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We all were перевод на испанский

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I guess, in some twisted way, we all were.
Creo que, de una retorcida manera, todos lo hacíamos.
He as a bit of a mess, but we all were back in the day.
Estaba un poco loco, pero en aquella época todos lo estábamos.
Of course, we were all sorry to lose Roger Keaton, who for ten years played our chief medical inspector.
Claro, todos estamos tristes de perder a Roger Keaton, quien por diez años fue nuestro inspector médico en jefe.
All I know is when we were struggling financially, you blew $ 8,000 on a vacation.
Todo lo que sé es que cuando estábamos luchando financieramente, habías gastado 8.000 dólares de vacaciones.
I mean, I tell you, if someone would just find me one of those machines, I swear we would all be eating like we were on a tour of Tuscany.
Digo, si alguien me encontrara una de esas máquinas, juro que todos comeríamos como si estuviéramos de tour en la Toscana.
If you were, why would we all spend all our time over here?
Si lo fueras, ¿ por qué pasaríamos tanto tiempo aquí?
Mr Dumas, as we've ascertained, you were with my officers for some of the time, not all of it.
Sr. Dumas, sabemos que estaba con nuestros agentes durante un tiempo, no en todo.
And, um... he was all right, but he were dead ill in hospital, you know and we used to do it in the hospital.
Y él estaba genial, pero murió por una enfermedad en el hospital y nosotros solíamos hacerlo en el hospital. Era horrible.
We were all ready to go into production next year.
Estábamos listos para producirlo el próximo año.
And by the time we got there, they were all dead.
Para cuando llegamos allí, estaban todos muertos.
( Herrmann ) Exactly, if we were, maybe we could have prevented the guy from going back in or dragged him out before he got all jammed up.
Exacto, si hubiéramos, quizás habríamos prevenido al sujeto de regresar o arrastrarlo antes de quedar atascado.
We played clubs all over the country and the brightest women I ever met were a pair of exotic dancing twins called Booby and Tits O'Toole.
Tocamos en clubs por todo el país y las mujeres más brillantes que jamás he conocido tenían un par de exóticas gemelas bailarinas llamadas Teta y pecho'Toole.
Even though it seemed like we were struggling all the time ourselves.
A pesar que parecía que estábamos en apuros... nosotros mismos todo el tiempo.
Honey, I know we were all just saying it before, but you could actually win this thing.
Cariño, sé que todos lo hemos dicho antes, pero en realidad podrías ganar esta cosa.
Oh, yeah. This is where we were all murdered.
Este es el sitio en el que fuimos asesinados.
We were all there.
- Estábamos todos allí.
We were all lying to you.
Todos estábamos mintiendo.
I had nothing to do with the attack, we were all charged.
No tuve nada que ver con el ataque, todos fuimos acusados.
We were all pumped to get to New Orleans.
Estábamos entusiasmados por llegar a New Orleans.
All because we were closer to Roy than you.
Todo porque estábamos más cerca de Roy que tú.
We were all vampires then.
Entonces todos éramos vampiros.
At that point, I couldn't believe that we were all experiencing the same thing.
En ese momento, yo no podía creer que estábamos experimentando la misma cosa.
All the other kids thought we were weird.
Todos los otros niños pensaban que éramos raros.
And we were all throwing bread at them?
- ¿ Y que todos le tirábamos pan?
We all thought that meant Francis, but you were her firstborn.
Todos pensamos que quería decir Francisco, pero tú eres su primogénita.
Judging from his standpoint, if you were in his shoes and you came to your house, to your apartment, your home... and you found Morris Black in there without your permission and you knew what we all know now about Morris Black
Júzguenlo desde su punto de vista. Si estuvieran en su lugar y llegaran a su casa, a su apartamento, a su hogar, y se encontraran a Morris Black ahí, sin su permiso, y supieran todo lo que sabemos ahora sobre Morris Black
We were able to bypass all of the government Internet filters.
Fuimos capaces de sortear todos los filtros gubernamentales de internet.
You know, Maria had stolen it from your house, but we were able to track it down, and it goes all the way back to when you were in uniform.
