Which is nice перевод на испанский
354 параллельный перевод
So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.
Así que me espera eso que me agrada.
And then sometimes they're like friends with each other, which is nice.
A veces, se comportan como amigos, y eso es lindo.
They're givin'me my own hours which is nice.
Pero me quedan muchas horas libres.
Over at that end, a frozen yogurt joint, fish and chips next... dynamite new Mexican franchise, and a possible fitness and aerobics center... which is nice'cause it brings in traffic.
Más allá, un conjunto de yogur más helado, pescado y patatas fritas al lado... Dinamita, una franquicia de Nuevo México y un posible centro de fitness y aeróbic... lo cual es bueno porque atrae gente.
It has to do with your invitation, which is nice.
No tiene que ver con tu invitación, que es amable.
Tin horns, which is nice.
Trompetas. Me gusta.
ALL : Which is nice.
Lo cual es bueno.
Which is nice.
Lo cual es bueno.
He's into male contraception which is nice for a change.
No está mal. Es partidario de los preservativos, lo que está bien para variar.
This is Focaccia, which is nice.
Esto es focaccio.
It's the best solution, no problems, and above all, your customer won't suffer, which is nice to know.
Es la mejor solución, sin problemas. Y tu cliente no sufrirá y eso es bueno.
You know, we've never really been close, which is nice'cause I don't really like you that much, but... you have, on occasion, saved the world and stuff, so I'm gonna... do you a favor.
Nunca estuvimos muy unidas, lo cual es bueno porque no me gustas mucho, pero en alguna ocasión has salvado al mundo, así que te voy a hacer un favor.
All you said was, "You're welcome." Which is nice.
Lo único que dijiste fue "De nada".
Así que tengo eso a mi favor, lo cual es agradable.
Which is nice for us because it's a double contract.
Genial para todos, porque es un contrato doble.
I'm with someone now which is nice, it feels right but it's early days yet
Ahora estoy con alguien, lo cual se siente bien pero aun es muy temprano
Well, take anything which is nice.
Bueno, toma lo que te parezca bueno.
She's married to a guy who's not afraid of electricity, which is nice. She's married to a guy who's not afraid of electricity, which is nice.
Esta casada con un tipo que no le teme a la electricidad, lo que es bueno.
But if I'm nice to Whipsnade, which is asking plenty...
Pero si soy amable con Whipsnade... - Lo que es mucho pedir...
That nice point which is going to make so much difference to the reading public... won't mean a thing to me.
Ese aspecto que es tan importante para los lectores... no significa nada para mí.
In fact, the beauty of face and form which I'm about to reveal is such that the 20th century would seem a little unworthy. Oh, what a nice man.
De hecho, La belleza del rostro y Las formas que voy a revelarles, es tal que eL siglo XX quedará un poco disminuido.
Well, it's about a mother, which is a nice idea, I think, don't you?
Bueno, es sobre una madre.
I handle his books for him, so I know he has a 35 % mark-up, which is not unreasonable. It's a nice little shop.
Es una linda tiendita.
This is a nice slice of information, which dropped in the right company could net me a nice piece of change.
Una noticia interesante por la que podría conseguir una bonita suma.
She was a nice aunt. But she was certainly not as pretty as his aunt, which is you.
ella era una tia agradable pero, no era tan bonita como su tia,... o sea...
Do you know which name is really nice?
¿ Sabes qué nombre sería bonito?
Be nice. Don't you know which day it is?
Podrías ser un poco más cariñoso. ¿ Sabes qué día es?
But for that part of them which is intelligent or funny or just nice.
Sino por aquella parte inteligente en ellos. O por su lado divertido o agradable.
Then I got this place... which is a pretty nice place for just one person.
Luego conseguí este lugar... que es muy cómodo para una sola persona.
They're both very well, but they couldn't say where but Father Membling said, reading between the lines it was Palestine which is where Bridey's yeomanry is so that's all very nice for them.
Las dos están muy bien, pero no podían decir dónde... aunque el padre Membling dedujo, leyendo entre líneas que estaban en Palestina. Donde está el cuerpo de voluntarios de Bridey así que todo les va muy bien.
And I live over on Heatherton Avenue, which is a nice neighborhood or at least it used to be.
Y yo vivo en Avenida Hannuka, el cual es un buen vecindario o al menos, solía serlo
Nice thing about these kinds of locks is that if you give them a power surge, they don't know which side of the door you're on.
