Then you go перевод на испанский
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But, um... then you go home, and, uh, and you have dinner, you know, and you wake up the next morning.
Pero entonces vas a casa, y cenas tú sabes, y te despiertas la mañana siguiente.
Then you go, you leave, Sam, and don't come back again.
Luego te vas, te largas, Sam, y no vuelvas nunca.
Well, then you go to the joy pit.
Bueno, entonces vas a la fosa de la alegría.
Okay, then you go and take care of your business.
Bien, entonces ve y ocúpate de tus cosas.
You leave, you show no remorse, and then you go after my girlfriend.
Te marchaste, sin mostrar arrepentimiento y luego vas tras mi novia.
If you really believe it's me and not him, then why don't I just let go of this trigger?
Si de verdad crees que soy yo y no él, ¿ entonces por qué no solo suelto este gatillo?
I'm gonna motorboat you, then go down on you like the Titanic.
Meteré mi cara entre tus pechos, luego voy a hundirme en ti como el Titanic.
I'm about to go, uh, through the interview part, and then, you know...
Estoy a punto de hacer la parte de la entrevista... y después...
But if you want somebody who isn't afraid to do anything necessary... then go with me.
Pero si quieres a alguien que no tiene miedo de hacer cualquier cosa... entonces vas conmigo.
I'm gonna help you pack, and then you're gonna go out there and be with your dad and with your sister.
Voy a ayudarte a hacer las maletas, y luego, vas a irte y a estar con tu padre y con tu hermana.
And then, I'm gonna go back to work while you're gone, and your mom can take care of Leo like she did today, and...
Y entonces, yo voy a volver a trabajar mientras estás fuera, y tu madre puede cuidar de Leo como ha hecho hoy, y...
Why are you even here, to brag about your awesome life and then just go back to New York?
¿ Por qué has venido, para presumir de tu increíble vida y luego volver a Nueva York?
If you don't find one you like, then go get the one you want.
Si no encuentras uno que te guste, ve a por el que quieres.
Then you left, and I had to be a mom, and go to work.
Luego te fuiste y tuve que ser madre e ir a trabajar.
Why don't you let me do the delivery and then you can go to therapy.
¿ Por qué no dejas que me encargue del parto mientras tú vas a terapia?
Now that you know that, if he is a patient of yours, and you go ahead and have surgery and alter his appearance, then you will be guilty of aiding and abetting a fugitive.
Ahora que lo sabe, si es paciente suyo y sigue adelante y le opera alterando su aspecto entonces será culpable de ayudar a un fugitivo.
Y verás emerger muchos colores diferentes, toman el control y luego vuelven a extinguirse en un largo, largo período de evolución.
And then you'll go on around 9 : 00.
Y luego pelearán a eso de las nueve.
You're gonna fucking take a nice pull from that bottle, and then we're gonna go outside, and we're gonna get your mind right off the fucking thing.
Tomarás un buen trago de esa botella... y luego saldremos... y haremos que tu mente se olvide de esa maldita cosa.
Then, I'll go without you!
Entonces, ¡ yo iré contigo!
You'd better go, then.
Será mejor que te vayas.
If that's not why you invited me, then I'll go.
Si no me invitaste para eso, me iré.
... On the other hand, if you help us find Henry Farrell, and he's alive, then that little resisting arrest stunt that you just pulled, maybe we can just make that go away.
Por otra parte, si ayudas a encontrar a Henry, y está vivo, entonces esa pequeña maniobra que hiciste para resistirte al arresto, tal vez pueda desaparecer.
When i say go, you're gonna catch a cab to Mothers Beach, and then you're going to go head to head in a bike race.
Cuando de la señal, subirán a un taxi que los llevará a Mother's Beach donde tendrán una competencia codo a codo en una carrera en bicicleta.
You congratulate yourself, crisis averted, then go home,
Felicitas ti mismo, la crisis evitado, a continuación, volver a casa,
I go to all this effort to let you steal my suit, and then Hope has you arrested.
Voy a todo este esfuerzo para que pueda robar mi traje y, a continuación, Esperanza ha arrestado.
You know, I-I-I didn't have anywhere to go, really, and I-I didn't have... I didn't know much about money back then, and it all went to meth really fast.
Bueno, de hecho no tenía adónde ir y no tenía... entonces no sabía mucho sobre dinero y me metí en la meta muy rápido.
Oh, you mean the part where I go up to a random guy and hit on him, and then he looks at me like I have six heads, so I go back to the stool to wait for you, but you're already gone because you took a stranger home
¿ Te refieres a la parte donde me dirigí a un tío al azar y le entré, y luego me miró como si tuviera seis cabezas, así que me di la vuelta y volví al banquillo a esperarte,
But then you had to go and rip a 13-year-old girl's heart out.
Pero entonces tienes que ir y arrancar el corazón a una chica de 13 años.
