Which is a перевод на испанский
31,853 параллельный перевод
He's breathing on his own, which is a good sign.
Está respirando por sí mismo, lo que es una buena señal.
It was actually just like the end of "Speed," which is a pretty good movie.
Fue igual que el final de "Máxima Velocidad", que es una buena película.
I'll go to t'foot of our stairs here, which is a Yorkshire expression.
Iré al pie de nuestras escaleras aquí, Que es una expresión de Yorkshire.
We're in Rotterdam, which is a marvellous city, in fact, because you aren't allowed to bring a car into the city - a petrol car - if it was built before 1992.
Estamos en Rotterdam, que es una ciudad maravillosa, por cierto, porque no está permitido meter un coche dentro de la ciudad... un coche de gasolina... Si fue fabricado antes de 1992.
There's a vertical choppiness to the ride, which is annoying.
tiene un tambaleo vertical al conducir, que es molesto.
And I just exploded my fist bump, which is a whole new low for me.
Y acabo de explotar la primera burbuja lo cual es caer muy bajo.
And the liver pinked up almost immediately, which is a good sign.
Y el hígado se volvió rosa casi inmediatamente, lo cual es buena señal.
Women have a thing that is well-liked, which is a magic that men don't have.
Las mujeres tenemos algo que gusta mucho, Que es una magia que no tienen los hombres
Thus, we can avoid returning to that state of permanent war in which man is a wolf to man.
De esta manera se evitaba volver a aquel estado de guerra permanente En que el hombre es un lobo para el hombre.
This is a suicide mission which has nothing to do with you.
Esta misión suicida no tiene nada que ver contigo.
Even at slow speeds, it is quite loud in here, which is why I'm wearing this silly face microphone so you can hear what I'm on about.
Incluso a poca velocidad es bastante ruidoso, por eso llevo este ridículo micro en la cara para que podáis oír lo que digo.
So, moving on, to Jordan, weirdly, where the government has just built a mock town, so that special forces from all over the world can turn up and have a competition to see which one is best.
Seguimos, nos vamos a Jordania, extrañamente, donde el gobierno ha construido una ciudad simulada para que las fuerzas especiales de todo el mundo puedan ir y competir para ver cuál es mejor.
Which is why I shall now cause a diversion.
Por lo que ahora voy a causar una distracción.
If you're being chased by a car which is slower than the car you're in, simply drive faster than it.
Si te está persiguiendo un coche más lento que el coche en el que estás, simplemente conduce más deprisa que él.
the region around Modena, which is home to three of the world's greatest carmakers.
La región alrededor de Módena, Que es el hogar A tres de los Grandes fabricantes de automóviles.
And welcome to The Grand Tour, which, once again, is in Whitby.
Y bienvenidos a The Grand Tour, que, de nuevo, está en Whitby.
It's a lot better than what you two have done, which is nothing.
Es mucho mejor que lo que vosotros dos habéis hecho, que es nada.
The problem you have in the 4C is it's mid-engined, which means, on a surface like this, there's no weight over the front, and that means... no grip.
El problema que tiene el 4C es que es de motor central, lo que significa, que en una superficie como esta, no hay peso en el eje delantero, y eso significa... que no hay agarre.
Unlike the other two, this is front-engined, so there's less weight on the back end, which would make for a livelier back end and more time enjoying oversteer.
A diferencia de los otros dos, este es de motor delantero, así que hay menos peso en el eje trasero, con lo cual tengo una parte trasera más animada y más tiempo disfrutando del sobreviraje.
I'd show the new Mustang around, so I headed for London... which is the capital city.
Mostraría el Mustang nuevo alrededor, así que me dirigí a Londres... que es la capital.
Arms working the wheel like he's wrestling a drifter, which, of course, he is.
Brazos trabajando en el volante, como si estuviera luchando con el derrape que, por supuesto, lo hace.
Well, This is a blank canvas onto which you could paint your personality.
Es un lienzo en blanco en el que pintar tu personalidad.
Number one, he's put a 90 horsepower engine in it, which actually is probably only 40.
Número uno, tiene un motor de 90 caballos, que seguramente solo serán 40.
- So all I've got to do is reattach the top bolt... mend the pipe and find three gallons of water... which I shall get from a passing motorist, and I'll be on my way. - Right.
- Exacto.
I needed to get to the bleed valve on the radiator, which is there.
Necesitaba acceder a la válvula de purga del radiador, que está allí
The one thing we have established now is that, with the exception of Windhoek, which is the capital, Namibia is a tough and arduous place.
- Lo único que quedó en claro... Es que, con excepción de Windhoek, la capital... Namibia es un lugar duro y difícil
No, obviously, you didn't want to leave me behind, so you did the logical thing, which is suspend me from a helicopter whilst asleep.
