn't mean i wanted the guy to have a heart attack.
No le deseaba un infarto.
Which I did.
Que fue lo que hice.
I could have sold him, which I did not do.
Pude haberlo vendido, cosa que no hice.
I earned 12,000 euros of which i did not receive a cent.
Gané 12.000 euros, de los cuales no recibí ni un céntimo.
Which rascal did I kidnap, tell me?
¿ A quién he secuestrado? Dime!
I did not approve that change for the blueprints for the new GNB headquarters which I'm the head architect, at only 30 years old yes, I'm single, I'm not gifted charity.
No aprobé esos cambios en los planos de las oficinas centrales de BNG para las cuales soy el arquitecto a cargo con tan sólo 30 años. Sí, estoy soltero y hago donaciones a caridad.
Now, which way did they go? I don't know.
- ¿ Hacia dónde se fueron?
It's just the pills I took for the headache, which I really did have.
Fueron las píldoras que tomé para la jaqueca que realmente tenía.
I did all the printing by myself, which is a feat considering I'm so tired, I can barely read.
Yo lo imprimí todo, y es una hazaña... considerando que estoy tan cansada que apenas puedo leer.
Yes, we did, which is why I know how horrific it is.
Sí. Por eso sé lo horroroso que es.
Which is what I would do if death were ever to steal one of my knickknack so did she get a good look at... death?
Que sería lo que yo haría si la Muerte me robara alguna de mis figuritas. ¿ Así que vio bien a la Muerte?
All I did is bring that girl to a waiting pile of cash, Which I understand she gladly took before leaving town...
Todo lo que le hice fue llevar a esa chica a una pila de dinero, que, entiendo que cogio alegremente antes de irse de la ciudad...
I had to cut the metal disc by hand to get it to fit in the Mason jar, which means the suspect did, too.
Tuve que cortar a mano el disco para que encajase en el tarro. Por lo que el sospechoso también lo hizo.
And I realized... that if we did have a relationship with the Irish, which of course, we don't, what'd stop me from tipping them off?
Y me di cuenta de que si tuviéramos una relación con los irlandeses la cual, por supuesto, no tenemos ¿ qué me impediría avisarles?
Which is why I don't understand, why did you assault Mr. Debrofkowitz?
Por eso no entiendo por qué atacaste al Sr. Debrofkowitz.
I see. So, which part of the situation did you have under control?
Entonces, ¿ qué parte de la situación tenían bajo control?
I did things I didn't even know existed, which are likely illegal.
Hice cosas que ni siquiera sabía que existieran, que deben ser ilegales.
On the way, the suspect met nobody, did not use his mobile phone and smoked a single cigarette, which I checked, but which was not of relevance to this case.
En el camino, el sospechoso no encontró a nadie, no usó su teléfono móvil fumando un cigarrillo, que yo sepa, pero que no era de interés para este caso.
So, if God arranged this marriage, which apparently He did, I think He's going to take a very dim view of it if you mess it up.
Así que... si Dios arregló este matrimonio cosa que aparentemente hizo, creo que él estará muy enojado si lo estropeas.
I went behind her back and I started dating you, which is a really jerky thing to do. But I did it.
Fui detras de sus espaldas, y empece a salir contigo, lo que es algo muy desgraciado de hacer.
I slept with brenda, which I knew would hurt you... which is why I did it.
Me acoste con Brenda. Sabiendo que te iba a herir... razon por la cual, lo hice.
And I didn't know, so I did both, which is why there's...
y no lo sabía, así que hice ambos, y por eso hay tantas.
Which wasn't easy, by the way, but I did it.
Que no fue nada fácil, pero lo hice.
Look, if we did go through with this and this did happen, which I'm sure it would be one of the greatest things to ever happen to me in my life, and I am including the time I rode behind Chuck Norris on an escalator...
Mira. Si pasamos por esto y esto sucede... lo que estoy seguro que será una de las más grandes cosas que alguna vez me suceda en la vida, y estoy incluyendo el momento en que estuve detrás de Chuck Norris en una escalera eléctrica...