We go get this spark thing, and then I'm working my way back to you, babe.
Vamos a coger esa chispa, y volveré a ti, cariño.
Well, go on, then. What are you waiting for?
Bueno, ve, entonces. ¿ A qué estás esperando?
Oh, and then didn't you go on to have a series of failed restaurants?
¿ Entonces no continuaste teniendo una serie de restaurantes fallidos? Sí.
If you want an "attaboy", then go join the Atta Boys.
Si quieren un "buen chico", vayan con el grupo "Buenos Chicos".
You go straight and then you turn all the way left.
Vas de frente y volteas al otro lado.
And you really believe Scorpa will then go to Guthrum?
¿ Y realmente crees que Scorpa después irá por Guthrum?
But then you never know, I suppose it depends on how those meetings go.
Pero entonces nunca sabes, supongo que depende de como vaya esas reuniones.
If you're too afraid to move them, then go.
Si tienes tanto miedo de moverlos, vete.
So, how did that go for you? Okay, then? Oh.
¿ Bien? Saben, cuando Piggy y yo éramos pareja,
A few days. Then you'll go into withdrawl.
Unos cuantos días y luego entrarás en abstinencia.
If you don't want peace, then, fine, go... you're free... but I'm asking you, please stay.
Si no quieres la paz, entonces bien, vete... eres libre... pero te lo estoy pidiendo, por favor, quédate.
You go to church three times, you get locked in, the same way that... You sleep with a woman for the third time, well, then she becomes your mistress.
Si vas a la iglesia tres veces, te encierran, de la misma manera que si duermes con la misma mujer por tercera vez, ella se convierte en tu amante.
And your statement then? You told him not to go?
¿ qué querías decir cuando dijiste que Kira no debía entregarse?
Morty, if you go to where there's a bunch of ice cream and then you don't come back, you haven't actually gotten ice cream, you've just gone where ice cream is.
Morty, si vas donde hay un montón de helado y luego no vuelves, no has pillado nada de helado, solo has ido donde está el helado.
You wanna go buy me a kite and then fly a kite?
¿ Quieres ir a comprarme una cometa y remontarla?
You say you want a divorce and she says, "No, we can make this work." You go to counseling and remember why you fell in love with her in the first place and then, blah, blah, it's a whole thing.
Dices que te quieres divorciar, y ella dice : "No, hagámoslo funcionar", así que van a terapia y recuerdas qué fue lo que te enamoró de ella, y luego, bla bla bla.
If you let me go to my death now, without speaking, knowing what I've told you then you're as guilty of his crimes as if you had done them yourself.
Si ahora permite que me enfrente a la muerte sin hablar, sabiendo lo que le he contado entonces es tan culpable de sus crímenes como si los hubiera cometido usted misma.
You know, why go to the trouble of kidnapping Jane, and then covering her in those tattoos.
Ya sabe, por qué tomarse la molestia de secuestrar a Jane, y cubrirla de esas tatuajes.
- You heard me. And then I'd go up to her and say, "what happened, red?"
Y luego iría y le diría, " ¿ Qué ha pasado, pelirroja?
You'll only have to pull it off for a few more hours. Then he'll be on a plane tomorrow and I can go home.
solo tienes que seguir asi por unas pocas horas más entonces luego se ira en avion y regresare a casa
Well, then, you just go right upstairs, Missy.
Bueno, entonces, sube, Missy.
You'll take this, go into the Mikaelsons'home under the guise of friendship, and then you will drive this stake into Elijah's heart.
Cógela, ve a la casa Mikaelson bajo el pretexto de la amistad, y luego clava esta estaca en el corazón de Elijah.
then you're an idiot 17
then you're wrong 16
then you know 40
then you 156
then you're right 18
then you die 16
then you're on your own 16
then you can 17
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then you should 20
then you're wrong 16
then you know 40
then you 156
then you're right 18
then you die 16
then you're on your own 16
then you can 17
then you're a fool 17
then you should 20
then you know what 34
then you understand 18
then you said 18
then you tell me 17
then you say 25
then you should go 18
then you'll know 16
then you can go 37
then you do it 25
you got this 563
then you understand 18
then you said 18
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then you say 25
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then you can go 37
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you got this 563
you got it 4932
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got anything 117
you got a problem 205
you got something for me 35
you got a pen 63
you got me 900
you got that right 241
you gotta be fucking kidding me 42
you got the wrong guy 127
you gotta be kidding me 471
you got anything 117
you got a problem 205
you got something for me 35
you got to be kidding me 439
you got a minute 371
you got 695
you got me all wrong 20
you got something 185
you gotta 165
you gotta be kidding 116
you gotta do something 53
you gotta do what you gotta do 27
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you got something 185
you gotta 165
you gotta be kidding 116
you gotta do something 53
you gotta do what you gotta do 27
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you good 702
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you got him 382
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you go first 353