Lo bueno de estas cerraduras es que si les das sobretensión no saben de qué lado de la puerta estás.
They've set me up with a nice little sideline - vetting firms to make sure they're kosher, which, not to beat about the bush, is why I'm here.
Aunque me han puesto en una pequena filial... verificando empresas para asegurarnos que estan limpias. Por eso, para no andarme con rodeos, es por lo que he venido.
But what the pitcher plant is doing is sequestering for itself a private supply of manure by luring insects and by supplying the maggots that live in the pot with a nice, oxygen rich, fresh water atmosphere which otherwise they wouldn't like to live in.
La planta jarro obtiene su propio suministro de abono, atrayendo insectos, y proveyendo a las larvas que viven en los jarros un agua rica en oxígeno y agradable atmósfera, ya que de otra forma no querrían vivir allí.
Now, if you look at the situation here what we got here is a roof 75 ° pitch, which is very nice.
Ahora, si miras esta situación... lo que tenemos aquí es un techo... Con ángulo de 75 °, el cual es muy bonito.
A film on the dance, on learning to dance, while all I can do is watch, which is also nice, but it's a completely different thing.
Un film sobre baile, saber bailar. En cambio yo al final me encuentro siempre mirando.. .. que también está bien, pero... es otra cosa.
Of course, it'll be nice and crunchy then which is, as you know, the way real Italians prefer it.
Por supuesto, va a ser agradable y crujiente entonces... que es, como ustedes saben, la forma en que los italianos la prefieren.
Now, we can do it my way, which is very nice right now, or we can do it their way, which you're not gonna like.
Podemos hacerlo a mi manera, aprovechando que estoy de buenas, o a la de ellos, que no les va a gustar.
My born name is Leslie, but I like to use names that have nice meanings, like Mary... for the Virgin Mary, or angel, or Linda, which means pretty in Spanish.
Mi nombre de nacimiento es Leslie pero me gusta usar nombres que tengan bonitos significados, como Mary por la Virgen María, o ángel, o Linda, que significa bonita en español.
On the other hand, for what is the second gain, no problem, it is yours it's a nice disk recorded by your mother On which you will pay no inheritance tax,...
Por otra parte en relación con adquisición de un segundo es bien su Este es un hermoso CD escrito por su madre en el cual usted tendrá que pagar derechos de autor.
Which is a really nice amount, Rachid!
Es un hermoso cantidad Rashid.
I mean, I could be at home right now in my nice, comfortable house, which is built into the ground, but no, no, no.
Quiero decir, podría estar en casa ahora mismo en mi bonita, confortable casa, que se construyó en la tierra, pero no, no, no.
We just got two sub-zero freezers, which is very, very nice.
Acabamos de comprar dos congeladores, lo cual está muy bien.
We find a nice, warm spot and we hole up until we slide, which is in approximately 1 1 hours'time.
Hallaremos un lugar calientito donde escondernos hasta deslizarnos, lo que será en aproximadamente 11 horas.
Fair is for healthy people with healthy lovers in nice apartments with lots of health insurance, which, of course, they don't need!
"Justo" es para la gente sana con amantes sanos en apartamentos lujosos con seguro médico, que realmente no lo necesitan.
to talk to him, to chat with him... and he obliges, which is very nice... but it throws the schedule a curve.
La gente le reclama sin parar, para hablarle, para charlar y él siempre se presta, y de repente, empezamos a saltarnos todo el plan.
The hair is all nice and uniform... which is tough'cause I have bumps here and here.
El pelo está recto y uniforme... lo que es difícil, ya que tengo unos bultos aquí y aquí.
well Chris was married which is great, she's a very nice wife who is getting better and better at communicating with the deaf
Chris estaba casado, su esposa es muy buena ella se comunica cada vez mejor en lengua de señas
Using this back entrance, which is very nice... Because it has the service elevator.
Qué suerte, porque aquí está el ascensor de servicio.
At least he's honest, which is more than I can say for most brothers. You look nice, man. Thanks.
Bueno, dicen que es como que la tierra se abre sobre ti... pero conmigo fue como si...
Nice to meet you. "My Sister's Bookstore." So, which one is "my sister"? - She is.
Bueno, paso la mayoría de mi tiempo... tratando de encantar a los inspectores de edificios- - una de las más grandes contradicciones de todos los tiempos- - o la prevención de los clientes de cometer grandes errores... o pidiendo nuevos negocios.
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is ironic 37
which is great 112
which is 1139
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is ironic 37
which is great 112