I want to see which of you did it.
Quiero ver quién de ustedes lo hizo.
Which is what I did.
Que es lo que hice.
"They made signs for me to come down from the rock " and go towards the shore, which I accordingly did,
Hicieron señas para que vaya debajo de la roca " e ir hacia la costa que en consecuencia no
Well, there was a movie that I did with Tobe Hooper which originally was called Zombies from Outer Space.
Bueno, hubo una película que hice con Tobe Hooper que originalmente se llamaba Zombies del Espacio Exterior.
If I did fancy old people, which I don't, that would make me the opposite of a paedophile.
Si me gustaran las personas mayores, que no es cierto, sería todo lo contrario a un pedófilo.
Which school did you choose? I'm not going to high school.
No pienso ir a la secundaria.
So for this root I did "Lethal Weapon," which was a huge influence on me, how Mel Gibson showed you could both be an action movie star, and show deep emotions.
Tan para esta raíz hice "el Arma Mortal," que era una enorme influencia sobre mí, como Mel Gibson mostró que usted podría ser una estrella de cine de acción, y muestre emociones profundas.
The manner in which he did this was so vicious and crazed I can feel not a shred of humanity in it.
La forma depravada y repugnante en que lo hizo. Con una brutalidad y crueldad inconcebible.
If I got a pass, which I'm not saying that I did, it was anything but free.
Si quedase libre y no estoy diciendo que yo lo hice, seré cualquier cosa, menos libre.
Speaking of which, I did my final walk-through.
Hablando de eso, he hecho el inventario final.
And the fact that I changed my name- - Which, by the way, I did so the soviets wouldn't find me,
Y el cambiar de nombre- - que por cierto fue para que no me encuentren los rusos,
I only went through your purse because I trusted you enough to think that I wouldn't find anything. But I did find something, which means that you're the one who violated my trust.
Sólo miré tu cartera, porque confiaba lo bastante en ti como para pensar que no descubriría nada, pero encontré algo, lo que significa que fuiste tú la que violó mi confianza.
But I did buy my first car to try and seduce women. Which was a...?
Pero compré mi primer auto para intentar seducir a las chicas.
.. but if I did which is by nature, what is to be done now?
.. pero si lo estoy es por la naturaleza, que hay que hacer ahora?
Okay, I did not know which one the diopter was, so I just brought them all.
Vale, no sabía cuál era la dióptrica, así que las traje todas.
Donner was my partner when I did my ASCAN rounds... which meant I pretty much did them alone.
Donner era mi pareja de rondas cuando éramos candidatos o sea que las hice sola.
Guess everybody seems to think that we did the right thing but me... which seems kind of strange since I was actually there.
Parece que todos creen que hicimos lo correcto salvo yo lo cual es extraño, porque yo estaba ahí en realidad.
Well, I guess the question is, which one did it?
Bueno, supongo que la pregunta es cuál lo hizo?
Either you did have a problem, which I can't ignore, or you were jerking me around, which I can't ignore.
O tuviste un problema, que no puedo ignorar, o estabas jugando conmigo, que tampoco puedo ignorar.
claire, i'm sorry.which hand did i have the flashlight in when we were inside?
Lo siento. ¿ En qué mano tenía la linterna cuando estábamos adentro?
Katherine just thinks that I did, Which is why I'm betting she strangled Julie. Yeah, well, she couldn't have,
katherine solo piensa que lo hice que es por lo que creo que estrangulo a julie yeah, bien, ella no pudo ser porque ella estaba al telefono con su hija aquella noche
You wanted me to probe him for information, which is what I did.
Querías que le sondee la información, es lo que hice.
You know, I did think those were less than personable, which is why I went with the full bodies in these mailers we have going out.
Sabes, pensé que esos eran demasiado impersonales y por eso decidí poner los cuerpos completos en estos folletos que estamos sacando.
which i didn't 28
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is worse 21
which is to say 26
which is cool 36
which is awesome 34
which i don't 84
which is great 112
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is worse 21
which is to say 26
which is cool 36
which is awesome 34
which i don't 84