No, obviamente no querían dejarme atrás... Así que hicieron algo totalmente lógico Suspenderme desde un helicóptero mientras estuviera dormido
Despite everything, our beach buggies had covered 750 miles of our 1,000-mile journey, and we were now well into the tribal regions of northern Namibia which is picture-book Africa.
A pesar de todo... Nuestros buggys playeros habían recorrido 1.200 kilómetros... De los 1.600 del viaje
Or I could take a more realistic view, which is that those two fat oafs have already weakened it.
O... podría tener un punto de vista más realista Que es en el cual esos dos idiotas gordos ya lo han debilitado
Which is why your shaking hand is not touching that thing.
Es por ello que tu mano temblorosa no va a tocar eso.
He stole my piano key scarf, which is why I had to go into the stupid scarf store to begin with!
Me robó mi bufanda de teclas de piano, ¡ que es la razón de que tuviera que ir a esa estúpida tienda de bufandas, para empezar!
Which is why we're playing darts.
Que es por lo que jugamos a los dardos.
Which is why you have to develop a cover if you're going to get any usable information from him.
Es por eso que tienes que desarrollar una tapadera si vas a obtener alguna información útil de él.
Which is what we'll learn today.
Que es lo que vamos a aprender hoy.
"I respect you and fear you, I'm going to back off," which is...
"Te respeto y te temo, me voy a apartar", que es...
The first is a recent one, and that's CrossFit, which...
La primera es reciente, y es el CrossFit, que...
I had no idea, which is why you're gonna succeed here.
No tenía ni idea, que es por lo que vas a tener éxito aquí.
Never on a portion of the bowel this close to the cecal valve, which is why you'll watch me do it.
Nunca en una porción del intestino tan cercana a la válvula cecal, por eso me verá a mí hacerlo.
Well, in Manresa, which is halfway.
Bueno, en Manresa, que está a medio camino
Millan. You're a piece of the gear which is called public school.
Millán, eres una pieza de un engranaje que se llama instituto público
Don't you think it's strange that this society, which encourages the pursuit of happiness, is a factory of depressives and neurotics?
¿ No os parece extraño que esta sociedad Que promueve tanto la búsqueda de la felicidad Sea una fábrica de depresivos y neuróticos?
Well, Freud used this myth to explain the Oedipus Complex, which is the predisposition that children have to idealize their mother.
Bueno, pues Freud utilizó este mito Para explicar el Complejo de Edipo, Es decir, la predisposición que tienen los niños a idealizar su madre
Marriage is no longer a contract which guarantees that only you will have something from your partner.
El matrimonio no deja de ser un contrato Que garantiza que sólo tú disfrutarás de tu pareja
That woman sent me to the colonies, which to me is like to go to the galley.
Ella me envió de colonias. Que para mí es como ir a galeras
But the important thing is the poetry that I put in a simple piece of sausage, which makes me a curious and interesting individual.
En un simple corte de salame Lo que me convierte en un individuo curioso e interesante
Kensi is a special agent, not a secret agent, which is fortunate, considering you just told a group of strangers.
Kensi es agente especial, no un agente secreto, por suerte, teniendo en cuenta que se lo acabas de contar a un grupo de desconocidos.
That's a 50 % improvement, which is significant.
Hay un 50 por ciento de mejora, lo que es significativo.
uh, which, of course, starred Kirby Heyborne, who is in a video short called "I Want My Hat Back" with Galen Fott, who did a small part in the show Nashville with Katie Couric.
en un corto llamado Quiero recuperar mi sombrero con Galen Fott, quien hizo una pequeña actuación en el show de Nashville con Katie Couric.
I told these cops everything we know, which is nothing.
Le dije a esos policías todo lo que sabemos que es nada.
The body is then accidentally compacted on top of a drone remote control, which may or may not be connected to the murder, which may or may not be connected to an imposter, who is now somehow missing on board the ship.
El cadáver entonces se compacta por accidente encima del control remoto de un dron que podría o no estar relacionado con el asesinato que podría o no estar relacionado con un impostor que ahora está desaparecido no se sabe cómo en el barco.
Which is why he's gonna come with me right now, to make sure that he has a chance to see you after this.
Por eso va a venir conmigo, para asegurarnos de que pueda volver a verte después de esto.
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which is awesome 34
which is a good thing 45
which is a lot 16
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is awesome 34
which is a good thing 45
which is a lot 16
which is understandable 21
which is 1139
which is better 26
which is ridiculous 24
which is why you're here 18
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is what 194
which is weird 83
which is funny 28
which is to say 26
which is worse 21
which is cool 36