Sabe, Maria lo robó de su casa, pero fuimos capaces de rastrearlo y esto se remonta a cuando era un uniformado.
All I want us to be is, like, family, we were just saying. Yeah.
Sólo quiero que seamos como una familia, sólo decíamos.
Yeah, I know, but we were running, so I-I didn't really get all of it.
Sí, lo sé, pero estábamos huyendo así que, no me enteré de todo.
And we're confirming all of the hostages were rescued and are uninjured...
Y podemos confirmar que todos los rehenes fueron rescatados y están ilesos...
Why are you all so small-minded? Hm? We were brought here... to do great things.
¿ Por qué todos tienen la mente tan estrecha? Nos trajeron aquí para hacer grandes cosas.
And we were all letting it make us miserable.
Y todos estábamos permitiendo que fuese algo miserable.
Is it possible that we were looking at the situation all wrong?
¿ Es posible que estuviésemos mirando la situación completamente mal?
Dr. Wendy Rhodes, are you suggesting that all winged creatures look out for each other? Ugh. - We were happy once, right?
Doctora Wendy, ¿ está sugiriendo que todas las criaturas aladas se cuidan unas a otras?
What's happening there We were playing, that's all.
- ¿ Qué está ocurriendo? - Tan solo jugábamos.
He helped many people. Because after the disaster, we were all alone.
Ayudó a mucha gente porque luego de la catástrofe nos dejaron solos.
To think, we all thought he were thick as pig's muck.
Pensar que creíamos que era un burro.
And as we began this process and we were having all our discussions at ABT about diversity, one of the things I had said was,
Y a medida que comenzamos este proceso y estábamos teniendo todos nuestras discusiones en ABT sobre diversidad, una de las cosas que dije fue :
There was just a myriad of incredibly accomplished black women in the room... in the box, actually, and we were all there sharing in the triumph of Misty dancing.
Había una gran cantidad de mujeres negras increíblemente exitosas en el auditorio... en la caja, en realidad, y todas estábamos ahí compartiendo el triunfo del baile de Misty.
And as you sat here taking it like a man tonight, you were probably thinking that none of us know what we're talking about,'cause you're gonna fly out of here on a private jet full of cash and models, and we'll all be trying to finger-bang Martha Stewart at the afterparty.
Y mientras estás sentado aquí aguantándote todo como un hombre, que ninguno de nosotros sabe sabe de lo que habla, porque vas a irte volando de aquí en un jet privado lleno de dinero y modelos, y todos nosotros estaremos tratando de colarle un dedo a Martha Stewart
I don't--I don't know how many niggers we were allowed to say in this show, but I think--I definitely think Snoop used them all.
No sé... No sé cuántos "negros" tenemos permitidos decir en este show, pero creo...
We were the All-American family.
Éramos la típica familia estadounidense.
We were all heartbroken when we heard about what happened to William.
Todos estábamos desconsolados cuando nos esteramos de lo que le pasó a William.
As you all know, Middleton was hit with its worst storm in 20 years, and I wanted to let everyone know what we were doing to ensure the safety of all of our citizens, and to give you an update on the man rushed to hospital
Como todos ustedes saben, Middleton fue golpeado con su peor tormenta en 20 años, y yo quiero que todo el mundo sepa lo que estábamos haciendo para garantizar la seguridad de todos nuestros ciudadanos, y para darle una actualización del hombre que se precipitó al hospital
Linda, we were married, we had a son, it wasn't all bad.
Linda, nos casamos, tuvimos un hijo, no fue todo malo.
I want to remember you all like this... as the girls we once were.
Quiero recordaros así... como las muchachas que fuimos una vez.
And we were singing a song when it all ended.
Y estábamos cantando una canción cuando todo terminó.
Yeah, but what were we doing? All of us just standing there?
Sí, pero ¿ qué estábamos haciendo todos parados ahí?
We were up all night, but it would've taken a week otherwise.
Estuvimos toda la noche, si no hubiera tomado una semana.
The remains were too burnt for DNA, so all we had to go on were the teeth we recovered.
Lo restos estaban demasiado quemados para encontrar ADN, así que todo tendrá que hacerse mediante los dientes que recuperamos.

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